
Problem with icon color in .NET Windows Forms menu

I'm using VS2008 and I'm creating a Windows Forms project. The form has a menu of MenuStrip class, and the items are (surprise, surprise) ToolStripMenuItem objects. I want to add pretty icons from the FamFamFam Silk icon set. All is nice and fine, until I got to the "copy" icon. You can see it here (warning! 1MB image!) under the name "...

Algorithm For Generating Unique Colors

I am looking for an algorithm that will generate a series of colors so that the colors will be as widely distributed as possible (so they won't easily be mixed up). I have a series of objects that have IDs that count up from 1. I would like to represent each of these with a different, aesthetically pleasing, color that won't get easily...

best html css color tool

does anyone have a good link to a html color chart or tool where i can click on exactly the color i want and it shows me the html color for it. ...

Line with different solid colors, solidcolorbrush with gradient stops but without the gradients

In Silverlight (version 3 preview), I want to create a Line with different solid colors, so no gradients between colors. Basically I want to do the following: <Line X1="0" X2="500" StrokeThickness="10"> <Line.Stroke> <LinearGradientBrush> <GradientStop Color="Blue" Offset="0.5" /> <GradientStop Color="Red" Offset="1"/> </LinearGr...

Are there any good reasons for using hex over decimal for RGB colour values in CSS?

rgb(255,255,255) notation has been available since CSS1. But #fffff seems to be vastly more popular. Obviously it's slightly more compact. I know that hex is more closely related to the underlying bytes, and understand that there would be advantages in carrying out arithmetic on those values, but this isn't something you're going to do ...

Which script editor can code-color hex color values?

I frequently work with lots of hexadecimal color values in my programs. Is there a script editor that can code-color the color values, based upon the colors they describe? .. (eg #FF0000 should be colored RED and 0x00FF00 should be colored GREEN) ...

Similarity Between Colors

I'm writing a program that works with images and at some point I need to posterize the image. This means I need to bin the colors, but I'm having trouble deciding how to tell how close one color is to another. Given a color in RGB, I can think of at least 2 ways to see how different they are: |r1 - r2| + |g1 - g2| + |b1 - b2| sqrt((r1...

How can I get the color options for VS.Php working?

Hello, Recently I installed a Visual Studio 2008 extension called VS.Php, made by Jcx Software: It looks brilliant; IntelliSense and debugging for PHP! A godsend! Unfortunately, it assumes I have a white background in Visual Studio, but I have the hacker style "black terminal with green text", which m...

Simple Color Variation

I am creating a UI in which users have the ability to change color values of their pages. What I would like is to take the value assigned to their background color and lighten it a certain amount. I am just looking to achieve a highlight line without having to make new images every time. Example: The user set the background color to #E...

CSS Set Table Cell Background Color Using Text Inside Table Cell

Have basically the same problem as this - text has a background color set and is in a table cell. Text background color is only behind the text, and does not fill the entire table cell, which it should. The solution is normally to set a bgcolor on the table cell. Difference is that this occurs in many places throughout this particular w...

Java Color creation throws IllegalArgumentException when used with integer arguments

The following code when executed on certain machines in our company causes an IllegalArgumentException to be thrown: Color sludge = new Color(133, 133, 78); //throws IAE with message "Color parameter outside of expected range: Red Green Blue" An equivalent call using float arguments instead works: Color sludge = new Color(0.522, 0.52...

Accessing all the many colors of WPF, but in Silverlight

There's a wide variety of colors available when setting colors in XAML in Silverlight, but the options seem limited when dealing with setting colors programmatically. For example, in Silverlight XAML I can set a Background to "Alice Blue", "Antique White", etc. But if I try to set that same background in the code-behind, I'm limited to...

Is it possible to have a CMYK colour picker?

I'd like to have a jQuery colour picker for CMYK colours rather than RGB which is the norm. Is this even possible to do? I can't find much around anywhere other than RGB's ...

is it possible to have different colors of text in a textbox or listbox?

Hi I'm not sure if it's possible. I wrote a code like this: listBox1.Items.Add("There are " + countu.ToString().Trim() + " u's"); listBox1.Font = new Font("Arial", 12, FontStyle.Bold); listBox1.ForeColor = Color.Violet; listBox1.Items.Add("There are " + j.ToString().Trim() + " vowels"); listBox1.ForeColor = Color.Blue; When I execut...

Paint me a Rainbow

How would you go about making a range of RGB colours evenly spaced over the spectral colour range? So as to look like a real rainbow. ...

How do I change the background color of a conditional macro in eclipse?

How do I change the background color of a conditional macro in eclipse? I am using the C/C++ version of eclipse so I would assume it would be associated with a mysterious preprocessor background color setting. Thanks, Chenz ...

iPhone - How do you color an image?

I would love to know how to color an image (make a white .png red, for example). I have seen various suggestions but never any confirmation that this is actually possible. I have tried this: -(UIImage *)colorizeImage:(UIImage *)baseImage color:(UIColor *)theColor { UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(baseImage.size); CGContextRef ctx =...

Set mulitple flex slider color for a double thumb slider:Urgent

Hi ,I am using a Flex vslider with double thumb.I need a flex code which will change slider body color in such a fashion so that slider portion below lower thumb will show red color,above upper thumb will show green color and portion between two thumb will show orange color. ...

Is there an easy way to make a code TextBox?

Is there an easy way to make a code TextBox? I'm trying to make my own limited/specialized version of XAMLPad. Displaying the current XAML object tree in the top display is simple enough, using XamlReader.Parse() ... But I'd like the actual XAML code in the bottom window to show up in its appropriate colors. Here is an example o...

Find the most common colour in an image

Or color for you American fools! ;) How can I use PHP to find the most common colour in an image? ...