
OO Client-Server Design

I'm using c# to design a client-server application. I'm still a beginner, and am learning the ropes of c# and OO. Right now, I wrote on a piece of paper a few ideas. Essentially, I would create a class "client", which contains all the details (sockets, etc). The client class would be created and stored in an array which would be used...

Live stream 'push' with Ajax

Hi, I just found an interesting demo of what can be done with the cappuccino framework; Push with Cappuccino and Tornado As far as I understands it, It keeps an async client/server connection, which is great to keep a "content" updated. I would like to know if there is any way I can do the same thing using JQuery or another library. ...

Introducing errors in client-server transmission

I'm in a Math class about coding theory and we have to do a project for our term mark. My project is a client with an echo server, which shows what errors were introduced in the trip from the client to the server, and then back. And test different error correcting schemes for efficiency and how well they are suited to this task. The ...

any suggestion on clustered client server comm. approach?

Let's say i'm building a client server software. the main server connects to agents on different servers. the agents is a search client and each will return quite huge array of 64bit integers and finally the main server (parent) will sort it to produce finaly result. Which is better/faster approach, using a socket to get all the data...

in a JAVA client/server application, in which portion of the communication interface should i store the instance variables?

i am designing a card game.. multiple clients will connect to a single server object. should i store the instance variables in the protocol or the server object? ...

WPF C# Client/Server announcement system

I'm currently in the process of creating an announcement system at my place of work. The role of this system will be to replace all users email due to people misusing it and generally abusing the facility. The system will consist of: Web Portal: Will allow staff to enter any important announcements (this will be restricted via AD). SQ...

Ways of providing upgrades to customers for applications developed in C# and MySQL

We have a product developed in C#.Net. It is not a web application but a desktop version. It connects to various databases like MSSQL, MySQL etc. We keep on upgrading the versions of the software for bug fixes as well as new functionality. These updates changes the exe as well as dll used and the database also. We would like to know wh...

Send a file in C# client-server application

I Have a socket-based server and I want to send a file from that server to all the connected I tried using on the server side tcpClient.Client.SendFile(filename) But how can I distinguish this message on the client-part? Beacause the normal communication protocol that I use is based on XML, and by sending a txt file for example it wo...

Client / Server

What i need in my project to install the program and data base on one computer (server) and to use it from other computer (clients) the clients search, add, and update from DB I am using VB.NET AND SQL SERVER pleaase help me..... ...

Creating a socket restricted to localhost connections only

I have a python program with many threads. I was thinking of creating a socket, bind it to localhost, and have the threads read/write to this central location. However I do not want this socket open to the rest of the network, just connections from should be accepted. How would I do this (in Python)? And is this a suitable desi...

How are server side applications created, how is client - server communication done?

I would like to have a client-server application written in .NET which would do following: server is running Linux on the server there is SQL database (mySQL) containing document URLs What we want: - server side would regularly crawl all URLs and create a full text index for them - client side would be able to perform a query into th...

Java + Command Pattern + Spring + remoting : How to inject dependencies to Command object ?

In my current project I'm dealing with EJBs implementing huge interfaces. Implementation is done through a business delegate, which implement the same interface and contains the real business code. As suggested by some articles like http://www....

client requirements for messaging system (a la MassTransit) using MSMQ?

Having not used MSMQ before, I'm not at all clear an the client environment requirements to use it. I'm designing a client/server solution that will integrate with a legacy system and I'm sold on messaging. I'd like to use a service bus implementation like MassTransit, but that requires MSMQ. Do I have to ensure that every client PC ha...

Why should I authenticate a client using a certificate?

I'm implementing a client with python's twisted that checks the server ssl certificate when connecting, following basically this recipe. I've seen in many HOWTOs such as this one the server checking the client's authenticity through a ssl certificate as well. Currently i authenticate my clients using an unique id and 1024 char string (th...

Performing multiple database operations in a single REST call

I am trying to figure out the best way to call REST actions that perform multiple actions and multiple database updates from a single call. In my data model, I have Diners and LunchBoxes, and Foods. LunchBoxes are just many-to-many relationships between Diners and Foods, but with a count attribute that says how many of that type of f...

Create a text file on client-side programatically

We have a Ruby-on-rails server-side deployment that needs to allow users to download a pre-compiled self-extracting Windows EXE file on their computer. We also need to generate a text file dynamically (based on the users id) and deploy it somewhere on the client machine where the EXE can find it. We have 2 options: Generate this tex...

Using Java to Query a Server for the Time

I want to ask a server, whose IP I know, to send the date and time to a client. How can I implement this in Java? ...

Server Architecture for Embedded Device

I am working on a server application for an embedded ARM platform. The ARM board is connected to various digital IOs, ADCs, etc that the system will consistently poll. It is currently running a Linux kernel with the hardware interfaces developed as drivers. The idea is to have a client application which can connect to the embedded device...

help for solving problems in a java rmi assignment

Hi, I want to write a client/server application with rmi and I want the client have the ability of running media player in the server’s system. Can you help me please? Can you show me the way in the code snippets please? ...

How do you efficiently handle reference counts between a server and clients?

Say a server stores objects with a reference count. Clients, when they connect (over sockets), send messages to increment and decrement the counts on those objects. The only behavior pattern that's guaranteed is that if a client works with a particular object, it will increment it, some time will pass, and it will decrement it (clients n...