
Book recommendation for software (java web app) internationalization?

Do you know a good book on this topic? I'm aiming for best practices, common pit falls. ...

What books help one to learn to read code?

Lion's Commentary on Unix Sixth Edition with Source Code is a wonderful book to learn how to read code. Reading code is important -- how does one learn how to write excellent code without having read excellent code? But, sadly, while great writers, of fiction and non-fiction, all spend a great deal of time reading stuff, we, programmers...

When you were learning C in the K&R - did you do all the exercises?

I have this problem where if I read a book such as the K&R, I become fearful that I haven't learnt enough, until I've done all the exercises it asks of me; The K&R is a difficult book to many (C is a first language here), did you do and complete all exercises in the book? And if you didn't, are they all necessary in becoming competent ...

What is a good book about SVN?

At work, we recently switched from VSS to SVN. Unfortunately, I have never used anything other than VSS. So the new features still feel quite awkward. I understand enough to get latest, update and commit; however, I am interested in a book that describes practical usage and best practices. Any suggestions? ...

Should you always read a book when picking up a new technology?

As a developer that is often confronted with learning new technologies in relatively short amounts of time (6 months, 1 year, 2 years) should you always start with reading a book about that technology (possibly giving up on some of your spare time) or simply dig in and start writing code picking it up as you go, and only after some time,...

Examples of Patterns that have real world examples

Pretty much every resource I've seen on design patterns always have examples like Dog, Animal, PizzaFactory, AbstractPizzaFactory and others. I'm looking for good resource such as Head First Design Patterns with actual real-world patterns that will make the "understanding-process" slightly easier. In my opinion the factory pattern exam...

Good C# Unit testing book

Hi everyone, I'm interested in adding some tests to my code. I write primarily in C#, but I'm having difficulty finding examples for unit testing that aren't trivial (i.e. unit test a function to capitalize a string). Does anyone know of a good book that explains how to write unit tests for non-trivial examples in c#? I've seen the prag...

Recommendations for discrete math resources

Hi, I recently Graduated from uni in the UK but I only scraped through the Algorithmic and Mathsy units that I was made to do and am now finding that I'd actually like to know how to do some of the stuff that was taught. In particular I'm trying to follow the MIT lectures of the Algorithms lectures on Google Video. I'm finding it very ...

Can you suggest a good book on graphs and graph algorithms?

Can you suggest a good book or other resource on graphs and graph algorithms? Something that will cover some basics but also advanced problems and algorithms. ...

Which classic CS and programming books have you read and did you find an alternative book that explained the concepts in an easier way?

Which classic CS and programming books have you read and then you find an alternative book that explained the concepts in an easier way? ...

C# Windows Services

Hey guys, I'm wanting to learn about creating windows services with C#. I've googled around a bit and I've found a few tutorials. I was wondering if there are any frameworks that I could use that would help with designing the services. I've searched various online book stores for books on the subject; however I've come up short. If yo...

Getting hard-copy of programming books?

Hi all, I have quite a few programming e-books, and while they're useful, I don't find myself using them very much. I think this is because they are in digital format and take up my screen, and overall I would prefer a physical book. Are there any services out there that will print a pdf file for me in a nice book-ish fashion? I suppos...

Good/simple books/resources for learning codegear c++ builder?

Aside from asking specific questions here. Do you know of any good books or online resources for learing c++ builder (9)? I find the built-in help system extremely clumsy and awkward to use. I am unable to find books on the subject on amazon. Most of the web throws delphi at me when I do searches for specific questions. Conversly - ...

How to get enterprise level programming experience?

Any suggestions on gaining experience? Or where could I see an example (instructions, code, database schema, etc) of an enterprise level application? Oh, and make it .NET. I want to get experience writing enterprise level programming, but do not work at a company that has other developers or projects at this level. This term gets thro...

Book recommendation: web user interface design

What books about web user interface design can you recommend? I know, the technology behind a web site does not really matter for the UI design. But as I'm using ASP.NET, ASP.NET AJAX and jquery, it would be a plus if the book contains examples using these technologies. ...

What books do you recommend reading for QA/Test ?

I'm looking for a list of books which people think are essential for a developer in a test/QA role to read. I'm looking for books which are test/QA specific, so not things like data structures or algorithms. Rather I'm looking for books like testing methodology. ...

What are the best C# / .NET books, that contain information hard to find on the web?

I asked a more general question about the best C# / .NET books here. In this question I would like to know which books satisfy 2 criteria: Really useful Information isn't conveniently available through Google So for example, I read Effective Java. Great book. Really useful, and details not easily found on the net. Also, I am read...

Concise Haskell book

In a blog post regarding his JavaScript book, Doug Crockford says I relied on two models when I wrote JavaScript: The Good Parts. The first was Kernighan and Richie's The C Programming Language. It is a brilliant little book. I thought there should be a K&R for JavaScript. When it seems that most tech books are sold by the pound, it ...

On what criteria choose a good programming book?

Sometimes there are many books about some part of programming knowledge. Sometimes there are written by very good authors. So on what criteria choose a book to read? What take in an account to make sure that book will give me what I want? If authors are equally good and when readers don't judge what book is better one? ...

What are some good books for Object Oriented Progamming in Actionscript 2

What are some good books for developing a better understanding of Object oriented programming in Actionscript 2 and Flash ? ...