
How can I reference the value (or any other property) of the selected item in a CFTREE?

I have a CFTREE (format = "Flash") used to display a hierarchy of users. For the lowest level of the hierarchy, I want to open a popUpWindow using an existing JavaScript function. I've tried adding "javascript:myPopUpFunc(...)" to the href property, but it does not work. I need to pass values in the URL based on item that was clicked (i....

How can i monitor cfthread processes?

Now that I am using it for backend processing of csv files, and the cf8 standard is limited to ten threads, I want to make sure i won't somehow overload the server... Any suggestions? I am making uniquely named threads, but i am worried about performance...also what if i need to stop a thread, how do i do that? Thank You. ...

ColdFusion, WSDL, and extended complex classes

I am working with a webservice that provides basic CRUD functionality. The Retrieve is easy enough to work with, but I'm having trouble working with the Create (I've not yet messed with the Update or Delete functions). The update function takes a single argument. This is a zObject in the WSDL. However, this is a generic object extend...

onApplicationEnd - Is CF actually shutting down?

Hi all I need to use onApplicationEnd() as part of Application.cfc to execute a call on a 3rd party Java object to close a connection to another device on the network. The code I have worked perfectly if I call it as a normal request, but when I place it in the onApplicationEnd() method I'm running into some errors. These errors sugg...

What possible cfthread statuses are there?

I am creating an app that needs to know the current status of dynamically named threads.. But since i was unable to get the value as a variable, i must check for each possible status, in my cfc to return some value indicating the current status... Been digging for good articles on

ColdFusion CFHTTP I/O Exception: peer not authenticated - even after adding certs to Keystore

I'm currently working with a payment processor. I can browse to the payment URL from our server, so it's not a firewall issue, but when I try to use CFHTTP I get a I/O Exception: peer not authenticated. I've downloaded and installed their latest security cert into cacerts keystore and restarted CF and am still getting the same error. Not...

How can I get an MD5 hash in ColdFusion?

I'm trying to get an MD5 hash of a value in ColdFusion. I tried this code using the Encrypt function1: <cfscript> val = 1117; md5 = Encrypt(val, 0, "MD5", "Hex"); </cfscript> But I get an error: The MD5 algorithm is not supported by the Security Provider you have chosen. How can I choose a different security provider? 1 Yes, ...

Associating a custom preview URL with a .cfm file in ColdFusion Builder (Eclipse)

In my usual ColdFusion directory layout all files are accessed via a controller called r.cfm that uses an include to pull in the actual .cfm file, so a file called "salaries.cfm" would be invoked via In Eclipse with the ColdFusion extensions I could set the file properties so the default url for...

Can you split a PDF 'package' into separate files with CF8 or CF9?

The cfpdf tag has lots of options but I can't seem to find one for splitting apart a PDF package into separate files which can be saved to the file system. Is this possible? ...

Using ColdFusion to save an uploaded image to the server.

I'm being stymied by what I thought would be the relatively simple task of creating functionality to allow users to upload a picture to a server directory and am looking for some help. I have a simple form with a straightforward interface, passing a variable named 'imagedata' which is the data passed from a file input, a variable named ...

UPNP and .NET CompactFramework

Is there any upnp framework for CF .NET? There is mono.upnp source but it needs porting for CF. ...

How to get the substring from a String in ColdFusion

How can I get the Substring in Coldfusion? ex:- following is the String "Update Tablename set value=something where value2=thisone" I want to get the Table name from the Str how is it possible? Note:- Table name is dynamic(i.e may be any charecters). Thanks ...

Coldfusion: create any prototype?

Hi while facing an interview one of the questions was "Did you create a Prototype"? Now I had worked with 2 projects that involved the entire SDLC. I said: Prototype Design – Created in the Preliminary Design Phase; expands the Conceptual Use Case Model to the Implementation Use Case Model. It identifies the Actors and provides a ...

How to export long strings from datasource to excel in Coldufusion and Report Builder

Hi everyone, I have to export some data, stored in a MSSQL database, using Coldfusion server pages. I setup my query with the cfquery tag, I generate my cfr file in Report Builder and setup the cfreport tag like this: <cfquery name="q" datasource="mydsn"> SELECT * FROM table </cfquery> <cfreport format="EXCEL" template="cfrPath/cfrfil...

CFQUERYPARAM breaking with "+" in URL

I have a query: SELECT id FROM table WHERE field1=<cfqueryparam value="#URL.field1#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"> AND field2=<cfqueryparam value="#URL.field2#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"> AND field3=<cfqueryparam value="#URL.field3#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">; Id is an INTEGER in MySQL, but the above query return...

CF Query appears to return incomplete data from text field

I'm using CF8 and SQL2000. I'm storing a bunch of HTML in a Text field in my SQL table. When I do a simple CFQUERY against that data, and CFDUMP it, it's truncated to 64000 characters. I've confirmed that my data is complete in the SQL table, by selecting the tail end of the data using SELECT Substring, and confirmed the length using...

Slurp an INI file in CFML

Could anyone find a way of improving this code a bit? I want to read in an INI file in one felt swoop and create a corresponding data structure. <cfset INIfile = expandPath(".") & "\jobs.ini"> <cfset profile = GetProfileSections(INIfile)> <cfloop collection="#profile#" item="section"> <cfloop list="#profile[section]#" index="entry"> ...

How to go about planning a modular eCommerce web application?

I have been tasked with doing some planning and research for a home grown in house application. Our primary development language is ColdFusion and Flex3, so I wanted to attack this problem with a modular solution, using an MVC framework. I must mention that I am not a huge ColdFusion developer, but will be one of the architects behind ...

Is Coldfusion more than a presentation technology?

I've been looking recently at Coldfusion for an upcoming job. My background is in and JSP/Servelets. From what I can tell, Coldfusion is mostly a presentation technology that interfaces with a business layer implemented in some other technology. For the trivial cases, it also looks like you can go straight from the markup to...

question about coldfusion displaying query result in a cfgrid

hi guys, i have a coldfusion cfc and some methods in it. MethodA will return a cfquery object. now i use cfajaxproxy to call MethodA and get the query result in a cfm page. this cfm page already have a cfgrid there. now my question is how can i display the query result getting from MethodA in the grid which already have data display in i...