
please recommend a swing book about custom JComponent creation

Please recommend a Swing book that covers creating custom JComponents. ...

Question about Regular Expression Books

Hi Guys, I want to purchase a regular expressions book centered around PHP. I found this one that looks ok: Friedl - Mastering Regular Expressions but it looks like general information about regular expressions and not PHP. My question is: Does the syntax for regular expressions translate exactly from one language to another, ie-> PHP...

Is there a book about using the MOSS API from an external .NET web application?

As the title says, I'd like to know if there's a good book about using the Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 API from an external .NET web application? I mean.. assuming that it's possible to do that without deploying the application to the SharePoint server..? Or I can do that if I have to, but I just want to use certain SharePoi...

Help me pick a book on design patterns, refactoring, and/or testing

My role at my company is the sole developer, and my experience is limited (I got the job mostly because I'm probably the only person who will do it for the money they're willing to pay - but I digress) compared to the averge developer but more extensive than the average recent grad. As such I'm looking for some good books to fill in the...

Where can I find the code CD for my Kindle Edition of PHP and MySQL Web Development, 4th Ed?

I just bought PHP and MySQL Web Development 4th Edition by Welling and Thompson. The book uses examples from the CD-ROM, which appears to not come with the Kindle Edition. Is there any way to download, legally or questionably, the CD that contains the code samples? I'm finding the book really useful, but don't want to manually type in al...

What are the latest and greatest books for .Net development?

One I would definitely recommend is: Architecting Applications For The Enterprise by Dino Esposito Anybody else read any good ones lately? ...

Best C# Book For An Experienced Programmer

I have a lot of experience with C++ and have used many other languages (Java, Smalltalk, etc.). What is the best book to learn C# without having to be told what a variable is, what classes are, etc.? I'm specifically interested in C# 3.0 but books that only cover the older specs are also acceptable. ...

Effective java book for c# programmer

I heard a lot about effective java book, as a c# developer is this book useful for me? Is it going to add a value to my c# knowledge, is it going to get me some confusion (no java experience at all)? Thank you in advance. ...

What books to take programming beyond the basics?

Duplicate: of this and this question. Even if the question isn't worded exactly the same, you're getting the exact same answers. I've read several programming books. I can program in about 8 languages. I've noticed a problem with just about every book out there is that they are either: a reference book on the language structures a ...

Should I keep reading the pragmatic programmer?

I have heard from many sources that this is one of the best books for programmers, I am currently about 50 pages into it, and so far I have only been understanding about 35% of what the authors are talking about. I am thinking maybe I am just not ready, So my question is, should I continue to read this book "now" or read it later when I ...

What's a good resource for 802.11 protocol internals?

I'd like to delve deeper into the 802.11 wireless standard and its protocols, but I don't want to wade through the lawyer-speak of the actual standard document. Can you recommend any resource I can use to learn from? An online resource would be best, but a book could work too. ...

Book recommendation: JEE

Do you know a good book on this topic? ...

Searching good book on Microsoft Business Intelligence Development Studio 2005

Hi, I'm looking for a good book that about Microsoft Business Intelligence Development Studio 2005. Most interest goes to SSIS, but SSAS and SSRS are also important. The book explains in a fair, simple and as much hands on way how the Development Studio for BI works (solution, projects, do's and dont's) and all the transformations in S...

What's a good book for learning Ruby?

What's a good book for learning Ruby? ...

Are training courses good value for money?

Do you believe it is good value for money for developers to go to training centers to gain new technical skills, or is it better to allow them to learn from books and online resources by themselves? ...

Good Economics book for developers

Joel mentions in several of his blog posts that it is very important for a developer/software entrepreneur to have solid understanding of Economics. Yet the Fog Creek MBA book reading list does not include any Economics books. Is there any good material that people can recommend? Obviously, I am not as concerned about mathematical treat...

What comes next after "Learning Perl"?

I decided to learn Perl after realizing that most of my bash scripts were getting rather unwieldy in their current form and would become a maintenance nightmare if I continued down that path. A friend showed me a couple of examples using regular expressions and in-built modules in Perl and I was hooked instantly. To that effect I borrowe...

Alternatives to "Programming Silverlight 2"?

I know a lot of people on here were eagerly awaiting the Jesse Liberty / Tim Heuer book on Silverlight 2. Amazon have just cancelled my pre-order, and I've noticed all mention of the book seems to have disappeared from the O'Reilly site, so I guess the book's a gonner. Have any other books emerged as reasonable Silverlight 2 sources? ...

The Definitive C Book Guide and List

To follow the example of The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List for C Books here is a wiki post for organization. A tag search for "C" and "Books" returns no complete book list results as of writing this question. That search is here. This post is to providing QUALITY books and an approximate skill level. Maybe we can add a short blur...

Best current book on Windows networking (TCP/IP, sockets, packet filtering, firewalls)

Before you jump to TCP/IP Illustrated or UNIX Network Programming, let point out that I am looking for a great book or two that are going to help me on Windows XP and Vista. I'm a C++ developer creating end-user applications (not a device driver writer or hardware guy) and I want to make use of the networking API's to get applications ...