
How do I get the values of the Basic Colors used in the ColorDialog?

I can get the custom colours used in the ColorDialog ( by using myColorDialog.CustomColors, which will return me an array of colours as integer values. Is it possible to get the 48 Basic Colors in a similar way? ...

How to check the rgb color of the object using if condition? help me

I want to check the RGB color of the object using actionscript in flash. The name of the object is object1. I checked like this but it didnt worked. help me if (object1.color=rgb(255,0,255)) { trace("Selected Pink"); } Give me correct syntax to check the rgb color of the object ...

why are max values 240 and 239 for saturation and hue?

in colordialog why are these values the max values? to what do they correspond? ...

c# autocomplete colors, images?

Does anybody know if there is a way for the autocomplete customsource is able to contain colors or images? I would like to be able to distinguish different suggestions by color or maybe even image. It can be similar to the new firefox autocomplete addressbar. ...

How to serialize Color property as ARGB values?

I'm working with Windows Forms designer. It serializes properties of type Color as known name whenever possible. I need it to serialize such properties always as RGB, because I need it later for interop with other system, which can deserialize only from RGB values. Is there a way to serialize Color properties always as RGB values? ...

in GTK, how do I get the original normal bg color of a widget?

I do this: self.origbg =[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] and later in my eventboxes I change the bgcolor to it by doing: self.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color) However, the color actually changes! It's not the state_normal color that I get from looking at . On my Windows, it's a slightly lighter tint. How do ...

Jqgrid set cell background color

In "Custom data tooltips in jqGrid 3.4" discussion, came to know how to use setcell to change the color of the text inside a cell of jqgrid. How can we change the background color of the cell? Tried the following jQuery("#list").setCell (row,col,'',{ background-color:'red'}) jQuery("#list").setCell (row,col,'','',{ bgcolor:'red'} Tha...

VB6: Colour portions of points of a star

Hello I have found API functions to draw a star using VB6: what I need is to colour sections of each point of the star according to data-driven parameters: thus if the parameter passed is 1, I want to colour the part of the selected star point red up to 1/10th of its length measured from the circunference of the circle around which the ...

Modifying UIPickerview with custom column color

Hi, I needed to change the font and background color of the pickerview which i was successfully able to do. But there is a problem Only the views that have data are able to change the color. And the rest of the column color remains white. How can I change the whole column color and not just the label background color. (where data st...

OpenGL glColorPointer repeat colors?

Imagine that you've got one of these guys: Aka GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP. If you wanna color it using different colors, you could use: glColorPointer(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, colorArray); glEnableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); Where each "item" in the color array matches a vertex point in the strip. But what if the colors just alternate betwe...

WPF: Video colors in MediaElement different from Windows Media Player

I have noticed (on my Vista 64bit machine) that a video being shown in a WPF MediaElement has different colors than when being played in Windows Media Player. Inside the MediaElement, the video has a slightly desaturated look with lower contrast. The videos I have tried so far are WMV videos that were produced by different people with d...

Hex Colour - Formula To Make It Brigter

Is there a formula I can use to make a hex colour value brighter? ...

javascript code doesn't change font color anymore

Someone made a nice code for me, but after some changes to have the output lined out in a table, the array picks font doesn't change anymore which are controlled by the following CSS. .win { color: lime; font-weight: bold } .loss { color: red; font-weight: bold } Can somebody help me edit the code so the array picks are lime and red ...

How to change Outlook Calendar Color in C#?

Hi, I'm writing some C# code to view/add/edit AppointmentItems in Microsoft Outlook 2007. I'm accessing a secondary calendar (MAPIFolder) and I would like to programmatically change the color of the calendar. Is that possible? Thanks in advance ... ...

All the UILabels in my UITableViewCell sometimes have a black blackground color

This happens like once every 100 times I open my app. Normally all the UILabel work fine and have a white background. But every once in a while, the app opens and they all have a black background. Then it's black on black text and you can't read anything. I've tried setting the backgroundColor to white or clearColor.  Doesn't seem to...

Extracting Spot Color equivalents from TIFF

I'm trying to get the Spot color information from a TIFF file, it normally shows up under 'channels' in Photoshop. Each extra channel would have a name, which is usually a Pantone swatch name, and a CMYK equivalent. So far, I'm getting the TIFFTAG_PHOTOSHOP with libtiff, and stepping through the blocks within. I'm finding the IRB WORD...

Any other built-in light colors besides "gray" in css?

Those fit for background colors. I need as many as possible:) ...

Given a background color, black or white text?

I'm trying to find a method for determining whether to use black or white text, given a background color (as a hex value). Has anyone dealt with this before? Is there an effective way to do this? In my case, I would be using PHP to implement the logic (though any experience with this in other languages is welcome). ...

Is there a built-in C#/.NET System API for HSV to RGB?

Is there an API built into the .NET framework for converting HSV to RGB? I didn't see a method in System.Drawing.Color for this, but it seems surprising that there wouldn't be one in the platform. ...

Remove a color from a bitmap picture ?

Hi there, I'm trying to remove a color from a picture imported (JPG) in Flash CS4 with AS2. I have a bunch of JPG images loaded at launch that contain a color (flashy green 0,255,0) that I want to remove in order to see through. JPG doesn't support alpha and I don't think flash add an alpha layer to loaded file ? If the loaded image ...