
Digital Sound Processing in C# (and possibly SilverLight)

Hi, I need to do some basic and non basic DSP programming in C#. At its core, it includes the generation of a sin wave deciding its frequency in Hertz. Then I'd like to Frequency Modulate it and maybe filter it. Can you suggest any library to help me? Ideally this should also work in a SilverLight environment, as my aim is to showcase a...

Server side audio mixer. What's available? (Can cSounds do this?)

I am interested in finding out if there exists a program or library which can perform the following task, and would be suitable for running as part of a server side process on a web site. (it's okay if it takes longer than the 200 milisecond maximum that is reasonable for a single page request-I can run it as an asynchronous process) Th...

Recognising guitar input tone from mic

Possible Duplicate: Recognising tone of the audio Hi I need to recognize what tone is being played on my mic which inputs in the pc from the mic, with python. What should I use? ..., how to use?

I'm trying to make a pyaudio input stream but can't figure out how to make it. What I did is: a = pyaudio.PyAudio() Then tried to call but I don't know the arguments I should type in. It asks me to check Stream.init for a reference, but I don't know what a PA_MANAGER is and the documentation isn't useful at all about it. ...

Android version of AVAudioPlayer's averagePowerForChannel

Does Android have a similar method to the iPhone AVAudioPlayer's averagePowerForChannel? I want to get an average reading of the amplitude of as a value. ...

How to identify the default audio devices from a .Net application?

Hi community, I'm a bit confused. Is there any simple way to set proper audio devices (in/out) in my VoIP .NET application w/o using of DirectX? "Proper audio devices" probably means - devices which are already set as DEFAULT in Windows. E.g. Skype (or X-Lite) selects in most cases audio devices properly. But How? Just getting of list...

Stream Audio from Linux Server with Silverlight

I have a large catalog of audio on a Linux (CentOS 5) server that I would like to expose to an existing .NET web site. Is there any way to stream the media from the Linux server through my web site using Silverlight? If so, how would a person go about setting it up? Thanks in advance! ...

Absolute beginners guide to working with audio in C/C++ ?

I've always been curious about audio conversion software, but I have never seen a proper explanation from a beginners point of view as to how to write a simple program that converts for example, a mp3 file to a wav. I'm not asking about any of the complex algorithms involved, just a small example using a simple library. Searching on SO, ...

Streaming MP3 with open source PHP

What are the best PHP solutions for a fixed audio player? ...

Easiest way to play a CAF sound on the iPhone?

How hard is it to do that? Someone told me that it's incredible hard playing audio on the iPhone. Can't really believe it. But he said playing one is hard, but playing two or three at same time is incredible hard. Sounded scary. What can you guys say about this? What I want to do: I have about 10 CAF files with little blips and beeps an...

C/C++ library for .wav file encoding

I need a library for MS VC6 which encodes sampled data which is in the form of a float array, to an audio file format preferably wav Also is there a library that can encode the samples into pcm form and play it directly through the sound card without saving a wav file first?? ...

merge background audio file

I have 2 audio files for primary and background music that I want to merge (not concatenate). The final audio file should be as long as the primary file, and if the background music is shorter then it should repeat. If there a Linux command or a Python library that can be used to do this? Sox supports merging, but does not appear to all...

Howto pipe raw PCM-Data from /dev/ttyUSB0 to soundcard?

Hi I'm working currently on a small microhpone, connected to PC via an FPGA. The FPGA spits a raw datastream via UART/USB into my computer. I'm able to record, play and analyze the data. But I can't play the "live" audiostream directly. What works is saving the datastream in PCM raw-format with a custom made C-program, and piping the ...

Java: Master Gain not supported exception

Hi, In linux this code doesn't work: I added two lines // Added two lines. DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info( SourceDataLine.class, audioFormat ); SourceDataLine dataLine = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine( info ); // Adjust the volume on the output line. if( dataLine.isControlSupported( FloatControl.Type.MASTER_GAIN)) { /...

calculating filesize of a response?

hello, im tryingto code a script to do dynamic transcoding of video and audio (likely just audio for now) and streaming to mobile devices, currently im using the script posted elsewhere on here ( but this seemsto have problems as i do not ...

Available audio codecs for SDK 3.0

OK. If one uses the System Sounds Services for iPhone sound effects, there is no way to alter the level of the resulting sounds programmatically. Even worse, if one reduces the volume using the ringer volume control on the side of the iPhone to a very low level, then starts the app, the sound effects will be inaudible. On the other hand,...

I'm looking for a cross-platform Python library that can play MP3 and OGG and support ALSA or similar.

There are several different audio libraries, however, none of them meet my exact needs: - It needs to be cross-platform. - It needs to be able to use the ALSA, PulseAudio or any other common default mixer under Linux. - It needs to be able to autodetect the sample frequency. - It needs to be (fairly) simple in usage, if instead someone c...

BlackBerry - How to detect the bluetooth headset connection event?

I have a bluetooth headset that I paired with my blackberry storm. Whenever I turn on/off the headset, my storm displays the message that the headset is been connected or disconnected and updates the bluetooth indicator icon. I would like to detect that headset connect change event in my application. How do i capture that event change? I...

Implementing a audio visualizer in WPF

I wish to implement a audio visualizer widget (similar to what Winamp has) in WPF. How would I approach this problem? ...

Does Android Chrome supports <audio /> tag?

Is it possible to play continuous audio stream (MP3 / AAC) in Android browser using <audio /> tag? If you're not sure, could you at least recommend some good testing page containing and using <audio /> tag? ...