
Mac OS X Terminal Colors

I'm new to Mac having just got one after working with Ubuntu Linux for some time. Among the many things I'm trying to figure out is absence of colors in my the terminal window - like the ones that are shown (on linux) when you run 'ls -la' or 'git status'... I just can't figure out how to activate them in the actual shell. ...

Extract list of supported HTML or X11 colour names and their RGB values using javascript

There are places to get lists of HTML or X11 colour names and their RGB equivalents. For instance we can find that "Aquamarine" is "#70DB93". Presumably the browsers know the mappings. Is there a way to use javascript to interrogate the browser and get a list of which colour names it supports (along with the RGB the browser plans on u...

Color names allowed in HTML/CSS

I know and use a few color names like 'white', 'blue', 'red', is there a complete list of colors allowed in HTML/CSS ? ...

css Gif white background stroke?

Does anyone know how to fix the white background stroke in the css that you see when a transparent gif is overlayed on a colour? ...

iphone change fill color of a shape drawn in context

I have drawn an enclosed shape using CGContext and filled a default color. I want to change the fill color on some event, how can I do that. There is only one enclosed shape in the context. ...

Do e-ink / e-paper screens work in the RGB, CMYK, or some other colour space?

Do e-ink / e-paper screens work in the RGB, CMYK, or some other colour space? Will we need to support native CMYK displays in the near future? I'm designing a data structure with colour information and want to know whether the colour part ought to support expansion beyond four colour components (for, say, CMYKA). ...

Custom NSComboBox rendering text problem

Hi, I am designing a custom NSComboBox to display the rect image as some ComboboxBg.png and set foreground (text) color to Red. To render image I am doing the following things. @interface CustomComboBoxCell : NSComboBoxCell { } @end @implementation CustomComboBoxCell - (void)drawWithFrame:(NSRect)bounds inView:(NSView *)controlView...

Javascript function to convert color names to hex codes

Hi, Is there a built-in function that would convert a color by name into its hex representation? Like I want to pass 'white' and receive '#FFFFFF'. I really want to avoid coding all hundred if's myself :) Thank you! Andrey ...

Image resize with GDI in .NET gives low saturation

I'm fighting an issue where my resized images looses color saturation when I manipulate them using GDI. I'm loading an JPG as original, resize it and the resulting image has a lot less saturation (color intensity) than the original picture. What can I do to improve that? this is my code: using ( var original = System.Drawing.Image.F...

Jtable - Coloring rows according to data within them and repeating this after the user asks for data to be filtered

The data for my table is held within the table model. Table rows should be colored white or gray. Looking only at a certain column, if the cell's value of the current row is incremented by 1 compared to the previous one the color should switch. I seem to have accomplished this by overriding the prepareRenderer method. However, the user ...

How to generate random 'greenish' colors

Anyone have any suggestions on how to make randomized colors that are all greenish? Right now I'm generating the colors by this: color = (randint(100, 200), randint(120, 255), randint(100, 200)) That mostly works, but I get brownish colors a lot. ...

crystal reports stacked bar chart looses give color

Hi i am working on crystal reports 11 created stacked bar chart which gives value depending on change of 2 columns. now problem is it looses color i give it... for example if pass = green, fail = red, awaiting = yellow after rerunning it for different parameters it changes to fail = green, pass = yellow etc any suggiestions? thanks ...

How to change the look of a disabled JButton in java

I am making a game and when I disable a button with setEnabled(false); the buttons turn grey which clashes with the other colors in the game. Is their a way to change the color of the button when it is disabled? ...

jQuery plugin to animate colors form one class to another

Hi all, There are a lot of jQuery color plugins. However I couldn't find the one to animate between css class declarations. For example doing a smooth animation from .class1 to .class2: .class1 { background-color: #000000 } .class2 { background-color: #000088 } Is this possible at all? ...

Comparing colors in Objective-C

Hi! I'm trying to determine if two colors are equivalent, using code written in Objective-C. I'm using this snippet of code to determine if the two colors are equivalent (currently for debugging purposes) NSLog(@"currentColor is %@", currentColor); NSLog(@"Adjacent Color is %@",[[buttonArray objectAtIndex:1] backgroundColor]); NSLo...

Android colors aren't reflected properly in emulator or device

I'm trying to set the background of a RelativeLayout to a particular color. However, the color that's being displayed by the emulator and by the device is off by quite a bit. For example, <RelativeLayout android:background="#e1e5e8" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="85px"> #e1e5e8 is a nice si...

How can I call the Control color, I mean the default forms color?

For instance, to make something blue I would go: this.BackColor = Color.LightBlue; How can I summon the Control color, the khaki one. Thanks SO. ...

PHP Replace Colour in truecolorimage

Hi all, I need to find a colour within an image and replace it - if it is present. All I can find is information about replacing within an indexed image. Is there an easy way to do it with a true color image? Is it more efficient to convert a true color image to an indexed one and then replace the colour? Thanks, Mark ...

PIL Best Way To Replace Color?

I am trying to remove a certain color from my image however it's not working as well as I'd hoped. I tried to do the same thing as seen here however the image quality is a bit lossy so it leaves a little ghost of odd colored pixels around where what ...

Java: Operations with Colors (add, subtract)? - Colors in a constant class

I'm working with java.awt.Color instances. Is there any way to do arithmetic operations on colors? Something like rgb(20, 20, 20) + rgb(10, 200, 170) = rgb(30, 220, 190)? What I'm trying to do: I have a gui that features a table, where if the user clicks on a cell, the other cells change color based on their relationship to the selected...