
Synchronization between hibernate running locally and on a server

Is there an easy way using a library to facilitate the synchronization of two hibernate instances. One running locally on a client and one running on a central server exposed via a web service. So Client tracks changes it makes, pushes them to the Server. The server ensures that the clients is not updating out of sync objects and stores...

WCF communication with several clients without IIS

Hey, we're working on a peer to peer comm software that would allow a number of grocery stores to sync their inventory with what we call "headquarters". To so this, we're thinking WCF+WPF, and no IIS and web services. My experience with WCF is basically zero, so my question is whether a TCP comm solution using WCF would work. The data th...

(How) Can I reduce socket latency?

Hello, I have written an HTTP proxy that does some stuff that's not relevant here, but it is increasing the client's time-to-serve by a huge amount (600us without proxy vs 60000us with it). I think I have found where the bulk of that time is coming from - between my proxy finishing sending back to the client and the client finishing rece...

How to implement communication between Java client application (Android) and PHP server application ?

I have a simple Java client application (Android app). I have to write a PHP server application which receives a request from the Java client application to write some data to a MySQL database or read some data from the MySQL database. It should respond with a status message (Write failed/success) or the data requested respectively. How...

Calling all javascript/jquery expert - How Does Firefox processes javascript

Hi, I just created an image gallery at, a google app engine. I tested this website with firefox 3.5 in Windows XP and Ubuntu Linux. If you open the website and click on the circular blue arrowed button, you will notice how jaggy (not smooth) the animation is. The weird thing is when I open the HTML pag...

How to implement notification for windows app using .NET

I have to implement client server based app where client is windows app. Now, my plan is to create a webservice as a server app and use it in our client app. But the problem is in notification. For this, I need to add a timer to the client app to check for the notification. It slows down the client app. What is the best approach to do ...

Client use high port number

Hi, Why does the client end of a connection use high port number(ephemeral ports) whereas the applications listen on typically small port numbers ? Thx in advans, Karthik Balaguru ...

Unix TCP servers and UDP Servers

Why is the design of TCP servers mostly such that whenever it accepts a connection, a new process is invoked to handle it . But, why in the case of UDP servers, mostly there is only a single process that handles all client requests ? ...

How can I code a server/client video and audio streaming application?

Hi guys, I have to create a client/server system to stream video and audio. It would be very simple. Like youtube style. The server should attend clients providing a list of medias first and waiting the choice of each client to start streaming the media. Until create a socket and showing a simple list I'm on it ;) But I don't know which ...

TDD on client-server application

Currently I'm creating a server application to receive protocol-specific messages. I need to create tests to ensure that I've implemented the protocol correctly. Is this some kind of integration testing? If positive, can I make an integration testing with unit testing tools? And finally, what is the best way to create these kind of tests...

How to make WCF client use the same data types as the WCF service

I have a .NET WCF service that services only .NET WCF clients (all .NET 3.5, no interoperability, via TCP, binary encoding). Using svcutil.exe the composite types that are used by the data members of the service are generated as part of the proxy.cs class used by the clients. However, what to do if I wanted to reference the same types d...

Asynchronous socket programming

hello, i'm creating an Asynchronous socket programming in i've utilised the code from Asynchronous client and server code frtom the following links: for server program The client program is present in the same link in /bew39x2a.aspx(sorry i'm a new user so could post only on...

Suggestion on a replication scheme for my use-case?

I am working on an application that runs on multiple clients that talk to one main MySQL database. Additionally, we have a web application that uses the same MySQL database. Due to latency issues, all clients will have to run their own local MySQL database which should be a copy of the main MySQL database. The web application remains to...

Client Server Design Question: Maintaining State On Both

Thanks for taking the time to review my question! Let’s assume that there is a web service (restful, SOAP, XML/JSON, what ever you want) and it was a service regarding puppies. A puppy, for the purposes of this question, can have two member variables. The first one is a unique ID of the puppy. The other data member is “number of fleas...

Alternatives to client-server (including web and cloud computing) paradigm

I have been writing software for networked environments for some 15 years now, and am wondering if client-server is really "the best solution" out there for many types of distributed, or networked applications. My question is - are you familiar with other paradigms such as peer to peer software, distributed workload distribution / compu...

Maximum number of concurrent connections on a single port (socket) of Server

Hi, What could be the maximum number of concurrent Clients(using different port number) that could communicate to a Server on the same port (Single socket) ? What are the factors that could influence this count ? I am looking for this information w.r.t telnet in linux environment. Thx in advans, Karthik Balaguru ...

Suggestions for particular client-server system

Hi! I have a quite specific client-server design case and I want to ask for suggestions. The task is about enhancing an existing system with new functionality. The system is composed of a server with public IP, 10 - 1000 CLDC clients with dynamic IP, and a device that communicates with the server over the serial port (COM). Client(J2ME):...

Interacting with a remote server over network

I need to connect to a remote server whose remote name and PORT number is specified to me. This I need to do over Unix sockets. After connecting with it, I will need to receive the messages the server sends and then send it data as it instructs me to do. I know the steps to make this client program but i'm lost as to the exact things I n...

Running a WCF Service host and WCF client proxy on the same Windows form

Hi we're trying to build a "web" of connected clients, where each client.exe also provides the service host that remote clients connect to. The idea is that whenever a remote client connects to the local client, a form is used to visually show the connected remote clients. Whenever a new remote client connects or disconnects, the form i...

Android, Serializable/Parcelable problem in client-server app

I want to send complex data from my android to a remote server via TCP-sockets. I know that I need to serialize the Objects. In Android this is done via parcelable. But this is an android specific interface and the server only knows the serializable interface. Also vice-versa android doesn't know a serializable interface. Both the andro...