
Processing Audio Data using Fourier Transforms in Java

Hi, I'm trying to process audio data. I'm working with Java. I've extracted the audio data to an array. Now I should pass N data samples to a function that calculates the Discrete Fourier Transform (or Fast Fourier Transform, which is more efficient). I've read documentation but I'm getting more and more confused. What I'm trying to cal...

How can I reduce the size of .wav audio files for iPhone apps?

I have some music that loops. The .wav file size is about 8 meg. I load this and just loop it... everything was working fine until I added another 4 meg .wav file. Now the game crashes... removing the additional audio file fixed the crashing. So how can I reduce the size of these .wav files? I thought about releasing the memory afte...

Change Audio Format in C#

Hi, I want to change an audio file format into another. Specifically, I want to convert any audio file into 6khz, 16 bit, mono, PCM wav format. How can I cope with this problem. Thanks again in advance. ...

OSX Audio Hijack style audio recording from other applications (cocoa)

Hi basically I am lost in apples documentation and not sure where to start on this. I need to record the audio from applications running on my system, similar to audio hijack and wiretap studio pro, but I am unsure where to start with the audio captuer. I see reference to quicktime capture documentation but it is not clear how to achei...

Determining a dvf file duration

Hi, I've prepared a function in Visual Basic for Applications that retrieves the length(in hour, minutes and seconds) from dss files. I've been able to achieve that because I've found that, in the case of dss files, length is 6 bytes and starts at the 62nd byte in the file. Is there equivalent information available for (Sony's)dvf files?...

Efficient way to make a Programmatic Audio Mixdown

I'm currently working on the iPhone with Audio Units and I'm playing four tracks simultaneously. To improve the performance of my setup, I thought it would be a good idea to minimize the number of Audio Units / threads, by mixing down the four tracks into one. With the following code I'm processing the next buffer by adding up the samp...

Are there any decent resources to learn how to work with video files and/or file conversion?

I've been digging around for a good conversion utility to rip some .mkv files I have to other formats (specifically .avi so I can burn to a DVD). I figure this would be a good opportunity for me to get hands-on experience doing this kind of thing. I'm a .NET developer (C#), so I'm keen on finding resources focused on that technology st...

How to reproduce C64-like sounds?

I did some of my own research and found out that SID-chips had only few hardware supported synthesizing features. Including three audio oscillators with four possible waveforms (sawtooth, triangle, pulse, noise), with ADSR audio controls and ring modulators. Accompanied with oscillator sync and ring modulators. Also read there was a way ...

How can I determine how loud a WAV file will sound?

I have a bunch of different audio recordings in WAV format (all different instruments and pitches), and I want to "normalize" them so that they all sound approximately the same volume when played. I've tried measuring the average sample magnitude (the sum of all absolute values divided by the number of samples), but normalizing by this ...

iPhone Audio Issue

I released an iPhone application a few months ago. Everything has been working fine and I have confirmed at least 20 different devices/users working flawlessly. In the last week though I've had two reports have people hear no audio (it's a soundboard app). I've been able to dialog with one of the guys and confirmed that the phone wasn...

Modify SpeakHere to record audio played on device

Could someone explain to me how I could modify Apple's SpeakHere iPhone sample code to record audio being played on the device rather than audio being inputted through the mic. ...

AudioQueueOfflineRender questions

I have a few questions about this after reading the iPhone documentation on it: Does this take the audio being played and save it to a buffer so it can be written to a file? If so does the audio being played have to be played using a playback audio queue or can it be played via a higher level class such as AVAudioPlayer. Can anyone poi...

What do you use to play sound in iPhone games?

Hello! I have a performance-intensive iPhone game I would like to add sounds to. There seem to be about three main choices: (1) AVAudioPlayer, (2) Audio Queues and (3) OpenAL. I’d hate to write pages of low-level code just to play a sample, so that I would like to use AVAudioPlayer. The problem is that it seems to kill the performace – ...

What is the defacto standard for an audio player in a web page?

I need to embed some audio in a corporate web site. The user is aware they will be getting the audio, and will be looking for it. I found several flash players, but nothing seemed to simply let me embed audio on the page with a play button without jumping through several hoops and creating playlists. ...

How can I free-up or release the memory I've allocated to a .wav file?

I load some .wav files in my iPhone app like this: SoundEngine_LoadLoopingEffect([[bundle pathForResource:@"loop" ofType:@"wav"] UTF8String], NULL, NULL, &MySounds[Loop]); SoundEngine_LoadEffect([[bundle pathForResource:@"intro" ofType:@"wav"] UTF8String], &MySounds[IntroMusic]); The "intro.wav" file takes up some space (approx 2 meg...

What are the best affordable c++ audio libraries?

I'm looking for a c++ audio library that can play mp3s and mix audio. I can spend some money on it, but I'm on a somewhat tight budget, so the less the better. It really needs to just run on Windows and Mac OS X although Linux and embedded devices are a big plus. Anyone know of a good library or two? Thanks! ...

Audio on the iPhone

I'm looking to create an app that emulates a physical instrument. I've got audio samples but I want to be able to increase the pitch/frequency dynamically so I don't have to load from too many files. Any idea which audio API will be able to do this? I reckon either OpenAL or Audio Queue Services but am not sure which is suitable. Any li...

Looking for a way to encode mp3 on iPhone

Hello. I'm looking for a way to encode an mp3 file on the iPhone. I'm writing an app that records an audio clip with the microphone and uploads it to a server. The iPhone SDK has APIs to write out .caf and .aiff, but I didn't find any support for mp3. Since I'm uploading to a server, these uncompressed formats are way too big--hence my i...

How do I record audio on iPhone with AVAudioRecorder?

Now that iPhone 3.0 sdk is public, I think I can ask this question for those of you that have already been playing with the 3.0 sdk. I want to record audio in my application, but I want to use AVAudioRecorder and not the older way of recording like the example SpeakHere shows. There are not any examples of how to best do this in the iP...

Extract wav file from video file

I am developing an application in which I need to extract the audio from a video. The audio needs to be extracted in .wav format but I do not have a problem with the video format. Any format will do, as long as I can extract the audio in a wav file. Currently I am using Windows Media Player COM control in a windows form to play the vide...