
How to prevent Internet Explorer from playing wav files?

Hi everyone! Unfortunately I've a problem with IE =( I have a service on IIS that returns me a wav file. So if I go to the URL of the service, IE tries to play returned wav file with Window Media Player. Can I set any setting in the IE (7 or 8) to deny it play wav file with WMP and allow only show Open \ Save \ Cancel dialog? Usually I...

C++ Sound Processing

I'm looking for a library that could be used to manipulate audio files. Essentially what I would like to do is: Load an MP3/WAV file Get a 15 second clip of the file Overlay another MP3/WAV file ontop of it Render as a new MP3/WAV file ...

Use NSSpeechRecognizer or alternative with audio file instead of microphone input?

Is it possible to use the NSSpeechRecognizer with an pre-recorded audio file instead of direct microphone input? Or is there any other speech-to-text framework for Objective-C/Cocoa available? Added: Rather than using voice at the machine that is running the application external devices (e.g. iPhone) could be used for sending just an ...

PC Speaker beep via javascript?

I'm revisiting an ID scanner station program we built ages ago and I have a request from users to make a system beep. We're considering moving the system to a web browser, but is it possible to invoke a speaker beep via javascript or something? It doesn't need to be cross-browser compatible, but it probably needs to work on Windows or Li...

Is it possible to play synthesized sound in the browser using JavaScript?

I just came across a Nintendo emulator written entirely in JavaScript on the interwebs, but it doesn't have sound. It got me thinking: Is there any way to synthesize sound in the browser using JavaScript and then play it? If it's not possible in general, then are there any Safari/Opera/FireFox/IE/Etc. extensions that would make it possib...

Server-side AAC audio with Android

As I understand it, Android will only play AAC format audio if it's encoded as MPEG-4 or 3GPP. I'm able to play AAC audio encoded as M4A when it's local to the app, but it fails when obtaining it from a server. The following works, as the m4a file is held locally in the res/raw directory. MediaPlayer mp = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.ra...

reading audio encoding

I have wave files that I want to read their header content. I was just wondering if there is a quick library I can use or any free software that I can open my audio with, and gives me some usefull header information. ...

MediaStreamSource in WPF

Hi. I need to play a custom audio stream in WPF. I can deal with the mp3/wmv restrictions. The MediaStreamSource class seems ideal, but all the examples I have seen are Silverlight 3. Is there a WPF equivalent? Thanks Pete ...

How to detect silence in audio files?

I'm working on a tool to edit .srt (subtitle) files within the browser (the tool is to be used for linguistic annotation). In desktop tools that are used for similar purposes, the user has access to the wave form, and can "see" where silences are in the signal, and thus select a particular phrase for transcription. Such a tool might be ...

Is it OK to mix AudioServicesPlaySystemSound and AVAudioPlayer?

We have a game that is very close to being released, but we have one extremely annoying problem. One on of our Beta testers phones, he can't hear any of the in game sound effects. He can, however, hear the background music and the title screen music just fine. The background and title music are both being played via AVAudioPlayer (t...

Create pitch changing code?

Does anyone know how I could record some audio on the iphone then change the pitch of the audio? ...

Is the callback function in SDL_Audio_Spec called SDLAudio_Spec.freq times a second?

Is the callback function in SDL_Audio_Spec called SDLAudio_Spec.freq times a second? ...

play a waveform at a certain frequency in SDL callback function

I have a waveform 64 samples long. If the sampling rate is 44100 hz, how can I play(loop) this waveform so that it plays arbitrary frequencies? frequency = samplerate / waveform duration in samples Therefore the frequency should be 689hz(44100/64). If I wanted it to be say, 65.41hz(C-2), I would have to do this: 65.41 = 44100 / x Sol...

Mixing Audio on the iPhone...

Hey, I have a number of static audio files that I want to be able to dynamically mix together and play on the iPhone (not all at once, most common case is to mix two or three audio streams into one stream). What shall I use? I know there are OpenAL and Audio Units that could be useful, but which one? To get a kick-start, is there a co...

How to implement a band-pass filter in c# / Silverlight

How would I go about implementing a band-pass filter in c#? I'm using a custom MediaStreamSource in Silverlight and am using additive synthesis to produce sound. My audio stream is a continuous stream of int16 shorts: //over-simplified example: short sample = oscillator.GetNextSample(); memoryStream.WriteByte((byte)(sample & 0xFF)); m...

AU audio files for Java

Apparently Java only plays .au audio files and I want to play mp3 files. I want to convert them to au and do not want to use any third party library to play mp3 directly. Can you please let me know how I can prepare my mp3 files to be able to play them in Java. (specifically I'd like to convert mp3 files to au files with a freeware softw...

iPhone AVAudioPlayer stopping background music

So I've just noticed that on my iPod Touch, when my app triggers a short wav file to play using AVAudioPlayer, the music gets paused. Is this normal? I can't find any reference to this, and it seems like it would be noted somewhere. Is there a way to keep the music going while I play my sounds? Thanks ever so much! ...

How do i stream an audio file from the server to iphone?

Hi all, I need to stream an audio file which is saved on my server. Is it possible for me to stream that file in order to play it on my iPhone? Or is there any other way to play an audio file from the server to iPhone? help me please. Thanks, Shibin ...

cutting audio files based on a keyword

Hi, I have a audio file(s) that need to be cut and broken up into multiple audio files based on a keyword. For example, lets say the keyword is "CUT" if we had an wav file called "original.wav" with the following audio, "Hello , is this CUT the time is CUT My name is CUT The balance is" and the token audio cut.wav which contains the...

Windows Media Encoder - Audio Codecs

When encoding and streaming audio with Windows Media Encoder 9 (with WMA 10 Professional codecs installed), there seems to be a minimum audio latency of ~2 seconds, even when using the Low Delay CBR configurations. Are there any codecs out there that can be installed into Windows Media Encoder and that would encode to mp4a with a reduce...