
a good C++ book for someone who needs a QUICK refresher

A good C++ book for someone that needs a GOOD, BUT QUICK REFRESHER on templates, virtual void, inline, the finder points, extern, etc, etc ...

Good reference book for digital image processing?

I am learning digital image processing on my own and would like recomendations on good reference books. If you know of books to definately stay away from that would be useful as well. Thanks ...

Which book to read? Eric Evans Or Uncle Bob?

I have time next year to only read one book? What one should I read? The Principles, Patterns, and Practices or Domain Driven Design? I am currently working on a ASP.NET MVC application at a small shop. I have setup teamcity and am doing unit testing. ...

Which books or resources would you recommend for learning event-driven programming?

The question says it all, really. I am looking for books or resources I can use to self-teach regarding event-driven programming. I have a decent grasp on the program flow of smaller programs that don't have a GUI (procedural programming, I think); basically the code doesn't interact with the user beyond command-line arguments, or someti...

Collection of solved Lisp problems

Could somebody direct me to an online and free available collection/s or resources of solved and commented (not necessarily) Lisp programming problems, especially related to binary trees and recursion. I tried to Google it up the question but I didn't manage to find anything useful. I need solved problems because in my attempt of learn...

GWT Books/Tutorial for GWT 1.4 --> 1.7

I'm taking over a colleague's GWT project soon and I've never coded in it before. However as I come from a Java background, I'm sure I won't be banging my head too much or be too overwhelmed when I open Eclipse! What would be the best book to pick up, or tutorial to go through? What particular packages / tricks do you recommend I look ...

Can anyone suggest book for advanced C concepts?

Hi, I want to write programs like reading audio file and playing it. And I also wanted to write programs to convert one format (.vlc to ,rm). SO please suggest books and ebook links. ...

Which is the best book for learning Symfony?

Apress The Definitive Guide To Symfony Symfony Book Or Some Other Book. ...

Recommend book on Human Computer Interaction

Hi, I'm looking for a good book to read on HCI over the xmas holidays, is there a particular book you would recommend on this topic? Thanks, ...

Suggest me a book with java programming problems

Please suggest me a Java book that contains challenging programming problems. ...

Books on Unity or MEF

Anyone know if there are any books on Unity or MEF coming out in the next month or two? ...

Good books on Software Engineering for web apps?

Hi, could you guys recommend good Software Engineering books for web apps? [Edit] Thank you for the replies! I forgot to mention that I'm aiming to develop in PHP. Keep those suggestions coming and thanks a bunch! :) ...

Which version of Art of Computer Programming should I read and when?

I want to read Art of Computer Programming by Donald Knuth for various personal and professional reasons. So when I walk into the book store I see a couple volumes a couple versions and a whole bunch of Fascicles/sub volumes. eventually these Fascicles should be a concise volume and then further editions and versions will ensue. If I wil...

is there any other open apis like open library api?

is there any other open apis like open library api? i want to get information about books/ebooks, like author, publisher, coverimage, etc. open library is fine. any other suggestions? ...

Book for learning WPF

I have read this question. My question is whether WPF Unleashed is still the most recommended (since the question is over a year old)? Also, what do you think about WPF Recipes or Pro WPF? ...

Design Patterns in .NET

What good resources are out there for learning Design patterns in C# and the .NET Framework? ...

Books on programming aspects of SEO?

I'm looking to pick up a book that discusses search engine optimization from the programmer's perspective. Any ideas? ...

Is `The Practice of Programming` by Brian W. Kernighan still a good book?

I want to improve my programming style, best practices, and have gerenal overivew of big opensource project. One of my friends suggested me to get this book: The Practice of Programming by Brian W. Kernighan Amazon has good ratings but the book is pretty old. There might be good books available. Can any one please tell me if its wor...

Shell scripting book

Please recommend a good book to start with the shell scripting and then going ahead to have in depth and precise knowledge of shell scripting. ...

Good ethical hacking book

What is the best book to start learning ethical hacking ? ...