
Jquery Accordion : set action to a specific element inside header

by default, if we have something like this as a Header in jQuery Accordion : <h3> <div class="1">TEXT</div> <div class="2">ICON</div> <div class="3">BUTTON</div> </h3> by clicking anywhere on this , accordion works and toggle the next element and ... the question is , how can we set an option and select a specific elemen...

Click at link by address template

Hello, I'm using Selenium for making some work: script should click at link followed by it's own address. For example, there is a method: clickAndWait. I have to pass it link title. But at my page this title changes, so I have to pass address to click at. Could you help me with this? p.s. I asked this question in selenium group, but st...

Clicking inside a polygon in Google Maps

The included JavaScript snippet is supposed to do the following: As the user clicks on the map, initialize headMarker and draw a circle (polygon) around it As the user clicks inside the circle, initialize tailMarker and draw the path between these two markers 1 is happening as expected. But as the user clicks inside the circle, in th...

Android: Disable highlighting in GridView

Hello, after searching for more than 3h in den the docs and testing I have to ask this question: how can I turn off the orange highlight, when clicking on an item in a GridView? Thx ...

Hit detection on non-transparent pixel

Given a PNG in a web context with some transparent pixels and some non-transparent pixels, is there a way in Javascript to determine if a user has clicked on a non-transparent pixel? A webkit-only solution would be perfectly acceptable. ...

Command button requires two clicks (sometimes)

i am using icefaces 1.8.2. For some command buttons, sometimes i need to click the button twice. previously whole applivcation was working fine with single click. after upgrade to 1.8.2,i am facing this problem......Any suggestion,what could be the reason??? Thanks ...

JQUERY, getting two BINDs/Clicks to play nice together?

I have the following line of code: <li id="1" class=" "> <a href="">Parking Lot</a> <span id="1" class="list-edit">edit</span> </li> I then have two binds: $("#lists li").click(function(){....... $(".list-edit").click(function(){......... The problem I'm having is I need the LI to contain the EDIT span because of CSS styling reaso...

Google Analytic Metric to use for off-site banner click comparison

I have all my off-site banner ads correctly campaign tracked/tagged but I want to know what metrics I should be looking at in the GA for the closest comparison to the ad servers clicks. I am pretty sure it wouldn't be Visits but I also see there is PageViews and UniquePageViews. My GA data is coming in way off from what the ad server m...

Actionscript 3: foreach drawing object in movieclip

Hey, I got a europe map designed in flash (1 movieclip, 1 frame, really simple), which contains the map as drawing objects directly inside the scene and in addition some specific countries as clickable buttons. So far it's working fine. What I need now is to make all the other drawing objects clickable without having to edit and script ...

Adding button click event when Fancybox popup opened

I'm trying to add a button onclick event to a button tag when I load my Fancybox popup using the following code: var processOrder = function(id) { $('#processPopupLink').fancybox({ 'hideOnContentClick': false, 'frameWidth': 850, 'frameHeight': 695 }).click(); $('#processComplete').click(function() { ...

Detect how many times the users have click the button...

Hello guys. Just want to know if there is a way to detect how many times a user has clicked a button by using Jquery. My main application has a button that can add input fields depend on the users. He/She can adds as many input fields as they need. When they submit the form, The add page will add the data to my database. My current ...

Why does nothing in WPF have a click event?

This seems very strange to me. I know through some adventurous inheritance you can convert most UIElements to a button, but it is a cumbersome way of implementing the most basic of of computer events ...

Connecting click signal to QGraphicsView

Hi, how can I connect a clicked() signal to a widget which doesn't seem to handle it (like QGraphicsView). If I try to rely on autoconnect, I get only: QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_xxx_clicked() What's the solution for situations like that? Thanks ...

Solr/Lucene user click based ranking

I am facing the problem of sort Lucene results based on user click log. I would like that more accessed results comes first. Does anyone knows how to configure or implement such property in Lucene or Solr? Thank you very much. ...

accepting click events in RelativeLayout

Ok, I have a RelativeLayout with a few TextViews as children <RelativeLayout android:id="@+id/shift_parent_name" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_weight="0.25" > <TextView android:id="@+id/shift_parent_nametitle" android:text="@string/shift_parent_nametitle" style="@style/hea...

WPF TreeView PreviewMouseDown on TreeViewItem

If I handle the PreviewMouseDown event on TreeViewItem, I get events for everything I click on that TreeViewItem include the little +/- box to the left (Windows XP). How can I distinguish that? I tried the following: // We've had a single click on a tree view item // Unfortunately this is the WHOLE tree item, including the +/- // symbo...

Hover-to-click on jQuery UI datePicker 'next month' and 'prev month' not working

Hi there, I have a calendar which is meant to look much like the calendar in Outlook. There is a big field representing the hours in a day, and there is a date navigator. The navigator is the jQuery UI Datepicker. I want users to be able to navigate to a new day by clicking on a date in the datepicker, but also to be able to drag appoi...

Jquery function doesn't work (with smarty).

Hi! I can't find whats the wrong with this script. Please help me! {elseif $text[i].text == "%SubPages"} <!-- js--> {literal} <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $("#button_{/literal}{$text[i].id}{literal}").click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $("#settings_{/literal}{$text[i].id}{literal}").toggle(); }); $("#setti...

Running a JavaScript code when a browser bookmark is clicked

I've written a code that has successfully created a bookmark for any of the following browsers - IE, Firefox and Opera. <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> function bookmark() { var title = 'Google'; var url = ''; if (document.all)// Check if the browser is Internet Ex...

event is not defined in FireFox, but ok in Chrome and IE

I generate HTML using jQuery: $("<a />") .append("demo") .click(function () { DemoFunc(event, value.Id) }) This works perfect for Chrome and IE8, but in FireFox I got an error: "event is not defined". I changed the code like this: .attr("onclick", "DemoFunc(event, " + value.Id + ")") It works for Firefox, but not for Chrome...