
Explain the FFT to me

I want to take audio PCM data and find peaks in it. Specifically, I want to return the frequency and time at which a peak occurs. My understanding of this is that I have to take the PCM data and dump it into an array, setting it as the real values with the complex parts set to 0. I then take the FFT, and I get an array back. If each ...

Determine bit depth in mp3 file

Since an MP3-File has no fixed bit depth like a PCM-Stream, a decoder (e.g. lame) must determine what bit depth to use when converting an mp3-stream into a PCM-Stream. Does it work by using a default value (propably 16) or is there any other way? ...

Automated transcription software

I've noticed that the wiki transcriptions for some of the recent Stack Overflow Podcasts are kind of weak. Clearly, this task calls for a computer program. Is transcribing audio to text (ideally with speaker labels so we know who said what) something that could feasibly be accomplished in software? Are there any active open-source sof...

Pre-built audio player UI on iphone?

My boss seems to think there's a way to play audio files via a built-in QT interface that comes up with a modal UI, much like address book framework does. Also, the mail app pops up a QT modal player to play attached audio files and then hides itself when done. I've done a good 2 hours of research and I cannot find any pre-built UI for...

How to obtain accurate decibel leve with Cocoa?

We are creating an application which records the surrounding sound and take necessary action if the sound crosses specified Decibel. In order to achieve the application objective we are using following method from AudioQueueObject.h - (void) getAudioLevels: (Float32 *) levels peakLevels: (Float32 *) peakLevels { UInt32 propertySize...

Is recording audio allowed in XAML Browser Applications

Hi all, I am searching ways to perform audio recording from the client's computer. I have stumbled upon XAML Browser Applications - XBAPs, and I want to make sure, is it possible to perform audio recording using it? ...

What are some good libraries for extracting data from audio files?

Recently I started to use the Shazam app on my iPhone. For those who don't know, this app identifies songs by listening to a small segment of the song playing. I was amazed by it's accuracy and speed so I decided to do a little digging. I found a paper written by one of their developers here. In the paper the developer goes into a good ...

M4B to MP3 by marker

How would I separate and convert an M4B into many MP3 files separated by marker? Windows or linux. Thanks in advance. ...

Determining the origin of audio during playback

Hi. I don't know the first thing about programming in regards to audio, so bear with me. Is there any way to determine which file (or files) is being played by my sound driver? Or a way to examine the current stack of audio files played by my sound driver? I think that I basically want to sniff the data sent to the audio bus to determi...

Speex encoding in Java

I have a .wav file and I am using JSpeex (latest version, i.e., 0.9.7) to encode it, but the encoding is not happening properly if anybody has worked on the file. ...

Measure audio noise level

I'm trying to get a qualitative handle on the amount of static or noise present in a audio stream. The normal content of the stream is voice or music. I've been experiementing with taking the stddev of the samples, and that does give me some handle on the presence of voice vs. empty channel noise (ie. a high stddev usually indicates vo...

Has anyone worked with silverlight streaming sdk?

Hi all, I am developing a web app using silverlight. I read that Microsoft offers 10 gigabytes of free hosting for streaming video \ audio files. My question is as following: Have any of you worked with the SDK supporting this? Is it possible to upload a video \ audio file to the server from one silverlight client and stream it to other...

Capture Sound Output In C#

I'm trying to build a program in C# that will allow me to stream audio and video from one computer, over the network, to another computer, which is hooked up to a bunch of video/audio equipment (projector, speakers, etc). Ideally, I'd like to be able to capture this data directly from the "presenter" computer without it having to plug in...

Audio Conversion C#

What is the best way to convert various audio formats to PCM? For example: mp3, evrc, ogg vox. Is there a library out there that will allow me to implement this relatively easily? EDIT: I guess my initial question wasn't really what I needed. Most of the libs I have found are file converters. What I need is a block converter, wher...

Mac libraries for audio processing/sound file splitting

I'm working on a quick application for my church to assist their recording of services. As of right now, they record the service with protools (LE 6.5 to be specific), run a compressor, normalizer, and limiter to the track, and export it as a wav. Prior to me helping them, they used another tool to split that audio file into 5 minute s...

How do I programmatically play an MP3 on an iPhone?

I'd like to include an MP3 with my app and play it on demand. Unfortunately I am not sure how to get started. I keep reading about .caf files, but I am not sure what those are. I am looking for a step by step, if possible. ...

Playing Audio on the iPhone

I want to play prerecorded audio for users in an iPhone application. Is the best way to play this audio to use openAL? Is there any other way that might be beneficial for what I want to accomplish? Thanks! Joe ...

What code libraries are there to rip audio CDs that are suitable for commerical use?

What code libraries are there to rip audio CDs (e.g. DAE, Digital Audio Extraction)? Must be suitable for commerical use (e.g., no GPL) Preferably free. Linux or FreeBSD or Windows. Most interested in libraries that run on unix-like OS's, especially FreeBSD. ...

FFT for Spectrograms in Python

How would I go about using Python to read the frequency peaks from a WAV PCM file and then be able to generate an image of it, for spectogram analysis? I'm trying to make a program that allows you to read any audio file, converting it to WAV PCM, and then finding the peaks and frequency cutoffs. ...

What is the latency (or delay) time for callbacks from the waveOutWrite API method?

I'm having a debate with some developers on another forum about accurately generating MIDI events (Note On messages and so forth). The human ear is pretty sensitive to slight timing inaccuracies, and I think their main problem comes from their use of relatively low-resolution timers which quantize their events around 15 millisecond inte...