
Is it possible to make Eclipse's code-folding gutter black?

Is there a way (I'll settle for a hack) to make the code-folding gutter in Eclipse render with a black background? I'm clinging to TextMate as my main editor but would really like to go back to Eclipse for code completion, but I'm stuck with this ugly crap: ...

Possible to fill a table cell with a bg color?

I have a table cell that isn't entirely filled with text so the bg color doesnt cover the entire cell. I still wish to have the entire table cell filled with the same color without using a background color on the whole table. So is it possible to fill the entire cell with a color without using background color on the whole table? ...

How to pick a color to make transparent in images?

First question, please be gentle ;-) I've written an image class that makes simple things (rectangles, text) a bit easier, basically a bunch of wrapper methods for PHP's image functions. What I'm trying to do now is to allow the user to define a selection, and have the following image operations only affect the selected area. I figured ...

How do I edit an interface builder object programmatically?

I created a label using Interface Builder, and now I want to set the background color of the label using code instead of IB's color picker. (I want to do this so that I can define the color using RGB and eventually change the colorspace for the label.) I'm in cocoa. How do I edit the attributes of an IB object using code? My code lo...

YUI Charts Styling

Hello people. Through my search for a open-source charting system, I found the YUI library. So here is the question. How can I make the x-axis and y-axis transparent. style: { border: {color: 0xD0D696, size: 1}, font: {name: "Arial", size: 10, color: 0x559330}, dataTip: { border: {color...

Unable to color a syntax which is not identified by Vim

Please, see Idigas' answer which describes best what I am trying to do. My color-theme is the following I have the following in my .vimrc hi NonText ctermfg=4 hi normal ctermfg=3 hi number ctermfg=1 hi todo ctermbg=3 The problem is at the bottom of the picture: nmap gn :bnext where all are yellow. H...

custom components with ColorPicker and ComboBox

Hi, I've a custom component with a ColorPicker and a ComboBox grouped using a ApplicationControlBar. This custom component is created at runtime using actionscript and added to the application (AIR application). When a button is clicked, this custom component is removed from the main application and added to a window to show it in a se...

How to get the Primary/Secondary color in jQuery UI Theme

Is there a way to reference the colours used in the jQuery themes without creating a simple style for each theme that I may choose to use? Example: I have some text as follows <div>Hello</div> which I'd like to be change colour in line with my theme of the day. I wish to use the primary colour from a theme (say ui-lightness) which is...

How do I change the font color in VB6?

I have some code that displays values from a record set. If the value is less than 8000, I wish to change the color of the displayed text. I tried this: If (recordset(1).Value) < 80000 Then font.color = &HFFEFEF End If But it didn't work. How do I do it? ...

Retain a random number across different functions in Cocoa?

I know how to do a global variable, but whenever I try to define a global variable with a random number function, xcode says "initializer element is not constant." The compiler doesn't want to make a variable from a random number because the random number function is not constant. How do I generate a random number and then use that s...

Change link color in RichTextBox

I have a RichTextBox which contains links posted by the users. The problem is that my RTB makes the color of the links black, and the background color is also black. This leads to the links being invisible. How do I change the color of the links in the RTB? ...

How to reduce color palette with PIL

I'm not sure how I would go about reducing the color palette of a PIL Image. I would like to reduce an image's palette to the 5 prominent colors found in that image. My overall goal is to do some basic color sampling. ...

How to calculate the average rgb color values of a bitmap

In my C# (3.5) application I need to get the average color values for the red, green and blue channels of a bitmap. Preferably without using an external library. Can this be done? If so, how? Thanks in advance. Trying to make things a little more precise: Each pixel in the bitmap has a certain RGB color value. I'd like to get the averag...

css with links

I am assisting with the creation of a new website and tend to run into simple errors as I go. The following code is being used to style a link: a.homepage-employment, a:visited.homepage-employment { display:block; padding:5px; background-color:#055830; color:#fff; width:100%; } a:hover.homepage-employment { display:block; padding:5px; ...

Change Emacs syntax highlighting colors

I'm running Emacs, editing files in C++ mode and PHP mode. I love syntax highlighting as a concept, but the default colors are a travesty. I can barely read some of them: way too dark. What is the easiest way to change their values? I can't seem to find anything about this on the web. I don't even mind changing the binary as I'm compilin...

Performance problem with large number of ColorMaps with ImageAttributes.SetRemapTable

I'm dynamically mapping colours in an image that has alpha transparency in it to another (smaller set) of colours. I've got code like: var mappings = new List<ColorMap>(); foreach(var color in mapcolours) { // Add mappings for all alpha values of the mask colour for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { var cm = new ColorMap()...

Aligning a transparent PNG over same-colored CSS background

My idea is that a PNG overlaying some text, with transparency ranging from 0% to 100%, all colored in the same color as the CSS background, would fade out the text underlying it. Turns out the transparent PNG is visible also in the areas where it's supposed to be transparent. Also, the colors of the PNG and the CSS are not the same - ev...

How do you automatically colorize program outputs in a bash shell?

I want to take any program that outputs to the screen, catch the output, and colorize certain keywords before they are output to the screen. For example, here's the normal program output: bash# <program> blah blah blah <-- this output has no color vs. bash# <program> blah blah blah <-- this output is colorful Ideally it...

Colours to PieChart in JFreeChart

I want to generate random colours which can be attractive in pie charts.I have a very poor sense when it comes to GUI.Can anyone help in writing a piece of function which generates 6 good colors that may look good in a pie chart in a random order.Right now I have hardcoded.But I don't like those colors.Please help me. plot.setSectionPai...

How do I use more than two colors using and AWT hardware cursor?

I want to use a hardware cursor for a computer game I am making, AWT allows me to do so, and specify an image to use, however it only accepts 2 colours and transparency, which is fairly limiting. I'm fairly certain that it's possible to use a greater colour depth on most current systems, is there any way to achieve that in AWT? What ab...