
How should my team decide between 3-tier and 2-tier architectures?

My team is discussing the future direction we take our projects. Half the team believes in a pure 3-tier architecture while the other half favors a 2-tier architecture. Project Assumptions: Enterprise business applications Business logic needed between user and database Data validation necessary Service-oriented (prefer RESTful ...

What is the best folder stucture in TFS for reporting service projects

Hi, I'm looking for some help on deciding a useful folder stucture strategy for reporting service projects in TFS. Does any one have some suggestions on which way I should stucture TFS? Should it be a project per report or should it be one Reporting project with multiple folders under the main that contain all the report projects? i.e...

Where to put reusable methods for access by controllers in rails

I have several methods I call from my controllers that feel like they should be pulled out and put into a reusable class, outside of the controller. Where do people usually put this stuff? I know I can put them into my ApplicationController, but that doesn't seem to be a great solution if I think I can use these methods later in other ap...

Which web application modular structure is better ?

backend/ module1 module2 module3 frontend/ module1 module2 module3 or modules/ module1/ frontend backend module2/ frontend backend module3/ frontend backe...

ASP.NET MVC image upload store location (db vs filesystem)

I am writing web application using ASP.NET MVC + NHibernate + Postres stack. I wonder if images uploaded should be stored in database as binary blobs or on filesystem (and reference only in db). One advantage of db storage I can think of is easy backup/recovery of all data without reverting to filesystem copy tools. On the other hand I ...

Thoughts on streamlining multiple .Net apps

We have a series of ASP.Net applications that have been written over the course of 8 years. Mostly in the first 3-4 years. They have been running quite well with little maintenance, but new functionality is being requested and we are running into IDE and platform issues. The apps were written in .Net 1.x and 2.x and run in separate s...

Top-down or bottom-up design?

There are basically those two approaches to designing a system. What are the advantages and disadvantages? When should I use which? Should I combine those approaches? How? ...

Commercial Website architecture question

Hello everyone, I have to write an architecture case study but there are some things that i don't know, so i'd like some pointers on the following : The website must handle 5k simultaneous users. The backend is composed by a commercial software, some webservices, some message queues, and a database. I want to recommend to use Spring f...

C# Open Source Projects with good architecture

Hello everyone.... I'm curious what are some good open source projects written in c# to learn about project architecture? ...

What steps should I take for describing the architecture before starting Web project ?

I am working on the project that is based on symfony (doctrine) with use of a facebook api. I really want to get the description of architecture of in terms of some diagrams, so What steps(in terms of types of diagrams) should I take first before coding ? ...

Why don't stacks grow upwards (for security)?

This is related to the question 'Why do stacks typically grow downwards?', but more from a security point of view. I'm generally referring to x86. It strikes me as odd that the stack would grow downwards, when buffers are usually written to upwards in memory. For example a typical C++ string has its end at a higher memory address than...

Methodology/Template for calculating Application reliability five Nines/Six Nines ?

any concrete suggestions for computing application/System reliability ? ...

How to extend a large website to an iPhone app?

I am trying to create an iPhone app for a large website (as big as and it involves using cookies and what not to get authenticated via the Apache intercepter and access the web services exposed by the main website. For that I am looking for strategies to go about developing it. I am new to iPhone development and I am mostly l...

Rails architecture questions

I'm building a Rails site that, among other things, allows users to build their own recipe repository. Recipes are entered either manually or via a link to another site (think epicurious,, etc). I'm writing scripts that will scrape a recipe from these sites given a link from a user, and so far (legal issues notwithstanding) t...

What are the best practices in language interoperability?

In a system which requires use of multiple languages, what are the best practices to ensure a loosely-coupled architecture when code is calling another language's code? ...

Should frontend and backend be handled by different controllers?

In my previous learning projects I always used a single controller, but now I wonder if that is good practice or even always possible. In all RESTful Rails tutorials the controllers have a show, an edit and an index view. If an authorized user is logged on, the edit view becomes available and the index view shows additional data manipul...

JavaEE Application Server or Lightweight Container?

Let me preface this by saying this is not an actual situation of mine but I'm asking this question more for my own knowledge and to get other people's inputs here. I've used both Spring and EJB3/JBoss, and for the smaller types of applications I've built, Spring (+Tomcat when needed) has been much simpler to use. However, when scaling u...

what architecture for implementing a richtext editor?

Hi! Can someone give me some hints on how a clean implementation (designwise) of a richtext editor could look like that allows for things like setting fonts, setting character colors and so on? And when and how are characters rendered? are characters rendered only once and the bitmap representation is cached? Is there any article or bo...

When should I use Dependency Injection and when utility methods?

I have a Java EE project with Spring IoC container. I've just found in Utils class static method sendMail(long list of params). I don't know why but I feel that it would look better if we had separate class (Spring bean with singleton scope) which will be responsible for sending email. But I can't find any arguments which can prove my ...

Mimic remote API or extend existing django model

I am in a process of designing a client for a REST-ful web-service. What is the best way to go about representing the remote resource locally in my django application? For example if the API exposes resources such as: List of Cars Car Detail Car Search Dealership summary So far I have thought of two different approaches to take: ...