
Need recommendation for good books on Software devlopment with .NET, career growth as a C# developer, methodologies so on.

Hi guys, I am a .NET developer for couple of years now and own the following books already. Framework design guidelines (Reading).NET Architecting Applications for the Enterprise (Read a little) 97 Things every Software Architect should know (Borrowed & Read)Pragmatic Programmers I'm looking to order the following books pretty soon ...

Is any book out there on programming FFMPEG encoding libs in c\c++?

Is there any book on programming FFMPEG encoding libs in c\c++? I found one ...

Websites/Books that have homework assignments for C#

Are there any websites or good books out there that have assignments like: Create a BackgroundWorker thread... blah blah blah I'm not a beginner programmer at all I actually have my degree as a computer programmer analyst but I would like to get more sharp with advanced concepts such as Threading, Generics, LINQ, DLINQ, etc. Thanks!...

What book should I read next

Hi All, I see myself as a beginner to intermediate level java programmer. I've read through 'thinking in java' a year ago, now reading 'Effective java'. However I feel like I am not up to the level of the book because, to be honest, I feel a bit tired after reading a few pages.(Is it normal? Or I am just not that smart?) I have also tri...

Do Java workbooks exist?

Does anybody know of a Java programming workbook? Kind of like pragmatic bookshelf's "Ruby Quiz", except for Java. Not a book of explanations, but a book of problems. Thanks in advance! ...

Count zero interrupt

I have long been a fan of William Gibson, but it's clear that he doesn't have much tech savvy - no harm in that, maybe just kuddos that he learned a few buzzwords and wrote some awesome books. But, "count zero interrupt" just sticks in my craw ... "On receiving an interrupt, decrement the counter to zero." (The term "count zero inter...

Book for intermediate .NET/C# developer?

Are there any books you recommend for an intermediate c# programmer? If you check some of my questions you'll see that I'm not an expert, but I'm neither a beginner. Most books I find waste my time with this is a for loop, this is how you declare a variable, etc. Which book can I buy that will teach me nifty tricks about C# I might not ...

Any books on with azure?

Can anyone tell me any good book related to "c#/Asp.netprogramming in azure platform" ...

CodeIgniter book

Can you recommend me some book about CodeIgniter? I have knowledge about oop but not about mvc or other frameworks. ...

Best Python / Django books for Java developers?

I am interested in learning Python and Django. Are there any books that you would recommend especially to Java / JavaEE developers? I already know Dive into Python (by Mark Pilgrim) and the Book of Django (although I think the latter expects readers to already know Python). Cheers! ...

Best book to learn java web programming (for an experienced perl developer)

I'm an experienced perl developer who commonly uses Catalyst/Moose etc for web development, and have some python/django knowledge. I'm interested in learning java with an eye on wicket/spring/hibernate and later on possibly moving towards groovy, scala or closure.. I'd rather not plough through all the basics.. What do you recommend book...

Improving Java development skills

Possible Duplicate: How to improve java knowledge? Hi everyone! I just recently graduated college with a B.S. in Computer Science with a focus on software development, particularity in Java. After graduation I got hired as a Java developer for a company in my area (been there for about a little over a month now). I also sta...

Recommended Books on Requirements Gathering

I'm due to be involved in a project where I will be responsible for the initial requirements capture from customers. I haven't done this kind of task before so am looking for a few pointers. Can anyone recommend any good books on this subject that in your experience have been invaluable? Thanks ...

Best book on AJAX

We have the very best book by Douglas Crockford, "JavaScript: The Good Parts". I can recommend it to anyone who wants to dig into real good parts of JavaScript. The question is, what is the best book on designing web applications with Ajax? What would you recommend reading? Is there "Ajax: The Good Parts", a K&R on designing modern w...

Common Bugs Book

I am looking for a book (or some other resource) where the most common bugs are explained and shown the proper fix. I am particularly interested in vulnerable bugs that trigger a CVE ...

How to get book metadata?

Hi everyone, My application needs to retrieve information about any published book based on a provided ISBN, title, or author. This is hardly a unique requirement---sites like,, and even software like Book Collector seem to be able to do this easily. But I have not been able to replicate it. To clarify, I do not ne...

Where can I download Fujitsu COBOL 3 or 4

Hi, I'm looking for fujitsu COBOL 3 or 4. According to the website of NetCobol, it was delivered with some old books. If you know some titles of those books, I can search for them and buy them. (I already found COBOL for Dummies, but that book is unavailble for sending to my country (Belgium)) Many thanks, Yvan ...

Accidentally ordered a PHP6 book for learning PHP

I want to learn PHP so I ordered a book about it called "PHP 6 and MySQL 5 for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide" I stumbled upon the website and found out the latest thing released was PHP 5.3.2 The describtion of the book says that "[...] 20% or so of the material requires version 6 of PHP." DID I SCREW UP AND SHOULD...

Accounting Online

I am a new freelancer and I need an online accounting stuff comparable to Quik Book Software. Any recommendation of what is good and cheap to use? ...

Why is Emacs used by everyone interviewed in Coders At Work?

I'm using both Vim en Emacs (Vim for a few years, emacs for a few months). I like both but I tend to see Emacs as a bit cumbersome and unfinished. For example some very basic action such as copying a word has to be added if you want it. But I love the fact that you can easily customize it. I'm currently reading Coders At Work and I love...