
8 bit audio samples to 16 bit

This is my "weekend" hobby problem. I have some well-loved single-cycle waveforms from the ROMs of a classic synthesizer. These are 8-bit samples (256 possible values). Because they are only 8 bits, the noise floor is pretty high. This is due to quantization error. Quantization error is pretty weird. It messes up all frequencies a bit...

What is the setup proceedure for an AUConverter for use in an Core Audio AUGraph

I want to convert from pcm 44100khz 16bit signed 2 channel interleaved (packed) format to 44100khz floats 2 channel non-interleaved (2 buffers) format for use in an AUGraph. I have been messing with it for a few days. whats the best way to set up an AUConverter to do this ...

Recording audio in flash

Hello all, in flash I know there is the class. This class can capture video recording, here's its documentation: The Video class displays live or recorded video in an application without embedding the video in your SWF file. This class creates a Video object in an Adobe Flash or Adobe Flex interface that ...

Open source C# code to present wave form?

Hi all, I just wanted to make a quick check,does any of you know of an open source c# code to present wave form (graphically) from a byte array? Thank you! ...

Picking my next graphics engine (Java vs. C#)

Requirements I am developing a music game that requires access to the audio line-in and classes to help me analyze a MIDI file (playing the MIDI is NOT necessary for me). Secondly, I need a graphics engine that allows easy and quick development (within reason). The game's focus is not cutting edge graphics - think along the lines of Aud...

Saving audio files?

Is there way to save audio file on iPhone device from app, maybe in default ringtone directory folder? Something like way we save images with function UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum... ...

Read a sound backward with DirectSound

Is it possible to read a sound backward with the managed version of DirectSound? If not is there another library allowing to make it easily? ...

Prefered method for looping sound flash as3

Hi there, I'm having some issues with looping a sound in flash AS3, in that when I tell the sound to loop I get a slight delay at the end/beginning of the audio. The audio is clipped correctly and will play without a gap on garage band. I know that there are issues with sound in general in flash, bugs with encodings and the inaccuracie...

Audio normalization/fixation ?

I am using some audio fingerprinting technique to mark songs in long recordings. For example, in radio show records. Fingerprinting mechanism works fine but i have a problem with normalization (or downsampling). Here you can see two same songs but different waveforms. I know i should make some DC Offset fixation and use some high and...

How to use JSpeex in java

I want to transmit audio data over network using java program. I got that JSpeex is an external jar which can help me for encoding audio data. But I donot know how to use Speex. Thanks Sunil Kumar Sahoo ...

What's the best format for sound effects on iPhone

What is the recommended audio format for storing and playing back short (2-3 sec) audio sound effects on the iPhone or iToouch? The iPhone audio SDK documentation indicates that the iPhone supports audio in several formats - however there are drawbacks to each: MP3: This is a highly compressed, but also high-quality encoding format th...

Python library for converting files to MP3 and setting their quality

Hello, I'm trying to find a Python library that would take an audio file (e.g. .ogg, .wav) and convert it into mp3 for playback on a webpage. Also, any thoughts on setting its quality for playback would be great. Thank you. ...

Manipulate MP3 programmatically: Muting certain parts?

I'm trying to write a batch process that can take an MP3 file and mute certain parts of it, ideally in Python or Java. Take this example: Given a 2 minute MP3, I want to mute the time between 1:20 and 1:30. When saved back to a file, the rest of the MP3 will play normally -- only that portion will be silent. Any advice for setting this...

OSX Audio: use Garage Band Plug-ins in my own app

Hello everybody! I'm writing a little app for the Mac, that involves recording a voice. In GarageBand, and in Logic for that matter, there is a plug-in called Speech Enhancer. Is there any way I can piggyback on this plug-in, offering those users that have GB or Logic installed the comfort of noise cancellation and equalizing the built-i...

Best way to approach app's own audio with in-app / out-of-app iPod music

My application is running some internal audio short files, per need. When that happens and if iPod music is on in the background, I stop it, play my sound, then continue it. all using [MPMediaMusicController iPodMusicPlayer]. Now, I want to add the ability to pick and play iPod music from inside my app. Currently, picking of the iPod mu...

Speex for iphone

how to use "speex" for audio encoding/decoding in iphone? I am not getting the framework to add in project. ...

directx audio video error message in debugmode

I have a c#/winforms application that uses directx to play some video and audio. whenever i start my application in debugmode i get this annoying message. i can click "continue" and everything seems to work fine. but i still want to get rid of this message. it does not show up in releasemode. Managed Debugging Assistant 'LoaderLock' ...

Record Audio and Upload as Wav or MP3 to server

Hi Guys Im not sure if Im asking the right place, but basically Im looking for advice on the best way to: Record Audio through a microphone on a website and Upload the audio as a Wav or MP3 file to the server Has anyone got extensive experience with flash, would this be difficult to do, is there anything on the market that currently d...

Question about timing in C# real time audio analysis

I'm trying to determine the "beats per minute" from real-time audio in C#. It is not music that I'm detecting in though, just a constant tapping sound. My problem is determining the time between those taps so I can determine "taps per minute" I have tried using the WaveIn.cs class out there, but I don't really understand how its sampl...

Access audio from any application on Mac OS X

I want to access the audio from any application in Mac OS X, just like AirFoil does. But I can't understand how to do it... AirFoil requires a restart of the application. This might be a clue to how it does it... What is it that require the app to restart? Is it to hijick it, or to gain rights in some way to communicate with the app? I'...