
What is the default color for navigation bar buttons on the iPhone?

I'm adding a segmented control to a navigation bar in my iPhone app. By default the color of the segmented control matches the color of the navigation bar. I want to match the color of the segmented control to other buttons in the navigation bar (like the back navigation button). Can anyone tell me an RGB value (or a system color) that ...

How do I get two colors in one hyperlink?

Hi all, I have a hyperlink in my website that I want to be part #A0A0A0 and part #880000 for a:link and a:visited and I want it to change to part #FFFFFF and part #AA0000 for a:hover and a:active but I want it to be all one link. I have tried two solutions so far but neither worked out the way I want. The first was: { colo...

Unable set colors according to Terminal's support in .screenrc

I would like to have a if-else loop in .screenrc for the following codes such that it is run if my terminal supports 256 colors. Otherwise, it is not run. attrcolor b ".I" # tell screen how to set colors. AB = background, AF=foreground termcapinfo xterm "Co#256:AB=\E[48;5;%dm:AF=\E[38;5;%dm" termcapinfo xterm-color "Co#256:AB=\E[48;5;%d...

Find images of similar color...

Hello! Based on suggestions here @ SO, I have cataloged the average color for a set of stock images. r,g,b = image.convert("RGB").resize((1,1), Image.ANTIALIAS).getpixel((0,0)) Now, I would like to present a color wheel to the user and run a search against my catalog to find images that are the closest match to the color selected. ...

Good text foreground color for a given background color

I'm drawing a color selection button and I'm looking for a nice and simple formula to get a good text color (foreground) for a given background color in RGB. A simple try would be to just take the complement color but this will produce an odd looking button for colors like pure blue or pure red. Is there something well known that does...

Where or how I see the various SystemColors in the different themes?

We're designing a winforms app, and in order to match its appearance to the system theme we're trying to restrict ourselves to the colours in the SystemColors class. However, it's sometimes hard to choose appropriate colours without knowing what colour they correspond to in the different themes. I can see the palette for the current th...

Problem with getting Excel cell background colors in C#

I am trying to get background color of some cells in an Excel sheet in C#. I am using follwoing code for it: Excel.Range r = (Excel.Range)m_objRange[i, j]; int decValue = int.Parse(r.Interior.Color.ToString()); string hexValue = decValue.ToString("X"); So i get the long decimal value and then i conver...

Emacs term-mode colors

I used have my term-term-name set to vt1000 and my bashrc set to xterm this worked fine except that colored output did not work. Then i set the term-term-name to screen and my .basrc to screen that make the coloring work but if i type a message thats longer than the line it does not move to the next line but goes to the beginning of the...

How to change temporarily the background color of a new element added to the DOM?

Hi, I'm developing a webpage (using jquery) where the user can add new graphical controls to the DOM (for example, the user clicks on a link and a new DIV is created). How can I change the background color of this new element for a few seconds (and then it will revert back to its original color)? I want to change the color to give a vis...

How to use a SolidColorBrush in GradientStop?

We have this standard color in our application: <SolidColorBrush x:Key="ThemeColor" Color="#FF95BBF0"/> We are trying to use it as a GradientStop but get a type-mismatch error: <GradientStop Color="{DynamicResource ThemeColor}" Offset="1" /> What is the syntax to convert this in XAML, something like this: PSEUDO-CODE: <GradientSt...

Color palette (colors used) for RibbonWindow's Office 2007 Black theme?

I am using the Office 2007 Black theme for my RibbonWindow and really like all of the colors it uses. Here is the resource dictionary included in my ribbon window's resources. <ResourceDictionary Source="/RibbonControlsLibrary;component/Themes/Office2007Black.xaml"/> I would like to mirror the colors of this theme in my user controls....

Setting Label and StaticText Color property problem - Delphi 2009

When I set the Label's color e.g. on value clRed, the red on it only blink for a while. The color property still has clRed value, but in fact it has default clBtnFace color. Screenshot discribes the problem better. ...

Colorized grep -- viewing the entire file with highlighting

I find grep's --color=always flag to be tremendously useful. However, grep only prints lines with matches (unless you ask for context lines). Given that each line it prints has a match, the highlighting doesn't add as much capability as it could. I'd really like to cat a file and see the entire file with the pattern matches highlighted....

Convert .Net Color Objects to HEX codes and Back

As per the question title, How could I take a hex code and convert it to a .Net Color object, and do it the other way? I googled and keep getting the same way which doesn't work. ColorTranslator.ToHtml(renderedChart.ForeColor) Which returns the name of the color as in 'White' instead of '#ffffff'! Doing it the other way seems to ha...

Color picker does not give gradient appearance

i added below codes. But it generates to me 16 color. but i need 16 color between "red" and "khaki". i don't need gradient flow. My colors look like gradient flow. My colors must not closer to each other. Because i will use this codes return values in chart columns. they are too near each other. static class Program { [...

Coloring Image in iPhone SDK.......

i am developing a iphone app. i have a background image lets say an airplane with black color out lines and from color palette user can pick a color and fill the region of airplane....any help, code , suggestion will highly be appriciated ...

How to deal with color loss on GDI+ Image Resize?

Hello All, I am resizing images with C#/GDI+ using the following routing bmpOut = new Bitmap(lnNewWidth, lnNewHeight); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmpOut); g.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBilinear; g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, 0, 0, lnNewWidth, lnNewHeigh...

How to get CMYK value for a given PMS value?

Hi I have a PMS(Pantone Matching System) color value. I need to find the corresponding CMYK( or RGB values for that PMS value. Any links that cite the conversion or a color chart would help. cheers ...

Active Caption Text Color — detect change (in .Net)

On Vista, with Aero enabled, the window in normal mode looks like this: But maximized it looks like: Notice that in normal mode the caption is black and when the window is maximized it is white. How can I determine the current color of the window title ? P.S. I wrote a program to watch after SystemColors.ActiveCaptionTextColor, b...

Are web-safe colors still relevant?

Since the vast majority of monitors are 16-bit color or more, including mobile devices, does it make sense to even consider web-safe colors when choosing color schemes? Or is it something that ought to be relegated to history as a piece of trivia? For those of you that don't know what web-safe colors are: Another set of 216 color v...