
Books on hexadecimal and binary systems

I have a basic understanding of hexadecimal and binary representations, which I'd like to improve. Can anyone recommend books that can help me along? Thanks. ...

What Math topics & resources to consider as beginner to indulge the book - Introduction to Algorithms (CLRS)?

I'm a programmer who's beginning to appreciate the knowledge & usability of Algorithms in my work as I move forward with my skill-set. I don't want to take the short path by learning how to apply algorithms "as-is" but would rather like to know the foundation and fundamentals behind them. For that I need Math, at which I'm pretty "basic"...

C#/.NET equivalent to John Lakos - Large Scale C++ Software Design?

I own and have read most of this book, a while back. Now I'm about to embark on a pretty large project and was wanting a refresher. Anyone got a recommendation of something similar that has a focus on C#/.NET. I know the principles remain, but if only for my readability. ...

computer history books recommendation

hello. I would like to read about history of computing, is there some particular book you recommend about: programming languages and their evolution history of supercomputing and supercomputers Thank you ...

Getting started with Qt4: which book to read?

I'm trying to learn Qt4. I have written code in C, C#, Python, PHP, Java and JavaScript before, but not in C++. Is there a book on Qt4 that you can recommend me? I've found some books I might like, but they're a little on the expensive side. I'm not ready to commit to Qt before I've played with it for a while, so I'd prefer to keep it u...

Book recommendation for a Ruby dev learning Java

I've been a Ruby developer for the past 4-5 years, and prior to that coded in Perl and a language called ProvideX for years. As hard as it may seem, I've never written a Java application short of the basic Hello World app probably a decade ago. I'm beginning to start doing some Android development to port some iPhone applications we di...

Language/tech specific books which improve vendor-neutral development skills

If I ask what the following books have in common: "Accelerated C# 2010, C# in Depth, Pro C# 2008", the answer would be that they would help me to improve my understanding of C# and secondly, my general coding skills. What language-specific/tech-specific books (like those named above) would teach me a great deal about general programming...

Programming books from cover to cover in one-shot?

Is it a good idea to just read the entire programming-related book, assuming within your grasp of 250-400 pp.? Or take it slow and go through it taking your time trying to understand absolutely everything. UPDATE 1: I am reading Beginning ASP.NET 4: in C# and VB and Programming in Objective-C 2.0 and I found that I learn a lot more if I...

Reading for a junior ASP.NET C# web developer.

We have a new junior developer and I want him to start reading up on various topics in order to broaden his horizons. I am trying to group these into "areas" so that he can focus on getting a good general knowledge in on subject before moving on to another one. So far I have the following areas: with C#, Webforms T-SQL CSS ...

Can anyone recommend a good Beginner Android programming book?

So I recently ordered a Droid Incredible and starting looking through the Google documentation for the Android, but I learn better by reading a book. So I need some programming book recommendations for Androids. Thanks in advance. ...

Book for C# like Exceptional C++

Hi Is there any book for C# like Exceptional C++, as good as it and with good chapters to learn C# in deep. Thanks. ...

What's a great book on moving into management from development?

So, I find myself being thrust into a development manager role. Over the last two months, I've found my managerial experience to be sorely lacking. Are there any good books on moving into a manager role from being a developer? One of the comments asked about what particular aspect is troubling me. I have to say the people side of the eq...

Good book for learning networking basics as it applies to programming?

Hi, What is a good book to learn about networking 'theory' (i.e. different layers: physical, tcp/ip, etc.). I don't want anything too technical -- just something so I can apply it to network programming. Thanks. ...

Where can I find a good article or book about Visual Studio 2010 team foundation?

I need some sources like articles and books about visual studio 2010 team foundation features. something which describes: What are the new features of 2010 team foundation How to use team foundation server best practices thank you in advance. ...

Silverlight 4 / RIA book

I'm looking for a Silverlight 4 book that includes best-practices (Silverlight 4, WCF RIA, MVVM, audio / video, localization, security, etc.) How-To-chapters for WPF developers (how to solve the same problem with WPF, e.g. Encoding.ASCII), differences in API between .Net Frameworks and Silverlight assemblies designer perspective (Exp...

Looking for good SIP Book

Hey guys I am looking for a SIP book similar to this one on XMPP - Professional XMPP Programming with Javascript and Jquery ( I am new to the area and any resources would be appreciated, thanks ...

Are there any good books on writing commercial quality software?

Hey, My background has been generally new technology demonstrators, which, well... demonstrate the latest technology and how it can be of use to a clients company. They use it for internal demos etc. Now my career has shiffed course a bit more into actual products, in particular software which runs in locations like museums as interact...

Any suggestions for Silverlight book, from fundamentals to version 4?

Hello. I am new to Silverlight. I'd like to use Silverlight 4 in my project. Can someone suggest me a book on Silverlight that can help me learn the technology fundamentals inclusive of Silverlight version 4? I fear that the Silverlight 4 books available in the market right now are incremental (they assume knowledge until Silverlight 3)...

Web apps which book for the common stuff? (security, scaliability,etc not basics like PHP/MySql)

I guess that the title says it all. I know PHP and am just beginning with MySql (but plan to use ODBC). I don't need any books explaining that. I am probably qualified to develop a simple web site, but aim at taking on quite ambitious apps. I imagine that almost all web apps have some commonality like security, scalability, etc (I have...

The best C# programming book for C++ programmer

Possible Duplicate: Best C# Book For An Experienced Programmer I've been programming with C++ quite a while, but my company decided to use C#/.NET for the next project. So, I have to learn nuts and bolts about C#/.NET. What would be the best C# programming book for C++ programmer? I guess I don't need the 'C# for dummies' ser...