
How to embed audio message into an audio file with php?

Hi, I would like know if it is possible to create embedding of audio message to audio files? For example, on playing every 10 sec of an audio, it would be interrupted with an audio message "You are currently listening to an audio by XYZ band" and then the audio continues. And even if someone were to download the mp3 file, the audio mes...

Musicbrainz fingerprinting

I've been busy with understanding the MusicBrainz database in the past few hours and as I noticed there's no command line application to tag or fingerprint audio files. Are there any CLI implementations on Musicbrainz's fingerprinting? And how can I create those fingerprints? I found some development tools on their website (python-music...

C# tutorial for "listening" to the line in device

I know the obvious answer is "try google..." but i have and I either end up with graphics or cmd-line tutorials, so... Can anyone point I in the direction of a c# tutorial for "listening" to the audio line-in? Or is it straight forward with the right namespace included? Is it even possible without using directx or some such. I want to ...

Android - can I mute currently playing audio applications?

Hi I'm new to this. My self-teaching project is a small application which plays an audio news stream. To be effective, the application really needs to interrupt any currently playing media players (eg: Last FM, Imeem, music player, Spotify etc). I don't know what will be playing or what application will be playing it, but I want to ...

Passing a Delegate as Callback to a Native C++ API Call

Could someone point me whats wrong with this code please? I'm having a very hard experience in mixing C++ and MC++. I have read a lot of blogs and tutorial regarding this subject (passing delegates) but now that looks my code is ok (its compiling and runs well when in debug mode and step by step) it crashs. The main problem is that it n...

convert Class member callback from __stdcall to DWORD_PTR

Hi! I'm trying to use a class member as a callback but the compiler gives me the following error: Error 2 error C2440: 'type cast' : cannot convert from 'void (__stdcall CWaveIn::* )(HWAVEIN,UINT,DWORD_PTR,DWORD_PTR,DWORD_PTR)' to 'DWORD_PTR' Is it possible to use a member function as a callback this way? and how do I convert the std...

HTML5 <audio> Safari live broadcast vs not

I'm attempting to embed an HTML5 audio element pointing to MP3 or OGG data served by a PHP file . When I view the page in Safari, the controls appear, but the UI says "Live Broadcast." When I click play, the audio starts as expected. Once it ends, however, I can't start it playing again by clicking play. Even using the JS API on the aud...

"Winamp style" spectrum analyzer

I have a program that plots the spectrum analysis (Amp/Freq) of a signal, which is preety much the DFT converted to polar. However, this is not exactly the sort of graph that, say, winamp (right at the top-left corner), or effectively any other audio software plots. I am not really sure what is this sort of graph called (if it has a dist...

Java Media Framework: extract audio info from mp3 file

Hi, I'm analyzing music mp3 files. What I'm doing is extracting the audio data from the file and computing music similarity. I've been using javazoom in order to handle mp3 files. By using audioFormat I'm extracting the raw data from the mp3 file: byte[] audioBytes = new byte[numBytes]; in_format_init = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream...

Best API for low-level audio in Windows?

I'm working on an audio application, written in C. I need to provide live audio playback under Windows. I need to decide which audio API to use. I'm planning to use the basic waveOut API, but I wanted to check to see what the community here recommends. I want code that will Just Work on any recent version of Windows, with no need to ...

Is there a library that does what the Levelator does for .Net?

The Levelator is a program that you feed an audio file and it generates another one with a more constant volume ensuring that any recording problems (like a person sounding too loud, or being barely audible) are corrected. Do you know any libraries that I could use .Net in Windows to perform the same task? Or a command-line program woul...

How do you completely remove and release memory of an OpenAL sound file?

Hi, I have a small level based iPhone app. I need to load and release sound files for each level. Everything works fine with my openAL SoundManager except releasing sounds. At first, when I remove a sound, it seems to do what it is meant to do – it removes the sound and I can’t access it again unless I reload it. BUT, when I test my ap...

How can i get 2 wavefilereaders to play sequencially?

Hi I'm trying to play a set of audio wav files being sent over the network for playing as a overall sound stream. How do i get a set of these chunks to play one after the other with no sound breaks or blips using NAudio? I can have 1 file play, but I cant find a way to detect when one sound file ends or how to attach the 2nd sound file ...

playing audio on a web page without interruption by page reload

Hi, I want to create a web page that contains an (Flex/Flash) audio player that doesnt get reloaded when the page reloads. Currently, i am popping out the player in a new window. Please check to see it in action. What i want to achieve is to have the player in the same window, but it shouldnt reload. I am sure ...

Max for Live vs. JVAP Tools

I am considering audio and MIDI application in Max (or Max for Live, really), but I am totally comfortable in Java, so something like this also seems attractive. Does anybody have any experience with Max? Is it really geared to people who do not code, or is the goofy/friendly looking UI much more efficient than writing straight code in, ...

record output sound in python

i want to programatically record sound coming out of my laptop in python. i found PyAudio and came up with the following program that accomplishes the task: import pyaudio, wave, sys chunk = 1024 FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16 CHANNELS = 1 RATE = 44100 RECORD_SECONDS = 5 WAVE_OUTPUT_FILENAME = sys.argv[1] p = pyaudio.PyAudio() channel_map ...

Realtime RTMP streaming of user-uploaded files, as they upload

I want users to be able to upload audio files to my server (say, over HTTP.. mechanism doesn't matter much), and then I'd like to assemble those files into a playlist and stream them out over a live RTMP stream to a Flash widget. The catch is: I'd like to begin streaming the audio files before they completely finish uploading. For examp...

Converting RAW audio data to WAV with scripting

I have a large number of .RAW audio files (unsigned 8-bit PCM with no-endianness) which I want to convert to .WAV files. What command-line tool (windows or linux) can I use to convert these quickly? ...

How to write wav file with 32-bit float data?

I would like to be able to write PCM wav files with 32-bit floating point samples. This seems to be a valid format since libsndfile claims to support it. However, if I specify in my header a sample size of 32-bits, any program I open it in assumes that it's 32-bit integer data. What flags, etc need to be set in the wav file header to sp...

Audio metadata storage

I checked through the questions asked on SO on audio metadata, but could not find one which answers my doubt. Where exactly is the metadata of audio files stored, and in what form? Is it in the form of files or in a database? And where is this database of files stored? ...