
jQuery Autocomplete "no result" not clickable or selectable

How to properly handle "no result" case in jQuery Autocomplete function that the "no result" is not clickable or selectable? In the "parse" part I add "no result" item: parse: function(data) { var array = new Array(); if (!data || data.length == 0) { array [0] = { data: { Title: "No results" }, value: "No results", ...

.NET Custom search on combobox auto-complete

Hi everybody, I have a combobox control in my form. I have enabled autocomplete feature in suggest mode. By default, the control suggests all the strings wich starts with the text the user have introduced. Is there any way to change this behaviour to make the control suggest all the strings wich contains current text? I'm trying to avo...

Ms access: Autocomplete field with values from another table

Hello, please forgive me for my poor english and my big ignorance on programming. I'm using Ms Access 2003. Let's suppose i have two tables: Table1: ID (autonumber), [...], Keywords (memo) Table2: ID (autonumber), Keyword (text) I want: 1) As the user types letters in Table1.Keywords that my database searches in Table2.keyword for t...

How to add custom list item on end of jquery autocomplete results

I am using jquery autocomplete , and I've set these vars $("#some_id").autocomplete("search.php?in=somewhere", { width: 270, selectFirst: false }); $('#some_id').setOptions({max: 5}); As you can see it returns 5 list items ( results ) , and I want to add sixth list item where should be shown some text and how many resu...

How to Pass json data to jquery autocomplete

Hai guys, Can someone help me to pass this json data to jquery automplete plugin... As i am a newbie to jquery i dont how to do it... [{"0":"1","id":"1","1":"Albania","country":"Albania"}, {"0":"2","id":"2","1":"Algeria","country":"Algeria`"}, {"0":"3","id":"3","1":"Angola","country":"Angola"}, {"0":"4","id":"4","1":"Anguilla","coun...

Eclipse PHP IDE - custom auto complete tags

New to Eclipse IDE and was wondering is there is a way of adding an auto complete/change so that if I type: mres it will translate it to mysql_real_escape_string() I know of the normal PHP code completion, but couldn't see anything about making custom shortcuts. Thanks, Niggles ...

vim keyword complete when omni complete returns nothing?

Im trying to use omni completions and if it returns nothing i want to use normal keyword completion? i thougt %omnifunc != '' should do it... but what am i missing? Here is my function. function! CleverTab() if pumvisible() return "\<C-N>" endif if strpart( getline('.'), 0, col('.')-1 ) =~ '^\s*$' return "\<Tab>" else...

Implementing "searching for ___", "no results" and "search for more results" for jQuery & autocomplete plugin

Hi -- I'm trying to add a function that will display when the AJAX is working, as well as when there are no results. In additionn, when there are many results, I'd like for there to be a link at the bottom of the dropdown to click to see the full search results page. My current code looks like this: <script> jQuery(documen...

Multiple instances of jQuery autocomplete on one page

I'd like to style each instance of jQuery's autocomplete plugin differently on each page. Except I can't figure out how to set the styles to be different for each instance. I can't seem to wrap the ac_* styles inside a div to identify them from the CSS. Every change I make affects both. Any ideas? Thank you. ...

How to modify Silverlight AutoCompleteBox commit behavior

I needed to modify the AutoCompleteBox behavior slightly and Jeff Wilcox's excellent blog entry got me on the right track. I was able to use his example to modify the behavior so that it doesn't update the TextBox as the selection is changed, but I need to go one step further. I need to modify the default commit behavior so that rather...

How can I display documentation in Xcode via CodeSense?

I am Java developer and would like to know how I can get the equivalent of a JavaDoc in Xcode when CodeSense is doing its auto-complete? If I hit the ESC button I can get a list of methods etc. but it does not show me the descriptions of what the methods do. ...

wxPython autocomplete

What editors or IDEs offer decent autocompletion for wxPython on Windows or Linux? Are there any? I tried several and support is either non-existant or limited. ...

jquery autocomplete filtering

Hello all, I have a page, which uses jQuery Autocomplete on the second two textboxes (investigator and institution). It is getting the data fine, and displaying it, but for some reason it is not filtering the list of data as i continue to type. Anyone know why? Is there something i need to do to turn this on? According to the jQuery si...

Vim's autocomplete is excruciatingly slow

Most of the time the autocomplete feature in VIM works nicely for me, but sometimes it seems to be scanning files which the current file references, and then it becomes painfully slow, sometimes taking several seconds to release focus back to me. Sometimes VIM tells me simply that it is "Scanning" other times, it's saying "Scanning tags...

jquery.autocomplete within mvc ajax form

Hi, I am trying to use the jquery.autocomplete plugin within a ajax form. The form is also within a modal dialog using thickbox. The problem is that it seems to correctly call the controller method and return the results, but it does not actually display anything on the screen. I copied the markup code into a regular view and it work...

JQuery beginner Question with data array

Hello i've an data array like this: var data = [ { nachname:"Mustermann", vorname:"Stefan", email:"[email protected]", strasse:"Musterstrasse", hausnummer:"1", plz:"12345", vorwahl:"0361", telefon:"12345"}, { nachname:"Mustermann", vorname:"Robert", email:"[email protected]", strasse:"Musterstrasse", hausnummer:"1", plz:"12345", vorwahl:"0361", tel...

C# Textbox AutoComplete: Limit to ~50 suggestions

I'm working in C# with a textbox that acts as input for a database (Access SQL) record lookup by id number. I want to be able to use AutoComplete on the text box but with some limitations. The big issue is that the number of ids in the system is on the order of thousands so instead of filling the AutoComplete box once with all of them, ...

autocomplete dropdown in Infragistics ultrawebgrid cell

Hi, I want to an autocomplete dropdown control in the ultrawebgrid cell in edit mode, so user can type the data and value is filled in automatically if exists, invalid data should not be permitted. is this possible? I don't want to use webcombo, it is too heavy and I don't need a multi-column dropdown. I want a simple dropdownlist, but ...

JQuery Autocomplete: Submit Form on selection?

Hi all, I'm using JQuery Autocomplete on a traditional html form. I'm trying to get the form to submit (the old-fashioned way lol!) when a selection is made. Currently the input box gets filled out and I have to make a 2nd press of "return" or click the submit button. I've tried a few examples from stackoverflow, but I could get it wo...

Focus lost when selecting a choice in jQuery autocompletion dropdown list.

hi, I'm using the jQuery autocomplete plugin for a text input. When selecting an item in the dropdown list of the autocompletion choices, I loose the focus on my text input. Can I avoid that? Is the dropdown list an element? can I get its id or select it in some way? Thanks ...