
Do you have any recommendations on Blend/XAML books/tutorials for designers?

There are a lot of WPF resources that are aiming developers. We are trying to get our designer up-to speed, and I have been researching some of the options on the market. The only two reasonable options that I found were "Expression Blend Unleashed" and "APress Foundation Expression Blend 2 Building Applications in WPF and SilverLight...

What's a good way to study algorithms?

Duplicate of: How to get started on algorithms After overloading my classes one fateful semester in my college days, I ended up dropping my algorithms course and never taking it again. I'd like to finally fix this by doing some self study, but I'm wondering how best to approach it. I've got a few algorithm texts, notably the CLR...

Which book do would you recommend for learning the basics of DataWarehousing

Best book on DWH/BI -Primer ...

How can I become an expert on the .NET framework?

Duplicate Which books are considered classics for .Net? Learning .NET What are some good resources for learning Learning .NET if you already know several languages How to stop worrying about using the best materials and just start learning .Net? Hands on asp.NET learning recommendations ...

Essential C# 3.0: For .NET Framework 3.5 (2nd Edition)

Is it worth to buy this book now as a reference or should I wait for the next edition that might come once .NET 4.0 is released (when?)? Do you know if it will come out any time soon? I hear great recommendations about it, and I am considering buying it. ...

User-friendly math textbooks?

As usual I'm working my way through a couple of programming books (Intermediate Perl and just started on The Little Schemer) and what struck me is that they really seem to put some thought into how they present the material. They're easy to read, and they seem to assume that you're working through them all by yourself (without an instruc...

Good 'XML with .Net' reference or Book

Greetings! This is quite a newbie question but forgive me. Can anyone recommend a good place, either site or book, to get up to speed on the XML Frameworks with .Net. I think I have the basics down but I have the feeling it's not as elegant as it could be. For example: When to use XMLDocument or XMLReader for finding elements How c...

Good book for Python beginners

I'm going to mentor a group of biologists that will be learning Python as their first programming language. I would like to provide them with a book that is written from this perspective, i.e. no expectation of previous programming experience. Any suggestions? Duplicate:

Best free downloadable Book of AI and C#

Please tell me the best Artificial Intelligence and C# book. Which is free downloadable. ...

Build a C# Bookshelf - what books would you include?

My primary development experience is in Java, although I have some C# experience as well. I have a library of material that I turn to often for those things that you do just infrequently enough that you don't remember the details from the last time you did something similar. The most valuable aspect of this library is that it's large e...

Software finance books

Can anyone recommend a good book for software people who are looking to break into the finance industry as a developer? ...

Does the book Programming WPF has insufficient XAML coverage?

I am about to buy Programming WPF, but am undecided after reading this. Can anyone who has read this book tell me if it has insufficient XAML coverage. In fact one of the reviewers at Amazon mentioned that the following topics are not covered. dynamic data binding how to create an app start to finish using expression and all of the ...

Best book to learn Windows assembly programming?

The other day I came across a site by the name On this site the author was able to understand and analyze the Windows assembly code generated. Which book can I follow to grab the knowledge of understanding Windows assembly code? ...

How to get started on Information Extraction?

Could you recommend a training path to start and become very good in Information Extraction. I started reading about it to do one of my hobby project and soon realized that I would have to be good at math (Algebra, Stats, Prob). I have read some of the introductory books on different math topics (and its so much fun). Looking for some gu...

What books do you suggest for understanding object oriented programming design deeply?

I have been programming OO for a while. But now I feel I have reached a place where I need to understand principles and fundamentals of object oriented design and theory scientifically and deeply. What resource, especially books can you suggest? ...

Is there a book for just Win32 C++ for beginners

I am currently trying to learn C++ win32 with buttons window creation shell procces and im not getting most of this is there a place to learn all of this (place == book) just for beginners ...

XNA: Which single book should a beginner start with?

I have tried searching for a similar post on SO, but apparently only found posts that suggest following online tutorials, and I'm ok with that. But I'm big on reading, and prefer having a book in my hand, even for referential purposes. Searching on amazon returns about 4 pages of books related to XNA Game Programming. I am very new to...

Good programming/math literature

I recently read The Numerati by Stephen Baker. It is an AMAZING book which really opens your eyes to all the possibilities of new emerging technology. I was wondering if anyone (preferably who has read The Numerati) could suggest a good read? I'm not looking for anything "code related". Thanks! ...

Unable to call a web service from Groovy

I'm going through the first examples from the new Java Web Services: Up and Running book. I tried to go through the SOAP client example for Java on page 13, but in Groovy. So here is my Groovy shell code: import javax.xml.namespace.QName import import url = new URL("http://someURL?wsdl") qname = new Q...

Recommend a good book about Web Services (.NET)?

Looking for a good overview about .NET web services and SOA architecture. Any suggestions? Any good links? ...