
Good Book/Training Material To Learn ASP.NET 2.0+

Hello all can you suggest a book/s or training material (APPDEV, LearnKey etc.) that is very thorough in learning ASP.NET 2.0 and better? I am going to start the SAMS ASP.NET Unleashed Book since a know of a few training classes that uses this book as a textbook. Let me know of that book/site/training material that really helped you in...

How many tech books do you read each year?

Lots of book are really thick,that makes me tired to fully read the whole book.So how many do you read each year or each month? ...

How do I spread the word about my "business book for programmers"?

I've resubmitted this quesiton - without the link to the slideshare page - since the original got closed. My apologies if it looked like spam or marketing. The question is genuine - apart from the yahoo groups I belong to I don't know where programmers hang out these days. Background: I've just published a free book online about the ...

How do I learn programming without books?

Okay, so I read the k&r and C in 21 days (never quite finished the k&r) I never really liked looking through books, reading line after line to learn what n++ does. I want to write some nice interesting stuff, and I don't want to have to spend hours on end reading books that talk about basic programming functions. Even though I never did...

Sign of the times: what are you reading?

What's the subject of a book on software development that you are currently reading (or want to read in the near future)? If a significant number of people are reading books on similar subjects it is probably a sign of the times (to come). [NOTE] This is not a poll on what is the best comp-sci book :-) ...

Programming language history

I'd like to know a little more about the overall development and history of programming. Things like how they came up with syntax and the overall thought process during the design of the older languages that laid the foundation for more modern languages. I looked through this but didn't seem to find what I was looking for. Any recomme...

What are the best C# .NET books?

What are your top 3 all-time best C# .NET books? And why? They could be for specific areas of .NET or be more general books. ...

Best web book for programmer?

I'm looking for the best books about web pages, but for the point of view of a programmer. I'm not looking for examples of good page navigation. I'm more interested into the technical information. For example HTML v3 vs v4 vs v5 (or even v4 vs v4.01). What are the most common meta tags and what do they do in each browsers. Common pitfall...

Requirements for Compiler Design

The student adviser we were working with is suddenly on leave. The plan was to design a compiler for a program which is similar to C (the basic structure of C still exists but keywords have been changed for example : for(i=0;i<10;i++) would now look like : loop i from 0 to 9 up 1 . And things such as #include have been omitted entirely...

What is the difference between Ken Schwaber's two books on Scrum?

Ken Schwaber, one of the `fathers' of Scrum, has co-authored two books on the topic with almost exactly the same title: Agile Project Management with Scrum (Microsoft Professional) and Agile Software Development with Scrum (Series in Agile Software Development) Is there any difference between the two? Are they redundant? If yes, whic...

Looking for a good book on microprocessor internals

I'm looking for a good book on how modern microprocessors are designed and work as I would like to increase my understanding of what makes them tick. Something that covers pipelines, superscalar architectures, caches etc. A book that is suitable for a programmer with several years of experience and has done and understands assembly progr...

What are some good Design Pattern catalogs?

DUPE: I'm looking for an extensive list of books on Design Patterns. What are your favorites? ...

Canonical prototype-based object-oriented programming book?

I'm looking for a good book (or webpage, maybe) on prototype-based OO. In particular, I'm looking for something heavy on theory. Ideally, I don't want something language-specific (and I really don't want something about Javascript, but if everybody said "just read the Self manual" that's fine). Basically, is there a prototype-based eq...

Is There a "Dive Into Smalltalk" Book

I want to learn Smalltalk (particularly Squeak), but all the websites and books I've come across either assume I'm new to programming or spend forever getting acquainted with all the minutiae of the system. When I picked up Python, Dive Into Python was my Bible for months. It had a great, straightforward way of teaching me how to apply ...

Book Recommendation for Visual Basic

I'd like to find a good book to read to come up to speed on Visual Basic for use with MS Access. I don't want a book for dummies. There's plenty that I don't know, but I'm no dummy. I also don't want a book for neophyte programmers. I've programmed in several programming languages, and I'd like to leverage what I already know to help...

Are there any good books on M-V-VM in WPF?

I've seen a lot of book recommendations for WPF here, but no witch is specific to MVVM. ...

Programming books at work or e-books?

How do you manage your programming books between home and work? Do you carry all your books between the two or do you exclusively make use of e-books at one of the locations? ...

Suggestions for books to buy for an office library?

We're thinking of starting up a little bit of a "library" here at work for programming/development books, to have some shared books available as references. Any suggestions on titles to put on the list? We mostly concentrate on Java and web application development, using Spring, Web Services, SQL, etc. My thoughts so far: Effective J...

What is the Title of this Software Engineering Book?

Hi Guys, I don't know if its right to ask the question here. I am in search for a book on Software Engineering and i don't know its name. One of my friend have a well worn version of it without the covers and so I know the table of contents of that book. Here's the table of contents in it. Part One Software-the Process and Its Ma...

What is the best book(s) on Lisp?

I am starting a new project at work where I will be required to use Lisp as a part of some cognitive work that I will be doing. I'm not very familiar with Lisp. Do any of you know of any books that will help me get up to speed quickly? ...