
Windows XP - mute/unmute audio in programmatically in Python

My machine has two audio inputs: a mic in that I use for gaming, and a line in that I use for guitar. When using one it's important that the other be muted to remove hiss/static, so I was hoping to write a small script that would toggle which one was muted (it's fairly inconvenient to click through the tray icon, switch to my input devic...

Getting the speaker audio signal and then streaming it out

I am trying to build what I think is a basic app. Well, two apps one for windows and one for OS X. I would like to capture the audio signal that is playing (ie if the user is playing music out his/her speakers). Then take that signal and stream it out so another computer can "listen". The other computer would be Windows or OS X. An...

Are there any legal and royalty-free sound libraries to get sounds for iPhone applications?

Problem: Great graphics, nice app. But no sound. I want sound. UPDATE: All cleared now. does not exclude iPhone apps. Tasos Frantzolas responded that there are no copyright problems with sounds on There has been a misunderstanding because a huge content provider of sound snap told me to not use the sounds i...

Which format support the audio file with a playing video ?

hi all i am playing the video and in the background i have to play the audio file and if i do this audio is not playing its sound as it just play video is it a extension problem i am using the .mp3 for the audio and .mp4 for the video . how can we do this we have to play simultanisouly .both the file balraj verma ...

Is the endianness of format params guaranteed in RIFF WAV files?

Is the endianness of format params guaranteed in RIFF WAV files? I have heard conflicting answers to this including references to a RIFX file format. ...

Playing Audio In Browser

I need quite fast methods for playing sounds/ displaying graphics in a web browser. I came across O3D which does nicely for the 2D graphics aspects but as far as I can tell there is no neat way to play audio from a JavaScript function. My requirements are that multiply sounds be playable simultaneously and also that each sound start to ...

Good audio reverb source?

Is there any good C or C-like source code for an audio reverb (besides Freeverb). There are endless examples of low-pass filters that sound great, but it's terribly difficult to find source for a good-sounding reverb. Why is that? Is it a hard enough problem that the good implementations are held onto and not published? ...

How can you turn on/off bluetooth programatically on .NET CF?

I write my little MP3 player app. I want to allow the user to chose audio output (speaker/headphone or bluetooth headset). How can I turn on/off the bluetooth capabilities of a Windows Mobile phone programatically? Once the connection with the BT headset is made, how can I get notified when the connection is broken/closed/lost? (Once BT...

Is there an FFT that uses a logarithmic division of frequency?

Wikipedia's Wavelet article contains this text: The discrete wavelet transform is also less computationally complex, taking O(N) time as compared to O(N log N) for the fast Fourier transform. This computational advantage is not inherent to the transform, but reflects the choice of a logarithmic division of frequency, in contrast to t...

Flash Player 10 real-time audio playback

I'm trying to playback some sample data through the new real-time audio capabilities of Flash Player 10. I started with the example given at the bottom of this page on livedocs, which seems to work fine and plays a crystal clear tone. I assume that the two writeFloat's in the example write to the left and right audio channels respective...

How do you do bicubic (or other non-linear) interpolation of re-sampled audio data?

I'm writing some code that plays back WAV files at different speeds, so that the wave is either slower and lower-pitched, or faster and higher-pitched. I'm currently using simple linear interpolation, like so: int newlength = (int)Math.Round(rawdata.Length * lengthMultiplier); float[] output = new float[newlengt...

Get an audio session's volume level

Does anyone know how to get the current volume level of an audio session* in Vista or 7? I've got the IAudioSessionControl2 and IAudioSessionManager2 instances you need to listen for volume changes, but actually getting the current volume is proving elusive. *by audio session I mean (roughly) the per-application audio control, not the ...

How do I scan/enumerate vst plugin dlls?

Hi, I'm trying to build a small program that hosts vst effects and I would like to scan a folder for plugin dlls. I know how to find all the dlls but now I have the following questions: What is the best way to determine if a given dll is a vst plugin? I tried to just see if the ddl exports the proper function and this works fine for p...

Broadcast Audio to web site

I am looking for learning materials , examples , learning what I need to broadcast from a pub Audio Broadcast directly to Web site. ...

Identifying common periodic waveforms (square, sine, sawtooth, ...)

Without any user interaction, how would a program identify what type of waveform is present in a recording from an ADC? For the sake of this question: triangle, square, sine, half-sine, or sawtooth waves of constant frequency. Level and frequency are arbitrary, and they will have noise, small amounts of distortion, and other imperfec...

Recording audio from user's microphone in silverlight 3

Hello all, Does anyone know if it is possible? Does silverlight 3 support recording from the client's microphone? ...

Working with a severely limited interpreted language

I'm coding in an embedded language called JS. I want to be able to call three functions in any order. (ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CBA, CAB.) The trick? The language doesn't have user-defined functions. It does have a conditional and a looping construct. I think I have three choices. Duplicate a whole bunch of code. Write a preprocessor (...

How do I attenuate a WAV file by a given decibel value?

If I wanted to reduce a WAV file's amplitude by 25%, I would write something like this: for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { data[i] *= 0.75; } A lot of the articles I read on audio techniques, however, discuss amplitude in terms of decibels. I understand the logarithmic nature of decibel units in principle, but not so much in...

Standard way of adding Sound to an iPhone app (global volume indicator)

I have an app with various views. The main menu does not have any sounds, but the next views play sounds using the AVAudioPlayer Class. So when someone launches the app and is in the main menu, if he changes the volume on his device, he actually changes the "Ringer" volume. If he proceeds to the other views (where we have sound), when h...

Video and Audio Editing components

I need to write a video and audio capability in a WPF application. It need to do video and voice capture with basic editing etc. Does anyone know of any components that could get me going. ...