
TI-99 speech effect?

Hi, I want to make a program that takes recorded speech and transforms it so it sounds like it's coming from a Texas TI-99. Do you have any good ideas and resources for how to go about that? ...

Can JavaScript listen for state changes from a QuickTime object embedded in a web page?

I'm attempting to control a QuickTime object that I have embedded into a webpage using JavaScript, and want to listen to and react to the DOM events that the object throws. Apple has published a tutorial on the matter that doesn't seem to work at all. The code that I made using their documentation is as follows: $(document).ready( funct...

Library for matching next song by mood

Hi, Are there any librarys for mood matching a song. i.e. some algorithm to finger print every song and shuffle the list by my mood(the current playing file(s))? Cheers, Mark ...

NAudio - Streaming byte[] of wav makes it play slow

Hi, I am trying to read bytes from a wav file and send it across to a stream but it plays slowly. Could you please help me to know the right way of populating the byte[]? Thanks for you help. ...

Real-time equalizer for all audio on computer

Is it possible to capture all the sound from a computer and have it pass through a equalizer before reaching the speakers? How can you program a band pass filter on it? EDIT: I'm trying to get this on Windows (with Python? heh) but if there is a generic, cross-platform approach that would be great. ...

Java playback of 24 bit audio is incorrect

I am using the javax sound API to implement a simple console playback program based on Having tested it using a 24 bit ramp file (each sample is the last sample plus 1 over the full 24 bit range) it is evident that something odd is happening during playback. The recorded output is ...

How to intercept and apply effects to Firefox audio/sound output

Hi I want to build a Firefox extension that will allow me to directly manipulate the audio output, applying live filters and effects, from (for example) a streaming video site. Im struggling to find any good resources to help me. I think the effects bit will be ok but I need to find a way of intercepting the audio stream output. Does a...

byte[] to wav file

Hi, It would be great if you could tell me how I could save a byte[] to a wav file. Sometimes I need to set different samplerate, number of bits and channels. Thanks for your help. ...

Simple sound effect loop using AudioToolKit

I've created a few sounds for use in my game. I can play them at certain events without issue: // create sounds CFBundleRef mainBundle; mainBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle(); _soundFileShake = CFBundleCopyResourceURL(mainBundle, CFSTR("shake"), CFSTR("wav"), NULL); AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID(_soundFileShake, &_soundIdShake); // l...

Java M4A atom tagging free space issue

Hey, I've been trying to be able to read and write iTunes style M4A atoms and while I've successfully done the reading part, I've come to a bit of a halt in regards to the free space atoms. I figured that I should be able edit and shift the padding around to accommodate writing an atom with more data than it originally had. I've been stu...

How to play small sound file continuously in Silverlight?

Hello, I have two questions regarding Silverlight's SoundPlay action and properties. My scenario is like: I have two story board: The first story board has an image and a sound file; when the silverlight application gets loaded, the sound starts to play automatically, but if someone clicks the image, the sound file will stop and the se...

How do I programmatically extract the audio from a YouTube video?

Hey, I'm trying to create a C# application which allows me to extract just the audio from YouTube videos. I've come across sites that already do that, but I'm not sure how they actually work. What would be the best way to do this programmatically? Thanks for any advice ...

How to progammatically extract audio mp3 from a youtube video?

Does anyone have any sample C# code to extract the audio from a youtube video link and save it as a mp3 file. Someone recommended using wget and ffmpeg which I installed and am trying to shell a command, but get an exception below. Sample code is listed below. System.Diagnostics.Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); p...

Live audio format

Hello, Are there any different formats for live audio in iPhone? Thank You ...

Android. Playing multiple sounds using SoundManager

Shown are a few lines of code. If I play a single sound, it runs fine. Adding a second sound causes it to crash. Any advice is appreciated. private SoundManager mSoundManager; /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceStat...

Why does this gstreamer pipeline stall ?

This works: gst-launch-0.10 \ videotestsrc ! ffmpegcolorspace ! 'video/x-raw-yuv' ! mux. \ audiotestsrc ! audioconvert ! 'audio/x-raw-int,rate=44100,channels=1' ! mux. \ avimux name=mux ! filesink location=gst.avi I can let it run for a while, kill it, and then totem gst.avi displays a nice test card with tone. However, trying to do ...

Android: Playing an audio clip onClick

How do I set up an audiofile to play when a user touches an image. Where should I store the audio file and what code should I use to actually play the file? I don't want to bring up the MediaPlayer interface or anything like that. I was thinking of doing it like this: foo = (ImageView)this.findViewById(; foo.setOnClickLis...

iPhone 3.5mm jack based application

I want to encode data via a DTMF encoder and send it back to the iPhone via the 3.5mm Jack. Is it possible to send data back into the 3.5mm jack. conventionally audio signals are sent out over the iPhone 3.5mm jack? Is there provision to deal with DTMF and 3.5mm jack based input applications in Iphone's External Accessory framework? ...

Record sound as part of a C# program on windows

How do I go about writing a C# program for Windows, that records sounds as .mp3 files from my microphone input? Are there libraries that deal with recording sound? Many thanks, Patrick ...

can the python wave module accept StringIO object

i'm trying to use the wave module to read wav files in python. whats not typical of my applications is that I'm NOT using a file or a filename to read the wav file, but instead i have the wav file in a buffer. And here's what i'm doing import StringIO buffer = StringIO.StringIO() buffer.output(wav_buffer) file =, ...