
ColdFusion Timezone Support?

Does ColdFusion 8 have any built-in support for handling timezones? We'd like our users to be able to choose a timezone and then have all dates/times on the site adjusted to their locale. Currently we're asking users to set an offset from server time, and it's a headache because they have to go in a couple times each year and manually ad...

dynamically display category, subcategory, products using coldfusion

Hi to all.. please help me with this school project for an e-commerce site that im doing ryt a newbie in programming.. here's the scenario.. Im using coldfusion,ms access,dwcs3 How can I dynamically view the products that are base on dynamic category and subcategory? using URL parameters here is my table on my msaccess tblca...

CFHTTP running longer than Timeout specified

I'm using ColdFusion 5 and specifying a timeout=2 on the CFHTTP tag. But I've seen the CFHTTP take much longer, sometimes as much as 8 seconds. I thought the timeout parameter was the max time the CFHTTP would execute. Has anyone seen this before? ...

attributes.someParam cannot be evaluated in coldfusion

I have in my cfm something like this <CFModule name="MyModule" someParam_one="" someParam_two="#something.two#" someParam_etc="etc_etc_etc"/> And inside my module, I have an <CFSet param_name = "someParam_one"> ... evaluate("attributes." & param_name) On most of our servers, this work. But on one of our s...

Convert an image from CFHTTP filecontent to binary data with Coldfusion

I'm trying to convert an image (jpg) loaded via cfhttp to binary data. I can't use cffile action="readBinary" as it is not a local file. ...

Parsing text content in ColdFusion

Hi guys, I am attempting to parse text from a <cfoutput query="...">. I am interested in finding the number of times every word in the text is displayed. For example: "My name is Bob and I like to Bob". should result in Bob - 2 Name - 1 etc, etc, etc. I take my <cfoutput> from a twitter RSS feed. Here is my code: <blink> <cfse...

How can I bind a button control to a cfc to toggle a boolean database value

I would like to able to bind a series of 3 buttons to toggle 3 boolean values on a database message entry. The boolean database entries are read|unread, actioned|pending, referral|message and the message entry has the unique key "messageID". I want the buttons to display the record starting values (which I presume is bindonload="true"). ...

How do I consume a web service in objective c?

I have a web service developed in coldfusion that I am trying to consume on the iphone. The web service returns JSON which should be fairly simple to read. However, I have been unable to find a good simple example of an iphone app calling a web service and using the data. Are there any good tutorials or examples out there that I am just ...

Redirect all HTTP-Requests with *.asp to one single file

Is it possible on an IIS to redirect all files with the file extension .asp to one single file (i.e. switch.php, switch.cfm) and how? Thx in advance for the upcoming solutions :) EDIT: version of IIS is "IIS 6.0" ...

Notes database to MySQL (with CF?) / or how to get the NSF-datastructure

hi, I have a commercial ColdFusion application, running on a MySQL database. A possible new client has approached me, they have been working in a Lotus Notes environment (and their own database) for many years now. Ofcourse they want to migrate their data to my application, before making the move. I'm trying to get a grip on how to get...

Installing Coldfusion 8 32 bit on a 64 bit machine - any problems?

Hi all We are planning to upgrade our test server and to do so we were planning on buying a 64 bit machine from Dell running Windows 2008 x64 Web edition. However, for now we would like to continue to use 32 bit Coldfusion 8. Is there anything to stop us doing this, or do we have to move to 64 bit Coldfusion 8? Has anyone had any p...

ColdFusion career help.

Hi , I have been looking recently at ColdFusion , My simple little question is: I am a junior web developer , I know XHTML , CSS , MySQL and PHP to a reasonably good level. If i was too a learn ColdFusion and If I wanted to move into a Cold Fusion MX developer role in the future would this be a good job over being a PHP or ASP Develop...

What Coldfusion 8 standard edition performance monitoring free tools are available?

The company I work for only has standard edition, and can not afford a pricey monitoring solution. And this is installed on windows 2003, IIS 6, Coldfusion 8. But we need a way to remotely look at performance of the coldfusion server, since perfmon can not send data remotely. And we don't want to put in tons of data into sql server, to...

In ColdFusion, can I rename a PDF Form Field with CFPDF?

We have PDF's which include standard PDF forms. We would like to merge them and fill data into the fields at the same time. The problem is that sometimes we may merge the same document more than ones into the final document. Is there a way to rename the the fields (Attach __#) in the PDF so that the repeated documents do not conflic...

Help decrypting in ColdFusion passwords created in .NET

I have a SQL db storing passwords that were encrypted through a .NET application, that I need to decrypt through a ColdFusion app. I just can't seem to get things set upproperly for the CF decryption to work. Any help would by appreciated. Thanks. The .NET decryption code is: public string Decrypt(string input) { try { D...

How to specify argument attributes in CFscript? (CF9)

In CF9 doc: Defining components and functions in CFScript, it says: /** *Comment text, treated as a hint. *Set metadata, including, optionally, attributes, in the last entries *in the comment block, as follows: *@metadataName metadataValue ... */ access returnType function functionName(arg1Type arg1Name="defaultValue1" arg1Attri...

How to select (focus) last row of paginated CFGrid?

I have a CFGrid with pagination, and have a separate form to add new row to last row of the grid. //Ajax form submit ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm('form1', 'data.cfc?method=insertRow', formUpdateHandler, formErrorHandler); //Handler function post update function formUpdateHandler() { ColdFusion.Grid.refresh('grid', true)...

What method is best for coldfusion 8 trigger background page?

I need to trigger a page to start acting, without interfering with client's processes. I am doing a huge csv file upload, and after upload, redirect to an ajax status page.... But how do i trigger a page to be executed without showing that page to the end user...which i don't want to have them see... Can i use cfschedule to schedule a...

Get async postback state for WatiN test

This post below pretty much says it all. The only issue is the solution (I'm looking at Randy's solution in the comments section) is ASP.Net specific and I'm testing a ColdFusion website using WatiN. So I need a solution that will work with ColdFusion… I know I could u...

BlazeDS and ColdFusion - jRun memory usage increase resulting in java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

I have BlazeDS running in an instance of Coldfusion 8. A flex chat app that acts as both a producer and consumer with 70 long polling requests allowed, moving to client polling with a polling interval of 2 seconds. jRun metrics logging is enabled. The server is set up with a max heap size of 1200mb, 210 max jrun threads and 150 max simul...