
Decoding Manchester biphase-mark in software (representing a SMPTE timecode audio stream)

I've never had to deal with signal/stream encoding or decoding before, at least not beyond fairly basic protocols like HTTP, so forgive me if I'm making this harder than I should be. Several of the systems we use at work rely on SMPTE timecode to operate, a Manchester biphase-mark system that occupies 1kHz of bandwidth between 1kHz and ...

How can I convince OSX to switch audio devices when I insert or remove a USB headset?

I would like for OSX to switch audio output devices when I insert a USB headset. It should switch to the headset on insertion, and switch back to Speakers when I remove the headset. I can't seem to find a way within the Sound preferences to do this. Is there a program out there which can handle it for me? ...

Dektop audio app - suggestions for how to build for Win/Mac/Linux?

I am a web developer well-versed in XHTML/CSS, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, and XML/XSL. I would like to write a desktop application for music teachers that manipulates audio files. The app will: Input one or more audio files Let the user pick in and out points of several clips Play those clips at the touch of a button with fade-in and -out ...

How To Determine What Input Bus Is Active When AUEffectBase::Render Is Called?

It's clearly a n00b question, as this has been implemented successfully in applications. But it's 2009 and I'm still unclear how input/output buses work with AUBase. I'll crib the wording of my question from a post to the coreaudio-api mailing list. This question pops up other times with no answer through 2005. I was just looking ...

Vibrate iPhone while Recording

I'm trying to get my iPhone to vibrate while I'm recording. I've tried this: UInt32 category = kAudioSessionCategory_PlayAndRecord; status |= AudioSessionSetProperty(kAudioSessionProperty_AudioCategory, sizeof(category), &category); UInt32 allowMixing = true; status |= AudioSessionSetProperty ( kAudioSessionProperty_OverrideCate...

Select audio channel using Phonon

Having a simple QT application which plays media files using Phonon, is it possible to switch between the audio channels (e.g. different languages) ? ...

iphone BPM tempo button

i want to create a button that allows the user to tap on it and thereby set a beats per minute. i will also have touches moved up and down on it to adjust faster and slower. (i have already worked out this bit). what are some appropriate ways to get the times that the user has clicked on the button to get an average time between presses...

Soundflower input applications

Hello, I've downloaded the source of Soundflower and I am trying to retrieve a list of all applications currently sending data to Soundflower. I'd like to manipulate each application's sound separately just like JACK and Audio Hijack does. Any ideas? ...

How can I make sure sox doesn't perform automatic dithering without knowing the version?

I'm using sox to resample audio before introducing it to our speech detection system, but I've hit a snag with version 14.3 of sox adding automatic dithering by default to the resampling operation, which we don't want. This wouldn't be a problem if we knew that we were always using sox 14.3, as we could just use the new -D flag to disa...

Playing audio file using C

Hi, Are there are any header files to be included to play audio file using C language. ...

iPhone audio and AFSK

Here is a question for all you iPhone experts: If you guys remember the sounds that modems used to make, or when one was trying to load a program from a cassette tape – I am trying to replicate this in an iPhone for a ham radio application. I have a stream of data (ASCII) and I need to encode it as AFSK at 1200 baud. So basically everyt...

How to mix audio samples?

My question is not completely programming-related, but nevertheless I think SO is the right place to ask. In my program I generate some audio data and save the track to a WAV file. Everything works fine with one sound generator. But now I want to add more generators and mix the generated audio data into one file. Unfortunately it is mor...

Real-time audio visualisation in Cocoa?

Are there any frameworks or open-source code that would simplify the process of implementing a real-time oscilloscope (time-domain audio visualisation) in OSX? Ideally, I want to display a simple animated view representing the audio signal being input by the microphone input. ...

How do you create a web audio playlist?

Hi. I'm researching ways to create a web radio station of sorts. It will have streaming MP3 audio from TV programs for users to listen to. They should have the option of just listening to the stream or pick the shows they'd like to hear and add them to their playlist. It needs to be usable by folks on mobile devices, so Flash is out fo...

Extract duration from a U-LAW audio file with Java

I'm trying to extract the duration from a audio file. This audio file is a U-LAW (G.711/MONO 8.000Hz). static AudioFormat ULAW_FORMAT = new AudioFormat(AudioFormat.Encoding.ULAW, 8000, 8, 1, 1, 8000, false); And all the time I'm receiving a exception: javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException: could not get audio input stream ...

Controlling the volume of other applications

I am trying to make an app that controls the volume of another process using the Windows 7 Audio API. What I'm looking for is the ISimpleAudioVolume for the session used by the other process. I have tried using the IAudioSessionEnumerator but it will only give me the IAudioSessionControl2 of the session. Using the IAudioSessionControl ...

How to use numpy with portaudio to extract bass, mid treble

As in this example I'm curious about portaudio and numpy... I'm not 100% sure about fft, how can I pass numpy a chunk and get back three values from -1.0 to 1.0 for bass, mid and treble ? I don't mind if this just...

Sync sound with NStimer iphone sdk?

I am creating an application,in my app i am changing images for countdown.I want to play a Tick sound when one second completes(i mean when image changes).I have a 25 second long sound with repeated tick sound and within time interval of 1 second. sometimes it works fine but sometimes it's not.Now how do i sync audio with my timer.any he...

Recognising tone of the audio

Hi, I have a guitar and I need my pc to be able to tell what note is being played, recognizing the tone. Is it possible to do it in python, also is it possible with pygame? Being able of doing it in pygame would be very helpful. ...

Detecting when an <embed> element has loaded an audio file

Hi, I'm using a jQuery plugin ( to add very basic audio-playing capabilities to a web page. The plugin works by creating an 'embed' element (I know, I know...), setting its src to the audio file, setting the autoplay attribute to true and appending it to the page. Despite the use of the dep...