
Does python's print function handle unicode differently now than when Dive Into Python was written?

I'm trying to work my way through some frustrating encoding issues by going back to basics. In Dive Into Python example 9.14 (here) we have this: >>> s = u'La Pe\xf1a' >>> print s Traceback (innermost last): File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ? UnicodeError: ASCII encoding error: ordinal not in range(128) >>> print s.encode('latin-...

Embedded programming books

What embedded programming/design books would you suggest? With embedded I mean near to hardware programming in ASM and C/C++. I'm looking something related to best practices in embedded programming/design. Operation system could be Linux, Real Time Linux or any other RTOS. ...

recommendation for good data visualization books for beginners?

should teach both analysing the data and presentation, with code examples, preferably Java or Ruby. ...

What are recommended books for Parallelization ?

Hi, From my previous posts, I come to know that today software industry is moving towards more and more of parallelization and I want to learn and understand more about this technology and what are some of the recommended books/resources for Parallelization ? Thanks. ...

Books on Pi-calculus

Hi everyone!!!!!!! What is a good book on Pi-calculus, which will give an idea of practical problems? Can you suggest some new technologies in Pi-calculus to learn? Thank you. ...

Framework design -- reading recommendations

I'm writing a small application framework which other programmers will use. So I'm looking to do some reading on framework design issues. I'm not completely new to framework design, but it's always a bit of a challenge. Although I'm looking for general design principles, this particular framework is for Javascript applications, so it wi...

ebook reader for programming books?

Are the current ebook readers good enough for reading programming books (containing diagrams, source-code, screenshots, and so on)? How good are the search functions or the possibilities to set bookmarks, to use a book as a reference? I'd like to hear opinions of ebook reader owners to help me decide whether or not I should buy an ebook...

Text on Concurrency/Parallel Programming.

Id like for a good text on concurrent programming, I really dont know where to start. Would you be so kind to recommend me one, possibly at the systems level. ...

Iphone Address Book Sample Code

Hi All, I am very much new to the iphone SDK. I am interested to develop an application which is very much similar to the default addressbokk application in the iphone, which will help me to learn more about developing apps in iphone SDK. can any one provide me with the tutorial or sample code to do the same. I am looking for a sample co...

Should one just read SICP and not solve problems?

Hi, I am enjoying reading Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. But I find exercises to be a blocker. They take lot of time to do, especially in chapter 1-2.Should I just read SICP in one go, and not solve the problems? Did anyone of you faced same problem? My feeling is that doing exercises helps to understand concepts bett...

What are some best UNIX Online Tutorials/Books ?

Hi, I am new to Unix Operating System and my job involves mainly working with Unix Environment and so what are some of the best resources, online/books that one would recommend for Unix. Thanks. ...

Intro me source on Flash Actionscript 3.0 communicating with

As title, any books, tutorials, site that you guys recommend to me on how could AS3 can communicate with ...

What is going on with Steve Dewhurst, is he up-to-date in terms of C++?

For those who don't know, he is an author of C++ Gotchas and C++ Common Knowledge, and allegedly an acclaimed expert in C++. However, his website is fairly outdated, he hasn't published articles nor books for a very many years now, and, I am afraid to say completely, disappeared from C++ community. What do you guys think of his books, ...

Book Recommendation: "System/Model Theory"

I recently read Evans DDD, Fowler PoEAA and Fowler Analysis Patterns. These books got me interested in "modeling" as a more general terms. I noticed there are so many parallels to physics or mathematics, so I wonder if there is a field of science that deals with things like leaky Abstractions, defining Systems based on axioms, drawing co...

book about Rails recommendation

From The Ruby Way: This book is largely intended to answer questions of the form of "How do I…?" As such, you can expect to do a lot of skipping around. I'd be honored if everyone read every page from front to back, but I don't expect that. It's more my expectation that you will browse the table of contents in search of techniques you n...

What C# book would you suggest for C/C++ programmer?

I want to learn C# with standard libraries. For now I know C/C++ and basic OOP concepts. I would like to learn more complex OOP also. Is there any book which matches my needs? ...

Good book for Objective-C

hey any one suggest me good book for to learn objective-c Thanks ...

Recommendations for AI and/or Robotics related books

I would like to learn more about AI and Robotics programming and theory. Any books or sources of information will do, so long as they do not require significant prior knowledge of these fields. Cost is also not that much of a factor, but cheaper is preferred. ...

What are good resources/books/podcasts on Enterprise Portal Development ?

What are some of the very good online resources/books/pod casts/tutorials/blogs/articles etc for learning and understanding different areas of Enterprise Portal Development ? ...

Is O'Reilly's WebOS book out of date?

The book Palm webOS -- The Insider's Guide to Developing Applications in JavaScript using the Palm Mojo Framework by O'Reilly was published in July, well before the Palm Pre was released, meaning that the authors used an early pre-release version of the OS. This leads me to wonder if the information is current enough. Does anyone have ...