
K&R 1st Edition vs 2nd Edition

I doubt I'll ever become an expert C programmer, but I decided to check out the K&R book to sharpen my skills and see what supposedly one of the best programming language books is like. I requested a copy of the second edition through my library, but the first edition was loaned to me. Is the first edition good to learn from? Are there...

Book recomendation on ORM

What is a good book(s) on NHibernate in .Net or any other ORM? ...

Can anyone suggest good books like Craig Larman for OOAD?

Hi, I am looking for good books like: Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development which should not focus too much on UML notations but on how to analysis and design software in general. Any recommendations? ...

Sharepoint best books and tutorials?

Hi, Anyone suggest good books for sharepoint? and more specifically great video tutorials which go from the technical aspects to the programming? thnx ...

Resources for Game Artificial Intelligence

I would like to start building/developing a game AI that will allow me to play games like: Chess, domino, poker, and Texas hold'em against computer opponent. What are some of the books/resources are recommended to achieve that goal? Please give me the link with the books cover or something ...

Portal Developments

What are good books to start and learn about Portal Development ? I am looking for books and considerations to keep in mind which would help in designing and developing Portals like, etc and other similar public facing portals ...

More Effective C++ advice?

I recently purchased a load of new C++ books to take my skills to the next level. This list includes the three main Scott Meyers texts {Effective C++, More Effective C++, and Effective STL}. I've been reading all three of them but I did notice early on that 'More Effective C++' hasn't been updated since 1996. Can any expert C++ program...

Best books on how to optimize and profile Python code

What are the best books on how to optimize and profile Python code? ...

Learning programming language from a book

Hello. It's common to read a book to learn some programming language. But, I think we need to learn the skill of learning before doing so. What I'm talking about is that I need your help to make the learning process effective. To give an example, I'm reading chapter 12 in C++ Primer Plus. And I started to forget some details from the pre...

Best books on how to optimize and profile Java code

What are Best books on how to optimize and profile Java code? ...

Solid Foundation in programming for windows (Internals)

Hello, I started my windows development with .NET. But I'm a person who doesn't like getting away with work done. I would really like to know how exactly things work, I mean the INTERNALS. I'm doing my Engineering final year. Now and then I encountered few books, If put them in order I think it makes SOLID foundation. So, the list is:...

Set of books about Natural Language processing, Semantic Analysis and Data Mining.

So i´m starting to write my thesis of my master, next semester (should be done before june), i already have the theme, and i need to write the state of art till february. The main areas are Intelligent systems, Natural Language processing, Semantic Analysis and Data Mining. I am researching for the best books about Natural Language pro...

Recommended books/tuts/useful links on pascal programming language

Tried google, but could not find good enough book/tuts on pascal programming language.So what are your recommendations? thanks. ...

Best book for getting up-to-speed on Ruby on Rails

I am planning to travel this weekend (long 23 hour flight) so my mission is that by the time I get off that plane I want to be able to start developing on ROR. I am very well versed in PHP/.NET/Java so I don't think picking up Ruby would be that hard. However, I would like to get some input from those who made the transit from PHP/Java ...

What is a very practical C++ book?

While I agree reading books is always a learning experience, sometimes you'd like to skip the theory and just jump till you reach the practical aspects. For example, I'd like to see a book that tells me that by writing: char* a = "a string"; the value of a will (usually) get stored in the readonly portion of an executable, and explain...

LaTeX books VS online tutorials?

What were you missing from the online tutorials and manuals, that you found well explained in LaTeX books? Any LaTeX book, but I'm mainly referring to The LaTeX Companion by Mittlebach, and the A Guide to LaTeX by Kopka. I'm working on a book project in LaTeX and the question came up why don't I buy these much reputed books. Until now I...

Book to learn about the new features in C#/.NET 4.0?

I'm looking for an in-depth book that talks about, and only about, the new features in version 4.0 of .NET and C#. There are some good books, that are/will be published and talk about C# 4.0, but cover all the features of the language and the platform, even the old ones, and I don't want to waste time in scanning through a book of these...

code-reading books

I have been hanging around Borders (the bookstore) lately and have seen some books about "code reading". It covers topics like how to read code and understand it effectively, and how to (if required) refactor it to make reading the code easier. My questions is this: Are these books any good for an experienced programmer (2 years+) and ...

Best practice to prevent software copy

Hi everyone, I'm developping an application and I'm looking for some cool informations about protecting it against copy ! Do you guys know some book/articles/any informations about it ? Thanks in advance for your advices ! ...

Are there any MVC 2 books in the pipeline?

I'm looking at getting an MVC book for christmas but i wanted to make sure that there isn't a book on MVC 2 just around the corner, as i can wait :) Mike ...