
Audio track in video file - C++

My application is transforming an AVI video file into another AVI file. I use the OpenCV library. Unfortunately videos created with OpenCV have no sound as the library does not support audio. Is there any easy way to copy the audio track from one video file to another? Maybe FFmpeg? My application is written in Visual C++. ...

Streaming short sound files.

I have a script that generates wave files, based on user input. I want to be able to stream those wave files online(not necessarily as wave files, they can be converted on the fly to mp3 or whatever). Preferably through a embedded flash streamer, but a html5 version would be good too. The files are generally small, around 5 seconds long,...

redirect file to an url for streaming

I am setting up my hi-fi to stream music from my PC. The hi-fi can see all of the files in my music folder, but I want to be able to stream across the audio I am currently playing. The hi-fi however does not have support for this. So I've found a .dll that wraps directsound and offers it streaming as a continuous mp3 file on my PC from ...

Audio File FFT in an OS X environment

I'm looking to perform an FFT on a linear PCM audio file (with potentially more than one audio channel) on OS X. What is the best way to go about this? Several sources have indicated that Apple's Accelerate Framework is what I need. If so, how should I extract and properly prepare the floating point data for use in those FFT functions...

Using Core Audio to extract floats from AIFF

Is there a way using Core Audio on OS X to extract a set of frames in an AIFF file into an array of 32-bit floats suitable for performing an FFT on? ...

Change sound output

Is there a way in windows by which I can toggle the audio output between a built-in speaker and the headphone jack using a python library. I am thinking someone with .NET experience would be able to give me some pointers (I could use IronPython if there is a .NET library to do that). I have no idea where to start. Any hints would help....

Getting sound directly from hardware with C#

Is there a way to get the sound that the sound card is playing directly from the hardware? ...

Anyone know if theres a library of english audio word pronunciations available for commercial use?

I know this is not exactly a programming oriented question but I'm looking for audio pronunciations for english words. I would like to be able to use this library for commercial purposes so I'm wondering if anyone knows of a good open source library or one with a license that allows one to use it commercially. The audio format doesn't re...

Problem with python-proxy for mp3-streams

I am trying to make a proxy for internet-radio in mp3. It is working fine when accessing mp3-files, but not for mp3-streams. I suppose I am missing some very basic difference but could not find a hint. Best regards, wolf My test code: #!/usr/local/bin/python2.5 import urllib; import SocketServer, BaseHTTPServer import subprocess ...

Resource Leakage in Play Wav Sound Sample Code

From Is it possible to have resouce leakage for the following code? Who will be responsible to close the audio stream? public static void playAlertSound() { new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { ...

What audio API would I use, on the iPhone, to record audio and then in return modify it while playing?

I want to be able to record audio. then modify it like add effects, slow down and it speed up while playing it. ...

Recorded Audio Files

hi i have a application in which i record the user voice and save it into documents folder. now i want to get it back in to the photo library of the iphone or i want to download it so that user can share it with anybody.i am sending mail of the recorded file but if the file size is greated than 8 mb its not allo me to send the email wi...

Play MP3 Files with iPhone SDK

hi .... what 's the easiest way to play a music file such as Mp3 with pause botton ? very very simple a button play and another button pause that music .. can you write that code ! ...

How to play audio file on websites on iPhone?

I want to play an audio file which is posted on a website. I'm trying to use AVAudioPlayer and set the url to its website link. But the bgPlayer turns out to be nil. I think I can download this audio file and play it afterwards, but is there any way to play it while I'm downloading it? NSURL *bgURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://www.ra...

Play Subset of audio file using Pyglet

How can I use the pyglet API for sound to play subsets of a sound file e.g. from 1 second in to 3.5seconds of a 6 second sound clip? I can load a sound file and play it, and can seek to the start of the interval desired, but am wondering how to stop playback at the point indicated? ...

SoundTouch on Android?

Hey, I am trying to change the pitch of an audio file in an android application. I have found an open source library online "SoundTouch" (, do you think I can use this library in an android app? I have been Googling "SoundTouch in Java" an have found this data (

Volume Control in Processing (java)?

hi, I'm working on a Processing project. I tried to set the Volume of the audio played with the minim library. (setVolume seems not to be supported, and setGain has no effect) So, I'm wondering whether there is no other, simpler way to control the audio in Processing? Or are there some Java commands, that can be used directly? (In fa...

XAudio2, starting/stopping loops?

How can I start/stop audio looping in IXAudio2SourceVoice? Basically it has a start/stop which starts and pauses the audio execution as well as an ExitLoop() function which stpos the audio once it has finished playing. What I'd like to do is call 'ExitLoop()' then at a later time restart the looping process. How can I do this? ...

Read audio file metadata with ruby

I need to read metadata (song name, artist, etc.) from various audio files with ruby, mainly MP3 and Apple's AAC. I've googled and found no library that supported both formats. How do you guys read audio metadata with ruby? I would prefer a solution with minimal dependencies possible. Thanks. ...

What are the options for a browser-agnostic way of doing a web slideshow with audio?

I have a requirement to put together an application which will generate a web slide show. It needs to be able to do fancy transitions between multiple images (in a browser) and also provide audio while those images are being displayed. The transitions between images must be delayed until the audio is finished (each image will have its o...