
GZip compression on HTTP Request with Tomcat

I'm new to using Tomcat so perhaps I'm missing something. In the server.xml it looks as though it is possible to enable GZip compression for HTTP Responses from the server to the client. However in my application, there are large chunks of XML data being sent from the client to the server. Is there a way to enable GZip compression in ...

Problem receiving UDP message from server.

I have to connect to a remote server via UDP and send a predetermined message to it in order to get a message back. I had first tried this in TCP and it worked but in UDP after I send the message and listen for the reply in recvfrom() I get nothing. Can anyone tell me what might be the problem here. if ((bytes_sent = sendto(sockfd, UDP_...

Transferring HashMap between client and server using Sockets (JAVA)

I am working on a JAVA project in which there are multiple terminals. These terminals act as client and servers. For example if there are 3 terminals A,B and C.Then at any given point in time one of them say A, will be a client making broadcast request. The other two terminals, B and C, will reply. I am using sockets to make them communi...

Tracking the death of a child process

Hi! How could I track down the death of a child process without making the parent process wait until the child process got killed? I am trying a client-server scenario where the server accepts the connection from a client and forks a new process for each and every connection it accepts. I am ignoring SIGCHLD signals to prevent zombie...

Detecting client-side DOM changes server-side in ASP.NET: Is It Possible?

I'm working on developing a custom control to select items from a predefined list. This is accomplished via 2 ASP.NET ListBox controls, with a few buttons to trigger the movement of ListItems from one ListBox to the other (lets call these ListBoxes lstSelected and lstDeselected). This is easy enough to do in ASP.NET or JavaScript indepe...

tcp application exit will send FIN always?

Hi, When a TCP application exits it will send a FIN packet. Consider a tcp client which get connected to a always listening server(server never exits). if the tcp client is exiting abruptly after few exchange of packets, will it always send a FIN packet to the server? Thx! ...

how to generate NONCE and print it on client side in ANDROID

Hello every1, I am now working on a program for Android which is someting related to IMS. I want the Server to send back a nonce to the Client as a string and print it on the client side. In order to generate nonce, I tried using the code from this site. Part of my...

MD5/SHA1 Checksum

I am sending objects to a server in java, however I want to ensure that it has not been tampered with, in addition to the already provided security. I understand how to take do use a message digest, however, should the checksum ideally be placed in the object? and if so wouldnt this change the checksum at the end. How do you go about thi...

How the clients (client sockets) are identified?

To my understanding by serverSocket = new ServerSocket(portNumber) we create an object which potentially can "listen" to the indicated port. By clientSocket = serverSocket.accept() we force the server socket to "listen" to its port and to "accept" a connection from any client which tries to connect to the server through the port associat...

javascript library for client side storage with server side sync

I'm looking for a javascript library that will let me store data in a client side database and in the back ground automatically sync the database back to the server's database preferable something that supports a variaty of engines in the same way jStore for jQuery does Looking around I can find anything ...

How can we send a large size of data (>2038 char) from client to Server using ajax?

How can we send a large size of data (>2038 char) from client to Server using ajax? I like to send an array of key-pair values of size more than 10KB. I am currently using cookies, is there any other prefered way by which we can send it through an Ajax Call. ...

server controlled or Synchronized web slide show?

I am creating a e-learning application , where the students (wireless) connect to the teachers machine, the teacher hosts a tomcat server. the teacher has a set of HTML web-pages(each of which can be thought of as a slide). and the students can view a web slide-show on his/her browser... the problem is.... i want the pages on the stud...

Should client-server code be written in one "project" or two?

I've been beginning a client-server application. At first I naturally created two projects in Eclipse, two source control repositories, etc. But I'm quickly seeing that there is a bit of shared code between the two that would probably benefit from sharing (in the same project or in a shared library) instead of copying. In addition, I've...

Example open source client-server code projects

What are some open source client-server projects which might be best to look at and mimic their code organization style? Java is preferred but not required. Related: I'm still trying to determine an answer to my question from a few minutes ago, "Should client-server code be written in one 'project' or two?" and I think it would benefi...

Thrift client-server multiple roles

Hi, this is my first question, so sorry if the form is wrong! I'm trying to make thrift server (python) and client (c++). However I need to exchange messages in both direction. Client should register (call server's function and wait), and server should listen on same port for N (N-> 100k) incoming connections (clients). After some cond...

Basic client/server programming

I am new to web programming...I have been asked to create a simple Internet search application which would allow transmit to the browser some data stored remotely in the server. Considering the client/server architecture (which I am new to) I would like to know if the "client" is represented only by the Internet browser and therefore th...

Java and Nagle illustration

I'm trying to illustrate the Nagle algorithm in a simple client-server program. But I can't quite figure it out, or get it to be printed to me clearly. In my example, the client just generates int's from 1 to 1024 and sends these to the server. The server just converts these int's to a hex string and sends them back to the client. Pret...

How to determine the UID of a message in IMAP

I'm working in a mail client project using C#. I'm using both the POP and IMAP protocol to communicate with the server. The problem is than I can not figure out why when I want to get the UID for a message the result from the POP server and the IMAP server are different. POP C: UIDL 1 S: +OK 1 UID2-1269789826 and IMAP C: $ FETCH 1 (...

How does a client find the port number of a server?

Hello all, I am currently learning about basic networking in java. I have been playing around with the server and client relationship between two of my computers. However, I cannot figure out how distributed programs (say, a videogame), can not only find the 'host' computer, but also the port number on which the server is running in ord...

Keep-alive for long-lived HTTP session (not persistent HTTP)

At work, we have a client-server system where clients submit requests to a web server through HTTP. The server-side processing can sometimes take more than 60 seconds, which is the proxy timeout value set by our company's IT staff and cannot be changed. Is there a way to keep the HTTP connection alive for longer than 60 seconds (preferab...