
Click in a ListView item changes status of elements inside the item?

Hi, I don't know exactly how to explain this problem, but I'll try. I have a ListView with several items. Each item has inside a TextView and two ImageView. I want the ImageView change when I click on them, and I want to open a context menu when I press for a long time into the ListView item. For the ImageView, everything works proper...

ActionScipt MouseEvent's CLICK vs. DOUBLE_CLICK

is it not possible to have both CLICK and DOUBLE_CLICK on the same display object? i'm trying to have both for the stage where double clicking the stage adds a new object and clicking once on the stage deselects a selected object. it appears that DOUBLE_CLICK will execute both itself as well as the first CLICK functions in the path tow...

html body gwt click event

html file has two textbox and one button. but i need to generate click event when i only click outside of the two textboxes and button can i do that. RootPanel.get().addEventListener or something like that?? help. ...

Prototype function to set onclick event observer in checkboxes

Hi, I want to set an observer for each of the following checkboxes: <div id="listr"> <ul id="lr" style="list-style-type: none"> <p class="tir">Text 1</p> <li class="ro"><input type="checkbox" name="r1" id="r1"/>A1</li> <li class="ro"><input type="checkbox" name="r2" />A2</li> <p class="tir">Text 2</p> <li class="ru...

Getting the colour of where you have clicked on a JPanel?

I only want a method to activate if the pixel that is clicked is white. How would I implement this? Trying to look for a method that returns the colour at a coord, but I can't find one. ...

Why doesn't the .click() not work in this instance?

Basically what this does is fadeIn pre-existing divs and then loads an image. When the image is loaded it then appends that into one of the pre-existing divs. Then it appends a new div with an id of xButton. Then later it $('#xButton').click() should hide the 3 divs. However it just doesn't work. If I change the click() to either #modalI...

Wrap all created li-elments after click

$('input[name="iplus"]').click(function() { $("#billsumary").append("<li>Test</li>"); }); Hi, i append a li-elemnt on every click. Now I like to wrap all those created li-elements into an ol-element but not each created one but all of them together. sample html output: <div id='billsumary'> <ol> <li>Test</li> <li>Test</l...

Jquery addClass on radio box checked.

I checked all the topics, but i simply don't know why my script does not work :( <script type="text/javascript"> $('input[name=pic]').click(function() { $(this).closest('ul').find(".green").removeClass("green"); if($(this).is(':checked')) { $(this).closest('ul').find("li").addClass('green'); } }); </scri...

jquery target link click event

Hi, i create some links on the fly ... $('input[name="iplus"]').click(function() { $(ol).append("<a href='#' title='delposition' class='beschr-"+($("#billsumary ol>li").length+1)+"'>l&ouml;schen</a>"); }); now I like to target each created link like $('a[title='delposition']') and assign a click-event like: $("a[title='delp...

Disabling shift-click in a Flex 4 AdvancedDataGrid with allowMulitpleSelect enabled.

I have an AdvancedDataGrid for which I would like to allow multiple selection. Do to several constraints, I want to disallow selecting items that are next to each other (Basically, you can't select multiple items with the same parent and parents are handled differently from children). My preference would be to stop event propagation when...

Jquery, checkboxes and isChecked

When I bind a function to a checkbox element like: $("#myCheckbox").click( function() { alert($(this).is(":checked")); }); The checkbox changes it checked attribute before the event is triggered, it's it normal behavior, thus giving and inverse result. However, when I do: $("#myCheckbox").click(); The checkbox changes it check...

gwt click event document

i need to register a cross platform and version independent click event to the document. that means i have a two text box and submit button but when i click outside of the two text box and submit button then alert will be displayed .how can i achive this by gwt document.get().addMouseClick ??? ...

focusout not triggering when clicking on another selector with a click

I have 2 divs that each have clicks bound to them. when you click on a div a form is displayed (in another div) that allows you to set properties specific to the div that is clicked. I'm using focusout to save the properties to a data object. everything is working perfectly except when i click on the other div. it seems that the click h...

Java Disabled JLabel Reports Mouse Clicked

colLabels[i].addMouseListener(new MyAdapter()); private class MyAdapter extends MouseAdapter { @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event) { ColJLabel colJLabel = (ColJLabel)event.getComponent(); System.out.println(colJLabel.ColID); setColumnHeader(false); } } colLabels[i].setEnabled(flag); The si...

Disable/unbind click on active items, rebind click when inactive

I have a left-positioned navigation that shows/hides content on the right. Currently, when you click a link, it fades in the corresponding content on the right and adds an active class to that link. My problem is that if you click the active link again, the content on the right keeps on fading in again. I would like to unbind that click ...

jQuery click event on image only fires once

I created a view of thumbnails. When the user clicks, I want the real image to pop-up in a dialog. That works the first time, but once the jQuery 'click' fires on an thumbnail it never fires again unless I reload the entire page. I've tried rebinding the click events on the dialog close that that does not help. Here is my code: $(do...

IE 7 CTRL + click opens a new window - how to suppress it?

Is it possible to suppress the default IE 7 functionality when CTRL+click on link opens a new window? if so, how? Thanks! ...

how to perform click to the output of ActionLink by jQuery or javascript?

<%= Ajax.ActionLink("Edit", "Update", "Home", new { id = item.mID }, new AjaxOptions { OnBegin = "function(){ $('#edit" + item.mID + "').show();}", HttpMethod = "get", UpdateTargetId = "edit" + item.mID })%> The above code generates the html source code. when user click the link, it works well. But there're so many links there, I must ...

Jquery and Hide a div on a click

hello, i have a little problem with JQuery. Well, i have a and i want to hide this div when an user click in a zone that is not in the like the "notifications" behavior in facebook. The solution that i found is to use method but i think there is a better way to do it. Thank you. ...

change button appearance on click

I wahnt to change button appearance when it was clicked. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:Button xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://" xmlns:mx="library://" creationComplete="init()"> <fx:Script> <![CDATA[ ...