
Would the code described in work for itunes' purchased AAC format?

I'm making an iphone app that needs to adjust audio speed, and in the question here , it decompresses audio, so I'm concerned with it working for Itunes' Encoded/Purchased AAC Audio format. Will it work? ...

Is it possible to have AVFramework and AudioToolbox framework in one app?

I'm trying to write develop audio related application. In that, I'm using AudioToolBox framework for recording the sound. And I'm using AVFramework to play soudns. When app is stared, it will play some mp3 file using AVFramework. And also initializes Audiotoolbox. In simulator, I'm able to record and play. But when I'm testing it on iPho...

How to Play audio from resource(C# Compact Framework 3.5)

Hi all, Am trying to play audio from resource using CF, I added an audio file for the resource Property in my application, and am try to using below sample resource file reference code for.. SoundPlayer player = new SoundPlayer(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(). GetManifestResourceStream("blessedwav.wav")); player.Play(); B...

iPhone Voice Trigger to Mute Audio

I don't see this out characterized like this before - but if I have a program playing music/audio in my headphones (say my own iPhone application I can modify as I see fit) that has my mother's bank words of wisdom I play every morning, but I want to tell my daughter to do something, at that point I want to stop the audio (1) while I tal...

Graphic & Audio Tool for iPhone Dev

In my iPhone app I have to include graphic & audio. Does it exist any tool for creating simple cartoon-style sprite and/or background audio loop? Thanks! ...

Vista/Win7 Bass and treble volume

Hi guys, I'm having a hard time with this crazy Vista/Win 7 architecture, it might be just me but its hard to get used to it :| So, my current problem is that I cant set the bass and treble values for my sound card, I found that there is a IAudioBass and IAudioTreble interfaces which can do this, but I'm getting lost how to create the...

How do I upsample a wav file using AS3?

Hi. I am trying to upsample an 8000hz, 16-bit wav file to 11025hz in AS3. At this point, I am not concerned about applying the low-pass filters that I know I will eventually need. I've been referencing this wiki page. Here is what I've done so far: Calculated the least common multiple to be 3528000 Calculated L to be 441 Calculated M...

Explain this DSP notation

I'm trying to implement this extenstion of the Karplus-Strong plucked string algorithm, but I don't understand the notation there used. Maybe it will take years of study, but maybe it won't - maybe you can tell me. I think the equations below are in the frequency domain or something. Just starting with the first equation, Hp(z), the pi...

playing audio files from table, iphone

I've created a list of music file names in an array which is used to populate an uitableview. I want to make the audio player take this array or table as the playlist and play them continuously one by one, with all the features like play, pause, next, previous, forward, backward and stop. What is the best way to implement this. All the m...

Is it possible to relate the same audio device in different APIs?

I'm using the winmm api to deal with audio. I'm using waveInGetDeviceCaps and waveInMessage to uniquely identify an "audio line". Everything works fine, except that in Vista, the name of the device is capped in 32 chars by the WaveInCaps struct. To work around that, I'm envisioning using the core api when OS version is >= Vista. I'm usi...

Confused about how Windows get audio line names

I'm getting very confused about how audio devices/lines/endpoints are named in windows (vista). First I go to the control panel applet "Sound". Among others, I find one input line that resides physically on a USB Audio Device. The name of the "recording device" in the applet is: Microphone 3- USB Audio Device Working From the waveInGe...

C# audio library with smooth looping?

I'm looking for an audio library that works with .NET that allows for smooth looping. I've tried DirectX AudioVideoPlayback and Mentalis. Both are easy to use, but the looping skips a bit. I'm wondering if that's my fault or theirs. I have sound samples that I know can loop cleanly (WinAmp can do it fine) but I can't get my C# app to do ...

How to generate an audio stream using gst-python?

I'm looking to generate a stream in gstreamer, and I'd prefer to do it from python if possible. This points towards using gst-python, but I don't see a clear way to do it. It looks like creating a new stream would require making a gstreamer plugin, which gst-python doesn't seem to be able to do. To clarify, I'd like to be able to genera...

Are there any library in .Net to do some basic audio editing?

What I need to do is insert silences in an audio, insert other audios, mix other audios (insert them with an overlapping section) and so on. Are there any libraries for .Net (I'm using C#) that could do such a thing? ...

Reading MP3 audio data, or calculating the checksum thereof

Is there a Ruby library that will allow me to either calculate the checksum of an MP3 file's audio data (minus the metadata) or allow me to read in an MP3's audio data to calculate the checksum myself? I'm looking for something like this: mp3 ='/path/to/song.mp3') # => the sha1 checksum of _only_ th...

how to synchronize physics model, audio, game rendering, frame display and input

What is a good processing sequence and/or threading model to use to give a user impression of well synchronised physics model, audio, video, sound and input in an application, assuming the application prepares no "predictive" frames or sound? EDIT My question assumes no "networked game" concept, just a standalone machine. ...

How can I make my Java application with audio play nice in Linux?

I have a Java application whose UI relies heavily on audio. On Windows and OS X, everything works fine; on Linux, however, the application requires exclusive access to the sound device, a LineUnavailableException is thrown and no sound is heard. I'm using Kubuntu 9.10. This means that no other application can play audio while the progra...


This question is related to this one. I need to use the winmm function waveInMessage using the above mentioned constant. I can find a bunch of similar defines (such as DRV_QUERYDEVICEINTERFACE) in the mmddk.h, but the pair DRV_QUERYFUNCTIONINSTANCEID and DRV_QUERYFUNCTIONINSTANCEIDSIZE is not. They are mentioned in the MSDN document en...

Is a file available to be opened?

Short version: I think I'm asking for a file too soon, but it's pretending like it's ready. Am I missing something? Slightly longer version: I am writing files to disk. Before I do so, I have the user add some meta data, including the new file name. Once the user is done, the screen goes away and the program writes the file to disk. The...

How to encoding no sound recorded red5 video via ffmpeg

HI We recorded video via red5 server but no sound added ( because there was no sound environment ) . So there is no sound track in output flv file. and there is encoding error when we do encoding that flv ( no sound track ) into other video format via ffmpeg . error message is Could not find codec parameters (Audio: 0x0000, 0 chann...