
what's the current best way to put audio and video on a web site?

I'm working on a very small site, with almost zero budget as a favor for a friend. She wants to put a short audio and video clip on the site (both clips are under two minutes). The audio is currently a 1.6 MB AAC (.m4a) and the video is a 30 MB H.264 (.mov). What's the current best practice that's going to be the easiest for me, while s...

Mean amplitude of a .wav in C#

Does anyone know a way to get the mean amplitude of a .wav file using C# (even if it means calling an outside command line program and parsing the output)? Thanks! ...

iPhone audio playback: force through internal speaker?

Does anyone know if it is possible to implement playback of an audio file through the internal speaker even if the headphones are plugged in? ...

Length of an MP3/wav audio file

How do you get the duration (in minutes and seconds) of an MP3/wav audio file in Delphi ? ...

Delay when using AudioQueueStart()

I am using the Audio Queue services to record audio on the iPhone. I am having a latency issue though when starting recording. Here is the code (approx): OSStatus status = AudioQueueNewInput( &recordState.dataFormat, // 1 AudioInputCallback, // 2 &recordState, // 3 CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), // 4 kCFRunLoopCommonModes, // 5 0,...

Audio processing - where would I start in terms of books and learning.

I've only just started learning Objective-C but am interested in audio processing and editing software and would like to know where to find information on where to start. It's early days yet so I'm just looking for inspiration. ...

Make AVFoundation framework not fading when screen fades

Hi I am implementing some audiobooks for iPhone. I used AVFoundation. Something like this: NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"intro" ofType:@"mp3"]; player=[[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:path] error:NULL]; I have a problem. When the screen goes dark (single audio files ...

Audio volume stuck at low level and adjusting volume has no effect?

When I use my app (on the device), the actual volume works OK for a while, but after a few days it seems to get 'stuck' at a low level. Adjusting the volume rocker has no effect - and it show 'Ringer' text... I've noticed that other people's apps are similarly affected if they show the 'Ringer' text when adjusting the volume. But apps w...

HOW-TO: The Most Simple Audio Engine?

Hello, I am curious. How would one implement the most simple audio engine ever? I have something like a stream for audio data in mind using your default audio device. Playing a lot with RtAudio, I think if one could drop some of the features, this would be possible. Someone any idea where to start? Thank you so much for reading my que...

how to record audio without flash and java from browser and upload to server

Hi, I want to upload the audio from user to server. How can i do it from browser itself. My main application is browser based. I am looking for browser and non browser based solution but It should be Open Source. That is why i put "without flash" in subject. With Java applet user will face problem in installing jre !! is there any hope t...

Vista/Win7 Delphi Audio device information

Hi guys, is there a way to get all Audio device names with delphi(D2009) on Vista or Win 7, I managed to get the number of devices, and to get the device PropertyStore using IMMDevice, but I wasnt able to go forward :| Thanks a lot ! ...

How to set output audio device for a movie in QuickTime SDK in C# when function isn't exposed in Interop assembly?

I'm using the latest version of the QuickTime SDK and want to have the audio from the "movies" (they are referenced as movies but can be mp3, m4a, mov, and other filetypes) played through specific audio devices if the user has more than one audio device. Apple has a couple functions in one of their samples that allow you to do this but ...

Audio recording error kAudioQueueErr_CannotStart on iPhone OS 3.0

I'm working on a couple different iphone apps that both record and play sounds concurrently. Think multitrack mixing... play one sound a save it then listen to that sound while recording the next sound to another file. My mechanism for this has been to start up two different audio queues, one for recording, and one for playing. This w...

How to detect current audio device volume

I want to detect the current volume for the default audio recording device of the current computer. Is there any API to use or solutions? I am writing an audio recorder and I want to let the user know the current volume for the default audio recording device before recording, so that we can avoid a no-audio-recorded issue (e.g. end user...

play audiofile

i done a code for playing a .wav through my i want to play a mp3 file through can anyone help to come around that. herer i have .net framework 1.1 only ...

playing a stream of PCM audio on .NET CF

I have a .NET CF library that produces PCM formatted data stream (as Stream object) from an MP3 file. I want to make my Windows Mobile phone to play the podcast I decode with that library. How can I play the PCM stream? I have tried PlaySound pinvoke stuff but does not work. It expects the entire song to be in memory as a WAVE file, whic...

Play PCM data in .NET Framework 2?

I have a stream of u-Law compressed PCM data I am extracting from a Camera, I need to play this out the speakers? Anybody know how? I've tried decoding the u-Law into normal WAV Data and then use SoundPlayer but it never seems to work! Always SoundPlayer only supports PCM Data? I know the sounds ok, because I have saved it to a file ...

Merging (mixing, not concatenating) audio files dynamically

I just need to be pointed in the right direction - I can research after knowing the best tools. The idea is to have a list of audio tracks (guitars, bass, vocals...etc) which are uploaded by different users. I want a user to be able to select which tracks to listen back to then dynamically generate a new stream/file of the selected ...

How to save web audio streaming to file ( c++ / java )

hello all is there any lib or well known method to save audio web streaming ( web radio , mp3 streaming) to file programmatically ? ...

calculating time duration of a file

Dupe of calculate playing time of a .mp3 file im reading a audio file(for ex:wav,mp3 etc) and get a long value as i want to convert that long value into correct time duration(like,00:05:32) ...