
Checking if a RoutedEvent has any handlers

I've got a custom Button class, that always performs the same action when it gets clicked (opening a specific window). I'm adding a Click event that can be assigned in the button's XAML, like a regular button. When it gets clicked, I want to execute the Click event handler if one has been assigned, otherwise I want to execute the defaul...

How to programatically trigger a mouse left click in C#?

Hi. How could I programatically trigger a left-click event on the mouse? Thanks. edit: the event is not triggered directly on a button. I'm aiming for the Windows platform. ...

How to highlight clicks in app widget?

Hi everyone, I have an app widget which runs neatly. However, I am unable to highlight a click on a linked item. I've seen it in the standard app widgets like 'Music' and 'Power Control', for instance. Moreover, I've also been studying the Music app widget's source at album_appwidget.xml. The only thing I could think of is the LinearLay...

Appending html data when item in html select list is selected

I have a selector that could look like this: <label for="testselector">Test</label><br /> <select id="testselector" name="test[]" size="5" multiple="multiple"> <option name="test_1" value="1">Test Entry X</option> <option name="test_3" value="2">Test Entry Y</option> <option name="test_5" value="5">Test Entry Z</option> </se...

how to view associated click function code

For example, i associate following function with some element $('table#users tbody tr:first #save').click(function(){ $(this).closest('tr').remove(); }); Now, if i don't know where this function is stored, is there a way to view associated with click() code? In above example, i want a way to view that in firebug, or in another way...

jQuery hiding a div on click outside

Hi All I would like to build a simple menu for each list element clicked on but hide this div once you click outside it. Here is some simple code which hopefully will make sense. $('.drillFolder').click(function(){ var id = $(this).attr('data-folder'); $(".drillDownFolder ul li > a").attr('data-id', id); $(".drillDownFolder...

How to return the handle of a window when we click on it, without any DLL injection?

Hello! For one of my projects, I need to create a function that will return a handle to a window when the user click on it (any window displayed on screen, and anywhere inside that window). I know it is possible to use a global hook, but I think there must be a more simple way of doing that, without using any DLL injection. In fact, I ...

jQuery - fade out when clicking on parent element (and not the parents children)?

I've got the following code on my page, and what i'm trying to do is that when a user clicks outside the #loginBox, i want the entire #loginOverlay to fadeout. But i can't achieve this effect without having the fadeout triggered by clicking on #loginBox... It's placed on the bottom of the page, and i have a link on the page that trigger...

Matlab: How to get the current mouse position on a click by using callbacks

I googled near and far, but couldn't get an example of how you associate a callback to the click event in matlab. Can someone show me an example? ...

Opening a window in javascript ( on rollover without getting blocked by popup blockers

I like to open a new window (not in the same window) in JavaScript with on rollover (without click event) and it gets blocked by popup blocker in IE and Firefox. Is there a workaround for this? ...

jQuery/Javascript: Click event on a checkbox and the 'checked' attribute.

The code: $('').live('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var that = $(this); if (that.attr('checked') == 'checked'){ var m = that.attr('media'); var mid = 'verify_' + m; that.parents('div.state-container').find('ul.' + mid).remove(); that.attr('checked', false); ...

overriding previously-bound click events

When I use this code with an element whose id is "foobar": $("#foobar").click(function () { alert("first"); }); $("#foobar").click(function () { alert("second"); }); I get two alerts: "first" and "second" second. How do I specify a click event that also clears out any previous click events attached to the element? I want the last $("...

When a li is appended, does it not become a part of the ul "for real"?

I have right now this code: <ul><li class="listitem">text<li></ul> jQuery: $('.listitem').click(function() { $("#elname").text($(this).text()); $('#slists').css('visibility','hidden') $('#elname').css('visibility','visible') $('#elname').css('display','inline-block') }); This is supposed to hide a div and it does,...

javascript - eventlistener

var Button = createInputButton("checkbox", index); = "farmAtivada_"+index; FM_log(3,"checkboxFarm "+(index)+" = "+Button.checked); Button.checked = GM_getValue("farmAtivada_"+index, true); Button.addEventListener("click", function() { FM_log(3,"checkboxFarmClick "+(index)+" = "+Button.checked); GM_setValue("f...

hide a element when i click outside

Hi, i have an element in my page. <div id="element">try</div> I want hide it when i click in others elements in the page. How can i do it? ...

Button Click Event Getting Lost

I have a Menu and Submenu structure in Silverlight, and I want the submenu to disappear when the parent menu item loses focus - standard Menu behavior. I've noticed that the submenu's click events are lost when a submenu item is clicked, because the parent menu item loses focus and the submenu disappears. It's easier to explain with cod...

Fast clicking on IE has slower response than firefox, chrome and safari. Why? (I'm using jquery)

Fast clicking on IE has slower response than firefox, chrome and safari. Why? (I'm using jquery) ...

c# compact framework context menu

hi i'm using a transparent control class from here: to make a list on the screen. the text color is blue. then I have a context menu that shows up when user clicks on an item in the list an the clicked text color turns into white. the problem is, when user ...

Triggering a JavaScript click() event at specific coordinates

Trying to fire off (trigger) a click event. Its easy to do in jQuery, but cannot figure out how to set the coordinates of the event and send them along. Essentially, I need to trigger a click at a specific location (which is calculated prior to the trigger() call). Any way to do this (in jQuery or otherwise)? Thanks - ...

Google maps : How to open an InfoWindow for a Polygon by clicking on it?

Hello ! I have a simple question, but i can't find the answer in the Google Maps API documentation... I have a map with 13 polygons drawed by the API. Here is an exemple of one of these polygons : var zone_up_montblanc = new GPolygon([ new GLatLng(46.21270329318585, 6.134903900311617), new GLatLng(46.20538443787925, ...