
Audio plays well in iPhone simulator but not in iPhone

Hi all, I have an app that is nearly finished but encountered an annoying problem. In the app, I want to play a sound when I tap on some object, then the object disappears. This is the piece of code I used: In Object.h #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #import <AudioToolbox/AudioServices.h> @interface Object: UIView { UIImageView *image; ...

Combine Video and Audio Streams (Qt, OpenCV, PortAudio,libsnd?)

Hey everyone, I was wondering, how would I combine recorded audio and video into one if I have them in separate files? Preferably using OpenCV and PortAudio/libsnd. Thanks in advance. ...

DSP - Filter sweep effect

I'm implementing a 'filter sweep' effect (I don't know if it's called like that). What I do is basically create a low-pass filter and make it 'move' along a certain frequency range. To calculate the filter cut-off frequency at a given moment I use a user-provided linear function, which yields values between 0 and 1. My first attempt wa...

Audio Streaming API's: Wifi vs what?

I've noticed certain radio apps, that some stations required wifi and others did not. What were those other stations possibly using? Are there other methods of streaming audio on iOS? Apparently, I was not clear in my question before. I'm asking in terms of API's. Is there an API to interact directly with say, FM radio, on iOS? Is wif...

Recording Audio with OpenAL

I've been comparing various audio libraries available in C++. I was wondering, I'm kind of stuck starting with OpenAL. Can someone point out an example program how to record from a mic using OpenAL in C++. Thanks in advance! ...

Identifying voice as male or female

I'm not much into audio engineering, so please be easy on me. I'm receiving an audio file as input, and need to detect whether the speaker is male or female. Any ideas how to go about doing this? I'm using php, but am open to using other languages, and don't mind learning a little bit of sound theory as long as the time is proportionat...

Audio Playback Rate in Android

So, I know that this has been done with a few Android apps before, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how, since it's not currently possible through the API. How does one adjust the playback rate of a sound played through MediaPlayer; either with or without adjusting the pitch is fine for now, though the latter is definitely pre...

How to extract frequency information from samples from PortAudio using FFTW in C

Hi all, I want to make a program that would record audio data using PortAudio (I have this part done) and then display the frequency information of that recorded audio (for now, I'd like to display the average frequency of each of the group of samples as they come in). From some research I've done, I know that I need to do an FFT. So I...

PlaySystemSound with mute switch on

I know, I have to set the AudioSession to the 'playback' category, which allows audio even when the mute switch is on. This is what I do, but sound still gets muted when switch is on. UInt32 sessionCategory = kAudioSessionCategory_MediaPlayback; AudioSessionSetProperty(kAudioSessionProperty_AudioCategory,sizeof(sessionCategory), &sess...

iPhone Audio Queue Service sample units

I am looking at Audio Queue Services document specifically on the following code: // Writing an audio queue buffer to disk AudioFileWritePackets ( // 1 pAqData->mAudioFile, // 2 false, // 3 inBuffer->mAudioDataByteSize, // 4 inPacketDesc, ...

same flash file (.swf) downloaded multiple times on a page

I have a page that has a table with each row corresponding to an audio file. The last cell in each row embeds a simple flash audio player. The problem is that the flash file for the player is being downloaded for each row separately and as soon as rows go beyond 40-50 it crashes the browser. I tried using different players (1pixelout, f...

"Audio queue get Current time failed" : While adding ear phone audio jack to the iPhone device

Hi, I am getting the following error while connecting ear phones to the device (iPhone) "Audio queue get Current time failed" while playing live audio stream. After connecting the ear phones, I get an alert saying the error. any idea how to rectify this issue. ...

<audio> elements not working on WordPress

Hello all, I have a small WordPress site. I do a lot of audio work and I'm trying to post HTML5 audio clips in blog entries on WordPress. For some reason it isn't working. It might have something to do with the style I'm using on my WordPress site but I haven't been able to nail it down. I know my audio tags are valid, as they work else...

Video and Audio Drift

Hey everyone, I was wondering, how much does recorded audio and video drift from their actual recording time usually? (So like, perhaps a frame is dropped or something) I'm recording both separately (into unsigned 8 bit PCM (44100 Hz) and raw image data files) and I was wondering how much I can expect each to drift. Thanks in advance!...

HTML5 Bluetooth and Audio

HTML 5 mentions Bluetooth and audio. But no details on Bluetooth. I am trying to connect to a Bluetooth device that streams audio. Is there anyway to capture the audio streams via Bluetooth on browser? HTML+Javascript? Plug-ins? Any other technique? Thanks in advance for your help. ...

Silverlight MediaElement Position Property Weirdness

I have a MediaElement that is reporting its position incorrectly and weirdly, but consistently. It seems like when it gets to the last second of the audio (and it's always the last second, regardless if the sound is two seconds or 10), it doesn't update it's position until it finishes. Example output: Playback Progress: 0/3.99 - ...

Audio Framework in iPhone

There are three major frameworks for iPhone audio : AVFoundation Framework CoreAudio Framework OpenAL Library And in turn CoreAudio Framework has AudioToolkit Framework and AudioUnit Framework Is this correct? Suppose I import AVFoundation Framework into my project and it in turn needs a feature which is provided by CoreAudio...

help is needed in audio streaming

What are the available options for me to stream a Audio file, in a website build on PHP? What is the minimum RAM to have in the server to reduce the buffer time ...

Playing html5 audio in android browser

I have a javascript that plays audio in the browser, using the html5 <audio> tag. It works fine in the iPhone browser, but not in Android. (Testing using a htc desire with android 2.1.) Anyone know why? My code: function playHTML5(sound, soundcv){ // sound = url to m4a audio file // soundcv = div in w...

Get the length of an audio file php

How I can get the length of an audio file in php. If it's too hard to do in php then any other way should work alright. ...