
Flex 3 loading background color

During loading of a Flex 3 built application, it always shows this blue-grayish background color. I've tried a handful of tips, building preloaders etc, and all that works, but even before the preloaders kick in, that blue-grayish color is displayed. I've tried lots of ways to change it, like editing compiler options, setting background ...

How does Windows change Aero Glass color?

I'm using Windows 7 RTM and I wonder how the control panel is able to update the Aero Glass color so smoothly without restarting the DWM (uxsms). DwmSetColorizationColor isn't working any more... ...

Colorized Ruby output

Is there a proper plugin or a class to perform background and foreground text colorization within a common output console? I remember, when programming Pascal we all used to play with textcolor(...) procedures to make our small educational programs look more pretty and presentational. Is there anything similar in Ruby? ...

Change textColor of UINavigationBar "prompt"?

Any (supported) way of doing this? IIRC it usually switches over by itself to a white color at some point when using a "darker than X" tintColor, but we seem to be just on the edge with our scheme. ...

If Form is dark, then Text on form should be Light.

Hey All, :) I have 60% Opaque form. And when the user changes the color of the form, sometimes (depending on the chosen color), they cannot see the text on the form anymore because it too-closely resembles the color of the form. So, I'm trying to do maybe an if/switch to see if the chosen BackColor of the form is either Dark, or Light. ...

jquery sorting dom elements based on its css("color")

Hello! What you can see on following page is a list of usernames in some random order. I want to use jquery to sort them in this order: red blue green purple black This is what i did so far: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { var admin = "rgb(255, 0, 0)"; var moderator = "rgb...

What is the best strategy for using color scheming tools for non-designer developers?

When making color choices during web design, I use free online tools such as ColorSchemer in which I: click on a color use the colors it suggests for me This makes my designs look better than if I chose colors freely out of a color wheel. But beyond this simple approach, what are are the best strategies for using these tools to make...

How shoud I implement an application-wide color-code in a WinForm application ?

I'm building a WinForms application, and I'm using specific colors on most controls. I do that sometimes from the WinForms designer, and sometimes directly into my code. I got a static class somewhere looking like that : public static class MyColors { public static Color DarkGreen = Color.FromArgb(0, 70, 62); ... ...

UI communication colors

I'm creating message boxes with different states. One for success, one for error. I've using colors ala But I came up with 2 colors too many. Blue and Yellow. Does anyone know any good patterns/best practices for when to use these standard "Web 2.0" colors? Thanks! ...

Generate lighter/darker color in css using javascript

Hi, let say I have #404040 color code. How to generate a new color code which is either lighter or darker by 20% (or given x%)? I need this for generate a hover color in a dynamic site (which color is changing using theme). Therefore it is not possible to use another class or :hover with predefined class. Thanks ...

Selection Coloring Algorithm

I'm trying to generate a color that could highlight an item as "selected" based on the color of the current object. I've tried increasing some of the HSB values, but I can't come up with a generalized formula. Particularly, I have problems when working with white (a brighter white doesn't look much different than a regular white). There'...

Font properties

Hi there, I have a text file with the following info in it, on a single line: -16777216 Arial 7.8 Bold (-16777216 is the color of the text in ARGB format).. How would I be able to set this text as the font properties for a label at runtime? I have googled this but couldn't find anything related specifically to my problem. Can anyon...

Regex for matching ARGB Color (-44830298)

hey all, i'm trying to get Color information that i've stored in a text file and then use that color as the forecolor for a label. BUT, at run time when i click the button to do it, it doesnt give me any error messages or anything. the code i have is below: MatchCollection lines = Regex.Matches(File.ReadAllText(Path), @"(.+?)\r\n""([^...

Tkinter how to remove existing background color of text when highlighting

I'm writing a small utility in Python that does some pattern matching of text. Text that matches the pattern the user has entered gets highlighted yellow. I'm achieving this using a Tkinter Text widget, and setting up a tag on the textbox named "match" that gives any text with the tag name "match" a yellow background. This all looks n...

How to combine red and green channels into a blue channel?

I'm porting a DOS game to AS3. I need a way to specifically format my sprite files. I need to know how to take a 256-colour paletted PNG, and save a (presumably) 32-bit PNG, where all three colour channels are summed to the blue channel only - so all colour information is contained only on the blue channel. I plan on modifying an AS3 P...

Quartz 2D: CGColorSpaceCreateLab: Purpose of range parameter?

In Quartz 2D, the CGColorSpaceCreateLab() function takes a range parameter defined as follows: CGFloat range[4]: An array of 4 numbers that specify the range of valid values for the a* and b* components of the color space. The a* component represents values running from green to red, and the b* component represents values running fro...

CMYK + CMYK = ? CMYK / 2 = ?

Suppose there are two colors defined in CMYK: color1 = 30, 40, 50, 60 color2 = 50, 60, 70, 80 If they were to be printed what values would the resulting color have? color_new = min(cyan1 + cyan2, 100), min(magenta1 + magenta2, 100), min(yellow1 + yellow2, 100), min(black1 + black2, 100)? Suppose there is a color defined in CMYK: ...

Convert integer into a color, starting at red and cycling through

How do you convert an integer to a usable color (for PictureBox.CreateGraphics)? The color should start at red, cycle to orange, yellow, etc. and come all the way back around to red again. This is in If I cannot do this, how do I use PictureBox.CreateGraphics with a hex code instead of a pen? Thanks for the help! ...

PHP - Replace colour within image

I hope someone can help, I have made a script that masks images... however it is reliant on a colour to mask with ( 'green screen' style). The trouble is if the image that I am masking contains that colour it is ruined. What I am looking to do is prior to masking the image replace any occurance of my keying colour (0,0,255) with a simi...

How to continuously fade a BitmapData to a certain color?

I'm drawing stuff on a bitmapData and I need to continuously fade every pixel to 0x808080 while still drawing (its for a DisplacementMapFilter)... I think this illustrates my problem: The simpler approach I tried was drawing a semi-transparent grey box on it, but it never reaches a single color (i....