
How to play a tone on iPhone

Is it possible to easily play a tone, or series of tones on the iPhone (like morse code, beep beeeeeep beep)? Is there any sample code out there that would point me in the right direction? (I remember on the Commodore 64 it was about 4 lines of code !) ...

How to get AVAudioPlayer output to the speaker

I'm recording audio with AVAudioRecorder as seen in I then use AVAudioPlayer to play back the recording. However the sound is coming out of the ear speaker, not the loud speaker. How would I go about redirecting the sound to...

Please recommend a Mono (i.e. C#) audio reading library

I'm trying to write a small app that displays the contents of an audio file in the frequency domain. I'm looking for a Mono-compatible library that can read an audio file and give me the contents in a physically meaningful way. Can anyone make any recommendations? ...

Override ringer volume in iPhone apps

I have built an app that plays lots of sounds the easy way: AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(someSoundID); When I use the device volume buttons to increase or decrease the volume, the volume I actually change is the phone's ringer volume. So if you decrease it and exit the app then your phone will ring quietly... Is there an easy way to ...

Playing multiple sounds with AVA

The following code ONLY plays one sound - ignores the other. Im very new to IPHONE sdk - ive scoured the web looking for a working example - Please GURUS of OBJC please help a poor Padawan learner. IPhone SDK 2.2.1 (void)viewDidLoad { path2 = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"alien" ofType:@"caf"]; oplayer=[[AVAudioPlayer al...

command line tool to change audio's noise gate

does anyone know a command line based tool that can change the noise gate of an audio file ? thanks in advance ...

How do I amplify sounds by a specified number of decibels in AS3?

A few days ago, this was my question, and I found the answer. Maybe this will help someone else. A. The first part of the problem: can you amplify sound using Flash? The AS3 documentation for SoundTransform says this about the volume attribute: "The volume, ranging from 0 (silent) to 1 (full volume). At face value, this means you can...

[iPhone] Different instances of SystemSoundID playing on different streams !

Hello. First, thanks for the StackOverflow team, cause it's a very useful website, since i'm developping on iPhone. Secondary, please excuse my language. I'm a frenchie and like every frenchies i'm very bad in english. I've a very strange problem with my sounds in my iPhone program : I implemented a class which play a short sound in aif...

How do I visualize audio data?

I would like to have something that looks something like this. Two different colors are not nessesary. I already have the audio data (one sample/millisecond) from a stereo wav in two int arrays, one each for left and right channel. I have made a few attempts but they don't look anywhere near as clear as this, my attempts get to spikey...

Getting audio/video device names and GUIDs in Mac OS X

I'm trying to script an audio/video capture application that requires me to specify both a name (eg: Built-in Microphone) and an ID (eg: AppleHDAEngineInput:1) to identify the device. The problem I'm having is that in my existing application, I only have access to the name of the device (e.g. Built-in Microphone or USB Video Class Video...

What is the best way to post embedded audio (.wma) on a website?

I post video files to websites I develop with embedded youtube, works great. What is currently the best way to post audio files the same way, e.g. a .wma file? ...

How do I get the mic volume of all audio cards in Windows XP using C++?

I'm trying to write an application that will get the mic volume of every sound card on a machine. My current code looks like this: for (unsigned int i = 0; i < waveInGetNumDevs(); ++i) { HMIXER hmx; mixerOpen(&hmx, i, 0, 0, MIXER_OBJECTF_WAVEIN); if (hmx == 0) { printf("Unable to open device %d\n", i); continue; } MIXERLINE...

Audio capture to a file using DirectShow from a mic (Any alternative to 'AudioRecorder WAV Dest' )

Hi, reference: http www codeproject com/KB/audio-video/cacsave.aspx?msg=3094764#xx3094764xx I can't find anything like 'AudioRecorder WAV Dest'. Is there any alternative for this as in my PC graphEdit shows these: (Part 1 n related has worked nicely.) WM Speech Encoder DMO, WMAudio Encoder DMO, IAC2, IMA ADPCM, PCM, Microsoft ADPCM, ...

best c audio library linux

I was wondering if anyone had an opinion on what they think is the best linux audio library for c. I'm just learning and was experimenting with audio output on libao. edit: right now all I'm trying to do is put out frequency tones. ...

How to mute audio in flash video clip programattically

I have a site that has as almost all Flash site have music. I want to have a video commercial play and I was wondering if there is a way to make the audio stop while the video is still playing, and then turn back on when I exit the video area. ...

How do I convert a stereo wav to mono

If I already have the wav data in two arrays (left channel & right channel) how does one go about to converting them to a single mono array? Is there a function f so that Mono[x] = f(L[x],R[x]) ? ...

How to use an Audio Unit on the iPhone

I'm looking for a way to change the pitch of recorded audio as it is saved to disk, or played back (in real time). I understand Audio Units can be used for this. The iPhone offers limited support for Audio Units (for example it's not possible to create/use custom audio units, as far as I can tell), but several out-of-the-box audio units ...

API for streaming audio

Hi Can you recommand a API to prorammatically feed sound data (wav or something) into to get in the end an streaming server someone can connect to with e.g. winamp? In my szenario I have some wave samples and would like to "create" sounds/music with them streaming the result to an audience on the fly. My prefered language is C++ (on Re...

Getting notified when a sound is done playing in OpenAL

I'm using OpenAL on iPhone to play multiple audio samples simultaneously. Can I get OpenAL to notify me when a single sample is done playing? I'd like to avoid hardcoding the sample length and setting a timer. ...

iPhone - AVAudioRecorder - how can I record to an mp3?

Hi I am using the AVAudioRecorder class available with the 3.0 SDK to record audio in my app. I am successfully able to record to a caf/aiff file. But I would like to record to an mp3. I tried changing some values in the settings dictionary but all I get is a blank file. Is it possible to record to an mp3 using AVAudioRecorder If not...