
Is there a good Perl book on cryptology?

Is there a good Perl book on cryptology? ...

"The C Programming Language" interesting quote in the preface

From the preface of the second edition of Kernighan and Ritchie's "The C Programming Language": As before, all examples have been tested directly from the text, which is in machine-readable form. That quote threw me for a loop. What exactly does it mean? Was the original manuscript written as a literate program? My first thought wa...

ASP.NET MVC 2 book recommendations

I know a bit of MVC, I want to start a project in MVC 2 and a good book would be really helpful. MVC 2 is though really young, so not a lot of books have come out for it. Have you read any ASP.NET MVC 2 book? If so, how was it? ...

What jquery book you would recommend for a beginner?

I googled for some books on jquery and i got these Jquery Books from and some video series from and certainly some tutorials from for beginner... But still a good book would do a lot in my learning... Any books that you would recommend for beginner in jquery to have a crack at it? ...

What parts of this book are outdated? "Design of the UNIX Operating System" by Maurice Bach, 1986

I learned programming on the job via high-level languages. I'm trying to gain a better understanding of the lower-level workings of computing and picked up "Design of the UNIX Operating System" by Maurice Bach. What do I need to know in terms of which topics in this book may not be relevant to understanding Linux nuts and bolts? Is ther...

Question on Books

I am a learning SQL, HTML now. I would like to learn the following two more... Java, XML. I want to understand these two from testing and Web Services point of view. Is there a better order to learn the next two Java, XML or XML, Java? ...

how did you get into objective C?

how did you get into objective C? I'm trying to learn but every book I pick up is crap, and I can't find any videos (I'm a visual learner too) ...

Is Learning OpenCV (the book) relevant after OpenCV 2

Hi I'm starting out studying some computer vision (on what I believe would be called "grad school level" in the US) and wish to learn OpenCV. The book "Learning OpenCV" seems like a good place to start, but as far as I can see after playing around, it seems that OpenCV has undergone some quite major changes in version 2.0+. Is the book...

Suggest books/learning path for writing smartphone apps

I have been writing a lot of HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL and JavaScript lately working on a website, and I would like to move on to 'proper' OOP with an eye to making smartphone apps. I would like to at least cover iPhone and BlackBerry, which means learning Objective C, Cocoa and Java, before learning the specifics of interacting with the de...

Could you please suggest any good books for Java EE

Hi people, I am comfortable with Java SE 6 and I wanted to go deeper into Java by learning Java EE 6. However, I am confused and I don't know which book(s) should I read to master Java EE 6 (I have never learned Java EE previously). Could you please suggest any appropriate book(s) to help me master Java EE completely? Thank you for rea...

SSL, Certificate

i am new to Security. i want a good book that teach me how to create and use certificate , and log in using HTTPS. using jsp/servlet tech. ...

Where Can I get the PDF books for Java Media Framework(JMF)?

For JMF, there is very less sources available. That is very basic only. I want featured sources for JMF. where can i get it? If available, send me the link. Thanks in advance.. ...

Software development methodology book for project managers

What book do you recommend on software development methodologies (or on a specific methodology) that good for project managers? So I'm looking for a book that overviews methodologies from the aspect of a PM not a developer. ...

WPF or Silverlight Learning Resources for Business Applications

I am the only developer at a non-profit organization(~200 employees) where we are a M$ shop and 90% of the things I develop are specific to our company and are internal only. I am given a lot of latitude on how I accomplish my goals so using new technologies is in my best interest. So far I have developed all winform & applic...

What is a good book for Object Oriented jQuery?

I want to improve my JavaScript so I thought it'd be a good idea to get a book on Object Oriented JavaScript. But I also use a lot of jQuery so I'm looking for a book that approached OO JavaScript from a jQuery point of view ...

Detailed book on how wordpress is build

Just a simple question... Is there a book that describes how wordpress works in detail. So what I mean is e.g. Where this variable is declared, where used and so on.. With best regards ...

GNU Makefile book

Any books you would recommend to learn scripting makefiles? I know has manual, but hope there is a book with better explanations and examples. ...

Which book should I choose?

Hi guys, I'm looking for a good read on object oriented design. The two books I'm currently looking Head First Design Patterns and Head First Object object-oriented analysis & design. They seem very similar when looking at the contents and browsing through available sample text. Which one would be the best choice? About myself: I have ...

Book/topic recommendations for a programmer returning to programming.

I used to be a developer in Java, PHP, perl and C/C++ (the C++ bit badly - the others not too badly, I hope). This was back in the Java 1.3/1.4 days. We used raw JDBC, swing, servlets, JSP and ant (sometimes even make). Eclipse was new. Then I joined a deployment team and became a deployment engineer and then after the deployment engin...

books about Firewall development

Hi, i was just asked today, but i couldn't answer precisely so that's why i'm asking here :-) There is any book about Firewall design and implementations (Unix environment and C)? For sure, i could recommend TCP/IP books, and what i did, but there is some design decisions, that are not related with TCP/IP. For sure, i said about the n...