
CFReadStreamRef and size of bytes available

hai all, I'm trying to implement a Streaming music Player using iphone sdk, based on the sample code by Matt Gallagher ( now i would like to know how can i get the number of bytes available in the CFReadStreamRef . After a long search i got the code to find t...

iPhone compressed audio formats that will play on Windows Media player

I have to record audio on an iPhone that will play back on Windows Media Player, using no non-standard codecs; that is, using no codecs that don't already ship with WMP. (Corporate requirement.) The audio has to go base-64 to a server, so I need to get the audio size as small as possible. Even at 8Kb recording frequency, AIFF files take ...

How to instantiate MsftRawCDImageCreator?

I'm trying to write a program in C++ that is able to burn an Audio CD without gaps between the tracks. From what I found, this has only recently been made possible using IMAPI, but should be possible since Windows XP SP2 and Vista SP1. The problem is that I can't find any example code on how to do this. What I did find is that I need to...

Java Class AudioFormat: Byte ordering

Hi, I'm working with java, trying to use the AudioFormat Class. I have the following piece of code: AudioFormat Baseformat = input.getFormat(); AudioFormat Finalformat = new AudioFormat(AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED, Baseformat.getSampleRate(), 16, Baseformat.getChannels(), Baseformat.getChannels()*2, Baseformat.getSampleRate(),fal...

Problem stopping a Player in JMF

I recently asked a question about controlling the volume of a Java audio clip and it was suggested that I try JMF. As I'm using an old JVM (1.4) and only interested in playing WAV files, JMF was a perfect solution and has greatly simplified the code to load, play and control the volume of audio clips in my application. But I'm having t...

How can I pause an MP3 file using C#?

I have this class I found in a website: class MP3Handler { private string _command; private bool isOpen; [DllImport("winmm.dll")] private static extern long mciSendString(string strCommand, StringBuilder strReturn, int iReturnLength, IntPtr hwndCallback); public void Close() { _command = "close MediaFil...

how to resume recording after interruption occured in iphone?

I am working on an audio recorder application, it is working perfectly fine. But I'm stuck with the problem of interruption. When a call comes, - (void)audioRecorderBeginInterruption:(AVAudioRecorder *)recorder then this method is called and the recording is paused. And if the user rejects the call: - (void)audioRecorderEndInterrup...

Cross platform audio analysis library

I'm looking for a cross-platform library that allows me to analyze the waveform of a sound file. It needs to be able to at least have the ability to query the amplitude for a given sample, and it would be nice if it could do frequency detection. ...

Javascript audio/video element control volume programmatically?

Flash has an API to control the volume for a Sound object. Can volume be controlled like this currently or is there support planned for <audio> or <video> html5 elements? ...

Audio Codec Nellymoser issue with recording on a Flash Media Server

We have setup a Flash program to record video/audio to a Flash Media Server, but have noticed that the audio packets are dropping out. We are using the Nellymoser codec and after looking at the recorded FLV, there is on occasion an audio packet that is set to Format: Uncompressed - PCM_BE Channel: mono SampleSize: 8-bit SampleRate: ...

Looped Audio samples in the iPhone

I am trying to made a musical iPhone application and I am having some problems playing looped samples. I have read this question: audio-on-the-iphone and several other posts and blogs in the web about the "RemoteIO"/AudioUnits framework but without success. I have been able to do a sample application that plays a finite sound with a p...

C/C++ PCM open source audio analizer

C/C++ PCM opensource audio analizer? What do I need Open Source Libs/wrappers for encoding/decoding. Tutorials and blog articles on How to do it, about etc. ...

Flash implementation of `<audio>` and `<video>` tags for HTML 5?

Hey, I am trying to convert our all-flash website to HTML 5. But since so many users still use IE and other browsers that do not support HTML 5 yet, I am looking for some flash media players that can replace <audio> and <video>. My google skill does not yield good results. The flash media player should dispatch events specified at htt...

Recording audio on iPhone: error with setPreferredIOBufferDuration

Hello, I have been following Apple's documentation to record audio on the iPhone using the AVAudioSession class. I can set several properties without error ( setActive, setCategory, setPreferredHardwareSampleRate ) but I cannot get Apple's sample code to work for setPreferredIOBufferDuration. Here's my code: - (void) initX { NSErro...

MPMoviePlayerController stops iPod playback and doesn't restart

I've got an iPhone app with a short intro video. If a user launches the app while their iPod is playing music, the music will stop while the video plays (whether or not the video has sound), and the audio stays permanently stopped after video playback. Apple seems to indicate that you can solve this with AudioSession tricks: http://www...

WAV file data recovery

I have a situation where there is a corrupt WAV file from which I'm trying to recover data. My colleagues have sliced up the large WAV file into smaller WAV files with proper headers. This has produced some interesting results. Sliced into 1MB segments we get these results: The first wave file segment is all noise. The second wave f...

Streaming Audio Clips from iPhone to server

I'm wondering if there are any examples atomic examples out there for streaming audio FROM the iPhone to a server. I'm not interested in telephony or SIP style solutions, just a simple socket stream to send an audio clip, in .wav format, as it is being recorded. I haven't had much luck with the google or other obvious avenues, althoug...

Open source lib for Audio based generative art (Flash/ActionScript )

I need Open source lib for Audio based generative art (Flash/Action Script) Something like or easier than Very Interactive People example Something more strictly formatted and more 2d than Mr.Doobs examples ...

AudioSessionInitialize returning inscrutable error code

I'm calling AudioSessionInitialize like so OSStatus result = AudioSessionInitialize(NULL,NULL,interruptionListener,NULL); and getting the result 0xbfffde94 (i.e. -1073750040) which doesn't match anything in the documentation, which are all readable 4CC's like '!ini' and so forth. The good news is that it seems like the call worked. N...

C++ & MP3 equalizer question

I want a library or some sort of a command that takes an MP3 file location as an input (only MP3 I don't need WAV, OGG, or any other type) and plays the file to the end of it and make some sort of an equalizer output but only in frequencies as numbers like (31HZ, 62HZ, ..., 16 KHZ), all the 10 bands available but show them to me as ever ...