
Netbeans Ruby on rails autocomplete does not work as expected

I am using Netbeans v6.8 on Ubuntu 9.10 for Ruby on Rails development. My problem is that autocomplete works very inconsistently. For example, when I hit ctrl+space after typing "File.", I get all the methods neatly defined at the top in bold that can be called on the class. This list is demarcated and followed by all the other hundreds...

Jquery, Autocomplete using json, id's vs display values

I have kind of a complicated autocomplete issue. This is for a messaging system for a website I'm working on. I want it to work where you type in a user's name, it comes back with a thumb of their image and their name and their id. Then, when you select it, I want it to show the users name, but when it posts back I want it to send bac...

How to find cursor position in a contenteditable DIV?

Hello, I am writing a autocompleter for a content editable DIV (need to render html content in the text box. So preferred to use contenteditable DIV over TEXTAREA). Now I need to find the cursor position when there is a keyup/keydown/click event in the DIV. So that I can insert the html/text at that position. I am clueless how I can fin...

Autocomplete in .php framework doesn't seem to work any longer

I have a basic Autocomplete and Add to the database function and , for some reason, it has stopped working completely and I don't get any useful information from Firebug or otherwise what could be the problem. I am guessing it is something simple, but don't know where to look. This is the library where I am making the call: http://git...

filling a jQuery autocompleate list with webservice data?

This is my Webservice responsible to fill the autocompleate: [WebService(Namespace = "")] [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)] [System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItem(false)] [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService] public class WebService : System.Web.Services.WebService { [WebMethod] public Li...

Auto-Completion in iPhone SDK 3.2

Hi all, I installed the iPhone SDK 3.2 in my mac mini. my problem is, i am using UITableview* i want to get the properties of the tableview i.e, when i am typing tableview. and press escape i have to get the corresponding values instead i am getting "No Completions found" if i am typing the wanted property and build i am not getting any...

Autocomplete ajax textbox for iphone web app?

Hi everyone, I've developed a rails website in which I've got a text box with autocompletion facilities (When the user starts typing, a list of valid values "drops down" under it). For this, I used Rail's autocomplete. Now I'm developing a mobile version of this site. Since the target browsing phone will be the iphone, I'm using jqtouc...

Ignore a path entry with bash tab-completion

I have two commands, foo and foo-bar, where foo is a symlink to foo-bar. I want to be able to type f+TAB (pretend these are the only two commands on the path that begin with f) and have one of them be completed (meaning the full name and the space after). What ends up happening though is that it completes to just foo (no space) because ...

Autocomplete Extender not sorting alphabetically

Hello everyone. I am using LINQ within a webservice that creates an autocomplete function on a text box. I've got it to work but unfortunately the results are not being populated in the order I expect, for example, if I was search for drinks beginning with "carl" I'd expected "carling" first and then "carlsberg" but this is not the case...

Cannot get submit button to POST or Autocomplete to fill

Hi, my application updated some of the framework as well as jquery and now doesn't work. I'm not sure what to do since I'm not getting useful information back to debug. Here's what I am looking for: GIVEN: I am on the selected page with a text field and submit button WHEN: I type a few letters in the textbox THEN: I want Autocomple...

Which is the best linux program for a C++ programmer?

I have always wanted to step away from windows and go completely linux, but the only thing that prevents me are the programs. The problem is that I am use to the intellisense in Visual Studio 2008. I have looked for many alternatives to a program which displays the functions as visual studio does, but none seem to have what I am looking ...

RoR live-search (text_field_with_auto_complete) submit.

I have a "Movies" and a "Actors" table and "Casts" as join-model. To be more specific "Casts" has movie_id, actor_id and rolename. I want in "Movies" form to add a live search to search through actors and a "rolename" text_field and save those to "Casts". I don't know if text_field_with_auto_complete is the right choice but i prefer not ...

Can I return a json object using the jquery autocomplete plugin?

I have a search action that returns a json response object which is basically serializing an object using's lib. My collection has a SearchResult object that has 3 properties (rowID, Title, Url). Should I create another object instead of SearchResult to use with autocomplete plugin?

How to enable autocomplete when using Internet Explorer and SSL?

When both of the following conditions are true: 1.The page was delivered over HTTPS 2.The page was delivered with headers or a META tag that prevents caching ...the Autocomplete feature is disabled, regardless of the existence or value of the Autocomplete attribute. This remark applies to IE5, IE6, IE7, and IE8. See http://msdn.micro...

20K products using autocompletion, want to build static javascript files

Instead of me hitting the database each time someone types a character into the search box, I want to create static .js files. What are some techniques I can use to create static .js files that are basically arrays to load the jquery autocomplete plugin with. My product sku's look like: ABC1234 or Alpha Beta C 1234 (abc is the...

Advanced vim autocompletion

Hi I am trying to build a lexical analyzer using flex. Following is a line which shows a regular expression and its corresponding action. [0-9] {printf("yada yada \n");} //regex1 Is there a way to reuse {printf("yada yada \n");} from regex1 by auto-completion features of vim, so that I don't need to write the whole thing again while ...

JQuery Autocomplete - Stop mouseover+Return submitting data

I'm using JQuery Autocomplete (bassistance) and have run into a problem. If the mouse rolls over one of the autocomplete suggestions and the user hits the return key (rather than clicking to make selection), the form is submitted and goes to whatever link was rolled over at the time. This is a problem as people click in the textbox, and...

Good Jquery Autocomplete plugin consuming JSON ...

I have my customers name in json format i have to use it in a textbox such that it auto completes to give list of users ... Any good Jquery Autocomplete plugin consuming JSON.. I have gone through a similar question of stackoverflow but it didnt help me

CakePHP Helper Auto-Completion in Netbeans 6.8

Can anyone please tell me how I can "enable" CakePHP's Helper auto-completion in CakePHP? Essentially so when, for instance, I type $form-> it gives me a list of $form's methods and variables. I have read and also tried to implement comment #3. W...

How to get auto-completion in Emacs to start completion automatically and on press of button.

I am using the auto-completion elisp for emacs. I am currently using it by pressing M-TAB but I would like it to also auto-complete after 4 characters. I use yasnippet as a source for auto-complete so if I set it to auto-complete after 4 characters it won't show completions like if, for, inc, main. If I set it to start auto-completion ...