
Book for a Windows Application

Hello everybody. I want to create an small GUI Windows application that looks like all the other usual appz. I am searching for a book that describes the whole procedure. Let's say an address book application that can be have a small database, minimized in the task bar, doing things in the background and so on. I don't care for the l...

What are some good, but short, programming books?

My personal definition of a "short" programming book is a book with less than ~500 pages, but YMMV. So if you have a different definition of a short book, feel free to post. If you can, please post the number of pages of the book you are recommending. General programming books and books about a specific area of programming are both welco...

Blackberry Books

Can anyone recommend any books for learning how to develop on Blackberry? I only want recommendations of books you have actually used. This question asked for books, but none of the answers recommended any. ...

Is there no book on algorithms that is easy to read, like the Head First series?

I've seen Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen but I find it difficult to read after reading a lot of Head First books. Is there no book that explains Algorithms in a play way manner? ...

Recommend C# books besides Head First C# & Illustrated C# 2008 for beginner

I had searched related "book-recommend" threads before I post mine cause I didn't find what I'm looking for... I'm a newbie with a bit of PHP experience, currently I'm trying to learn C#. I brought two books from the shop Head First C# & Illustrated C# 2008, I have this thing for learning stuff visually, that's why these two books are o...

Books on command interfaces / interactive visualizations

Note: marked as community wiki. Note: before voting to close "not real question" -- the question is: What are the common interactive visualization design patterns? Exposition: I have this gigantic real time simulation. I'm working on interactive visualization tools to monitor the simulation. I'm familiar with OpenGL but not used to wr...

Threading books for C++

What are the best C++ threading books one should read? And also, please indicate which threading library it uses and its level like beginner, intermediate, advanced or reference. ...

Good Place to learn about License

So I'm looking for web sites, and books to learn about licenses Books would be great, I'm sure I can get them from the university libraries. Ok, I have some code I'm going to release to the public. Some of it is quite valuable (not massively but quite valuable), 100's of manhours. I want to keep rights for it while making it available f...

Recommended Complexity Theory Book(s)

I'd like to start off by saying that I have no formal training in computer science. I have several years of programming experience but I'm entirely self-taught. Additionally, I have a relatively good grasp of common algorithms and their performance (e.g., time vs. space) characteristics. Since I lack formal training, however, I feel lik...

Best Oracle 10g PL/SQL Book ?

Possible Duplicate: Beginners book for PL/SQL programming? I wanna buy an Oracle PL/SQL book. I am new to Oracle. Which book do you recommend for novices who are learning Oracle PL/SQL? Thanks. ...

ColdFusion Book Recommendation

I'm working on learning ColdFusion (I may have an opportunity to get an internship at a company that develops exclusively in CF) and am looking for some good resources to get me started. I'm definitely going to buy a book, but I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations. Any non-book (i.e. websites) recommendations would be hel...

Effective C++: Which edition to purchase?

I would like to purchase a copy of Effective C++, but I've hit on in issue. The first edition goes for about $4 used on Amazon, which is awesome. The second edition is about ten times as much. Could someone please give me some advice as to what I'm be missing out on if I bought the older edition? In other words, is the first edition st...

Recommendation for an ldap book for a programmer.

The need is to program an application (in PHP if it matters) against an OpenLDAP server. We need a good and orderly resource to learn from how to create schemes and queries against LDAP servers. We want a book as the stuff on the net is good but we feel is not as comprehensive as a book and articles will be used, after we have a good gra...

C#, compact and to-the-point Book or tutorial ?

Please suggest a book/tutorial for learning C#, that is concise, compact and to the point. I tried listening to some VTC audio tutorials, but that was longwinding and practically put me to sleep. Google shows too many c# tutorials... I am familiar with Java, although I haven't written anything useful in it and i get really confused with...

Books for understanding linux kernel?

To aid with poking around + running the linux kernel under qemu / UML; what are good books that describe how the linux kernel work? ...

C++ ISO standard commented (search a book)

Hello Is there something like "The New C Standard.An Economic and Cultural Commentary" ( - line-by-line commentary of the standard for C++ (ISO IEC 14882-1998)? I want to deeply learn some extremal examples of C++ and their standard-compliance ...

Kdevelop Issues - setting a variable

Hey, I'm using a program which relies on a certain value of a variable to get into a certain function. It's a dummy variable, which I use during debug when I want the program to enter a speific flow. Until now, I used to set a breakpoint near the variable , set it's value to 1 , and the condition would be met. I was wondering if ther...

Learning material for working with book databases?

I'm tasked with developing an application for retrieving, storing and searching data about books, magazines and the like, something very similar to a library application. While researching the topic I was stunned with the magnitude of different standards and acronyms, ISBNs, EANs, IANs and many more... so, are there any books or articles...

about 'psychology of programming'

Have any one read the book? Is this a mostly psychology book or its a book useful for the programmers? ...

Books about language paradigms and concepts

What book(s) will you recommend if the goal was to learn Different language paradigms (OO, functional, ..) Different concepts (dynamic/static typed, immutability, ..) In short, i'm looking for a book which describe and compares different language paradigms and concepts possibly with examples for real languages like Java, Lisp, Erlang...