
How to convert RGB value to color name in Silverlight 4.0?

The code : Dim myColor As Color = Colors.Red Dim colorName As String = myColor.ToString() Results in : #FFFF0000 when printing colorName to screen. Is it possible to get the color name in Silverlight without making a select case on the RGB values? ...

webcam for color tracking

I want to tracking colored-object (ex: red footboll),by using ordinary webcab "Enet" but i want to write the code (for detection) in openCV and c++, does this webcam compatabel with my code? ...

How to color a mesh with values at the vertices in WPF 3D?

We've got a sphere which we want to display in 3D and color given a fuction that depends on spherical coordinates. The sphere was triangulated using a regular grid in (theta, phi), but this produced a lot of small triangles near the poles. In an attempt to reduce the number triangles at the poles, we've changed out mesh generation to pr...

UILabel background color not updating in UITableView

I'm having a perplexing problem with a simple UILabel I put on a cell in a UITableView. I enter a separate view after tapping on a row, like many UITableViews. In there, I update the cell so that when I return to the rows, it should be updated, with this: MyTableViewCell* cell = (MyTableViewCell*) [mTableView cellForRowAtI...

Mix RGB colors (L*a*b*)

Hello! Basically I want two mix two colours color1 and color2. Since simple calculation's bring up stuff like blue+yellow = grey ((color1.r + color2.r)/2 etc) i did some research and found that apparently mixing colors in order for the mixed color to look like we expect it too (e.g. blue+yellow = green) isn't that straight forward. Wha...

Cross-sheet colour code

Hi I'm currently working on an excel worksheet and I would need help in this area: I have a mastersheet and several sheets that are subset of the master. Then whenever I change the colour code of the cell in the mastersheet, I would like the equivalent cell in the other sheet to change in colour as well. Is there a specific programme? Th...

How to set Border.BorderBrush from string

Theres a problem. I can't set value of BorderBrush fros C#-code (not in XAML): ((Border)((Image)sender).Parent).BorderBrush = "#FFBCC7D8"; How to solve this problem? ...

[Java] How can I cut an image using a color pattern?

Hi there, my name is Daniel and I'm from Spain. I am developing a small program which cuts images by the color. That's will be easiest to explain using an example image. I have got this image: And I want to create a new image just with the purple form, without the black frame. Does anyone ...

jQuery plugin: Colorpicker

Hey all, I'm using this colorpicker ( and am trying to capture the hex value so that I can use it on the server side to store the selected color. If you check out the link provided, I'm using the last option: $('#colorSelector').ColorPicker({ color: '#0000ff', onShow: function (colpkr) { $(colpkr)....

How to work with BufferedImage and YCbCr colorspace?

Hi everyone! I need to translate colors in bitmap loaded to BufferedImage from RGB to YCbCr (luminance and 2 channels chrominance) and back after process. I made it with functions used like rgb2ycbcr() in main method for each pixel, but it isn't so smart solution. I should use ColorSpace and ColorModel classes to get BufferedImage with...

Output redirection still with colors in PowerShell

Suppose I run msbuild like this: function Clean-Sln { param($sln) MSBuild.exe $sln /target:Clean } Clean-Sln c:\temp\SO.sln In Posh console the output is in colors. That's pretty handy - you spot colors just by watching the output. And e.g. not important messages are grey. Question I'd like to add ability to redirect it some...

OpenGL-ES: Change (multiply) color when using color arrays?

Following the ideas in OpenGL ES iPhone - drawing anti aliased lines, I am trying to draw stroked anti-aliased lines and I am successful so far. After line is draw by the finger, I wish to fade the path, that is I need to change the opacity (color) of the entire path. I have computed a large array of vertex positions, vertex colors, te...

Converting a number to a greyscale color in Java

Hi, I'm trying to figure out how I can convert a number between 1 and 50 to a greyscale color that could be used here: g.setColor(MyGreyScaleColour); 1 would be lightest (white) and 50 would be darkest (black). e.g. Color intToCol(int colNum) { code here } Any suggestions? ...

How to change the colors of a legend item in flex legend?

in my flex chart I changed the fill of the PieSeries to use custom colors (set colors that I was prepared to be used according to values in the data provider of the Pie Chart)... The problem that the legend that is linked to my PieChart still shows the flex default colors and not the new colors from the PieChart series! Any idea how can...

Mysql Algorithm for Determining Closest Colour Match

I'm attempting to create a true mosaic application. At the moment I have one mosaic image, ie the one the mosaic is based on and about 4000 images from my iPhoto library that act as the image library. I have already done my research and analysed the mosaic image. I've converted it into 64x64 slices each of 8 pixels. I've calculated the a...

Built in colormaps in Matlab

I want a lighter version of the "cyan" color, using the function colormap('cyan'). How do you do this? ...

Monochromatic colors in Matlab

In Matlab how can I make a function monochromatic orange (like the kind where it says "Ask Question" on the right side of the screen) ? ...

android: customized text selector

I wanted to design a customized text selector that changed the text color when user clicks the TextView. But got the following error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{}: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #55: Error inflating class here is what I have: drawable/text_selector.xml ...

Change color of title bar in cocoa

This must have been asked before, but after Googling I still can't find the answer. How do you change the color of the title bar (The bar that you can click and drag around with the close, minimize and maximize buttons) to a different color than the default gray in Cocoa? ...

Alternative to Microsoft Agent / Fix for color issue?

I've got an app that does Text-To-Speech; but I wanted to show an animated face/character to go with it. I found a tutorial on Microsoft Agent and I implemented it in my app. The problem is with the transparency color. Unless I run application in compatibility mode/256 colors, the characters will appear with a purplish-pink b...