
Changing system colors for a single application (Windows, .NET)

I know I should generally avoid messing up with such system settings, but my application do already use nonstandard colors and I have no influence on that. I would like to be able to add standard .NET controls in some places, but their colors do not match. I would like to have a hack that would replace system colors for this one applicat...

Algorithm challenge: Generate color scheme from an image

Background So, I'm working on a fresh iteration of a web app. And, we've found that our users are obsessed with being lazy. Really lazy. In fact, the more work we do for them, the more they love the service. A portion of the existing app requires the user to select a color scheme to use. However, we have an image (a screenshot of t...

How do I calculate a four colour gradient?

If I have four colours (A, B, C & D) on four corners of a square and I want to fill that square with a gradient that blends nicely between the four colours how would I calculate the colour of the point E? The closer E is to any of the other points, the strong that colour should affect the result. Any idea how to do that? Speed and sim...

terminal color in ruby?

hi is there a ruby modul for colorize strings in a linux terminal? ...

Eclipse is Ugly (from a recovering vim user)

So, I'm finally taking the plunge to using eclipse from vim ... but I'm having some serious issues getting over the incredibly cluttered interface and menu system. Example: right clicking in the main text area yields a submenu with ~30 items... The whole eclipse environment seems cumbersome and rather ugly. I've painstakingly changed t...

How to hide ANSI colour escape codes from fmt

I use (GNU) fmt to format longer texts with nice (‘optimal’) line breaks. However, if the text contains any ANSI colour escape sequences (which are never displayed, and only serve to colour the text when displaying it), fmt considers these as normal characters, and calculates the wrong line lengths. I’m not sure how good literal escape ...

Setting the selected font colour to be different to unselected font colour in listbox control

I've found that the font colour comes from the content (ie outside of the controltemplate) of a listbox or combobox. I'd like to have black text on white background when the items are unselected, and when selected would like black background with white text. unfortunately I've not been able to figure out how to change the text colour. I...

How do I set up emacs colors correctly?

I've set up two versions: My computer apt-get emacs 23.0.91 Remote server yum emacs 21.4 I've downloaded color-theme-6.6.0, put the files in /usr/share/emacs/-version-/lisp/, and I have this in my .emacs: (require 'color-theme) (color-theme-initialize) (color-theme-midnight) Running emacs in a terminal, all the colo...

Shell Prompt Line Wrapping Issue

I've done something to break my Bash Shell Prompt in OS X (10.5.7) Terminal. This is the PS1 that I had configured: PS1='\[\e[1;32m\]\h\[\e[0m\]:\[\e[1;34m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\$ ' As far as I can tell I have the color commands escaping correctly. However when I scroll up and down in my command history I often get line wrapping issues if the...

Windows Forms Textbox - fade-in/fade-out background color

I want to validate the user's input and I want to inform him/her about validation error with changing background color of a standard Windows Forms TextBox control. But instead of changing color immediately I would like to use a color fading effect, like here (click on input to see fade in effect, click again to fade out). Is there any ...

Change highlight color of selected text in RichEdit

How do I change the color of selected text in a RichEdit control, while the text is being selected? SetSysColor() can do it, but that changes the Highlight-color globally. Setting a CHARFORMAT2 with SCF_SELECTION, and sending a EM_SETCHARFORMAT does change the font and background color. But is only visible once you deselect the same ran...

Plot data reconstruction reading pixel colors from image files

Hi, How can I open and read colors of specific pixels of an image file in Haskell? Which packages, functions do you recommend? You can have a look at the quoted plot and the reconstructed data below for an idea on what I would like to automate. I had my way with this particular figure using Gimp and marking the points on lines manually...

Turning off chunk coloring in Emac's nXhtml mode

(load "~/.elisp/nxhtml/autostart.el") (setq mumamo-chunk-coloring 'no-chunks-colored) I currently have the above in my .emacs and the chunk coloring is still showing up. I have also tried disabling it through customize-option and then setting the state to "no chunk coloring" in mumamo-chunk-coloring. I'm using the latest emacs23 from...

How can I change te background color of a Java applet?

Greetings, So far, my code compiles, but it changes white to black and then don't want to change. Supposely it should change from red->orange->green->pink->blue->black.. public void init() { c=new Color[] {,,,,, }; btnNext = new Button("Next...

What is the best color combination for readability, easy of use, and reduced eye strain?

I am trying to pick out the optimal set of colors for a new website project. I want to do a traditional black on white look and feel for the main content. However my partner on the project wants to do a color combination that more looks like the traditional Windows Forms look and feel. Is there any research available on the best c...

C# Algorithm to Tint a Color a Certain Percent

I have a color and I want get a tint of that color by a certain percent. So 100% is the color itself, 90% is a slightly lighter color, etc. Basically, it's like adding 10% of opacity to the color, if the color is on a white background. I need to convert the color into a hex HTML color value, so I don't want transparency. Is there an alg...

How to get the color of a pixel in an UIView?

I am trying to develop a small application. In it, I need to detect the color of a pixel within an UIView. I have a CGPoint defining the pixel I need. The colors of the UIView are changed using CoreAnimation. I know there are some complex ways to extract color information from UIImages. However I couldn't find a solution for UIViews. I...

Color Reference: Where do you get your ideas?

I am the only dev in a very small IT shop and as such I have no one to turn to when it comes to the look of my applications. I am left to my own devices as to what looks good with what and what matches what. This got me wondering, where do other programmers get their color ideas? Am I the only programmer who likes all of his apps i...

How do I invert a colour?

I know that this won't directly invert a colour, it will just 'oppose' it. I was wondering if anyone knew a simple way (a few lines of code) to invert a colour from any given colour? At the moment I have this (which isn't exactly the definition of an invert): const int RGBMAX = 255; Color InvertMeAColour(Color ColourToInvert) { re...

Fastest/easiest way to average ARGB color ints?

I have five colors stored in the format #AARRGGBB as unsigned ints, and I need to take the average of all five. Obviously I can't simply divide each int by five and just add them, and the only way I thought of so far is to bitmask them, do each channel separately, and then OR them together again. Is there a clever or concise way of av...