
AVAudioPlayer resetting currently playing sound and playing it from beginning

I'm having an issue using AVAudioPlayer where I want to reset a player if it's currently playing and have it play again. I try the following with no luck: The sound plays once but then the second time i select the button it stops the sound, the third time starts the sound up again. //Stop the player and restart it if (player.playing) ...

How to use System.Media.SoundPlayer to asynchronously play a sound file?

Here's a deceptively simple question: What is the proper way to asynchronously play an embedded .wav resource file in Windows Forms? Attempt #1: var player = new SoundPlayer(); player.Stream = Resources.ResourceManager.GetStream("mySound"); player.Play(); // Note that Play is asynchronous Good: doesn't block the UI thread Bad: Soun...

Java for a video based application: Good choice?

I am in the concept phase of an application that is going to have a lot of Audio/Video input and output. I want to do it in Java; but somehow am not fully convinced yet. What do you think? How bad could it be? And any advices? Why I am thinking Java: It's the language I'm most comfortable with. Easier cross platform migration would be...

Mystery HRESULT, 0x889000D

Decimal: 143196173 Hex: 0x889000D Results from a call to IAudioSessionControl2->GetProcessId(). GetLastError = 126* Message = "The specified module could not be found" I'm not really sure how to interpret this error. Additionally, I can't find a description of the HRESULT anywhere. The documented return codes are S_OK, E_POINTER, AU...

Playing audio in j2me fails

I'm having difficulty playing any audio in my j2me application. I've tried to play a simple tone, only to receive an exception: "Device Busy, cannot play the tone". I've tried to play an mp3 file that is embedded in my .jar and ended up getting an exception stating that the media contains Unsupported Data. Here's the code that I u...

Best way to play wav files in the browser?

I have no choice but to play wav files directly in the browser (serverside encoding to mp3 isn't an option, unfortunately.) What's the best way to do this? I'd really like to take advantage of the HTML 5 audio tag but my target audience includes many, many teens using IE6. As far as I'm aware flash isn't an option, but speedy playback r...

Recording from microphone from within the browser using flex or processing

A groups of friends are working on a little game that would listen to the microphone as part of the interaction. We've tinkered with processing and flex. What we'd like to know is if anyone has succeeded in: recording from the microphone using a web app performing an FFT on this microphone data In the case of flex, according to the d...

How do you turn on the microphone?

How would I go about turning the microphone on and open some kind of a live stream to listen to whats happening on my PC in another location? It's going to be a baby-monitor project. Any ideas on the way I should do this? I am only really after code to do the task. I can do the rest. I am learning Delphi so I should be okay. I would al...

How can I transcode an IMA4 ADPCM audio file recorded on the iPhone?

For bandwidth reasons I would like to use Apple's implementation of the IMA4 format available for recording on the iPhone. This format is great for space, but it seems to be hard to find any programs that can transcode it into something like linear PCM or MP3. I've tried sox and Transcode to no avail. I need to be able to do this automat...

Reading MIDI Files

What is the best way to read a MIDI file (chronologically) with multiple tracks? (Java) Note: I don't want to play the MIDI file, just read the messages. Couple ideas: Is it safe to assume there are no note events shorter than the 1/64th note? Or should I visit every track and only move to the next tick after all other ticks tracks ...

Play Alert Sound (Vibrate) While AudioQueue is Recording

It seems that it's not possible to play an alert sound AudioServicesPlayAlertSound(kSystemSoundID_Vibrate); while the AudioQueue is being used to record audio. Is that correct? Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Is there a way to do this other than pausing the recording? TIA. ...

Tomcat: playing audio

Hi, I've develoved a web application. One of the options of this application is to play audio files that have previously uploaded to the server. I'm trying to do that using the following code: <object id="MediaPlayer" type="application/x-oleobject" height="42" standby="Installing Windows Media Player..." width="138" align="absMiddle"...

AVAudioPlayer to play short sounds on my iPhone?

Hi, I want to use AVAudioPlayer to play short sounds... because I have more control than System Sound. I have several buttons which are hooked up to play several different short sounds. Each sound file is about 1.5 - 2.0 seconds. Everything works fine ...except ...I have to wait for the sound to stop before I can press the button and ...

Play a sound of indefinite duration on the iPhone

I need to play a "horn" sound when a user touches the screen. The horn sound needs to play for as long as the user's finger remains in contact with the screen. The ending of the sound effect will be different. Imagine the horn "petering" out at the end as airflow decreases. Would I have to stitch 2 sound files together? Do I need to...

iPhone Sound: Adjust speed of playback of audio file while playing

Hi, is there a way to adjust the speed of the playback of an audio while playing in Objective C for the iPhone/iPod touch? Also would be interesting if playing a file backwards would be possible. Thanks Tom ...

Managed access to microphone input and system volume

I am looking to do three things: Access data from the microphone. Really all I want to know is the overall volume of the sound sensed by the device. Set the microphone gain. Set the system volume. All of my windows dev experience is C#/WPF, so I'd like to stay managed. I do not need exceptionally high performance or realtime processi...

JSR135 and Blackberry Audio Recording Sample Rate

Is it possible to create a custom DataSource class in the BB SDK? The reason I ask this is because I need to record audio at a higher sampling rate than the default 8 kHz that Blackberry gives. Seems like the built in Locators don't support anything higher, just AMR and PCM audio, varying bitrates, but always sampled at 8kHz. I am 95%...

iPhone SDK: how to play music and record from the mic at the same time?

Hello, I am trying to play music from the user's music library and at the same time record from the built-in microphone. However, as soon as I start recording from the microphone it automatically pauses the music, and I can't find any way to play music and record at the same time. I am using the MediaPlayer framework to play music and t...

Is it possible to Trim recorded audio file in iPhone application?

Hi, My iphone application is recording audio and save it also, but now I want to trim the audio (like iPhone core application 'Voice Memo') after saving, is it possible? or how can i do this thing? Thank you. ...

Integer FM Demodulation

What are some software (or FPGA) techniques suitable for FM demodulation? I've been experimenting in MATLAB to try and get an algorthm right, but I've been basing it on a analog reference material with limited results. I can make out the audio, but there is horrible distortions that I can't fix with filtering. Ultimately I want to be ...