
PHP: Change color of text based on $value

What's the easiest way to change a text's color based on a variable? For example: If $var is between 1-5, green. Between 6-10, Orange. Greater than 11, Red. ...

Visual Studio Formatting -- Change Method Color

The default appearance of a method for example, ".ToString()" is by default the color black. I want to make it a different color to stand out but I do not see any options that reference this option specifically. I remember one of former collegues showing me his VS IDE years ago and he had it setup this way but I cannot recall what he d...

How to change the font color in the textbox in C#?

If I want to upload a text file into the textbox and want to highlight certain words with a font color change, how can I do that without drawing the text? Thank you. ...

How to set a tint color for the section index of a UITableView?

Is there any way to customize the grey color of the alphabetic section index of a UITableView? ...

How do you change the link color in a UITextField?

Anyone know how to change the link color or the phone number color in a UITextField? It's nice that the detection option automatically changes the color of these things to blue and underlines them. But come on, fluorescent blue? Really? OK, it looks fine on a white background, I guess. Wishful thinking ... textField.linkColor = [UIColo...

Bash Color Variable Output

I've got a variable, let's say $x and it holds the value of I want to be able to call the variable and apply shell color to it like so: echo -e '\033[1;32m$x:\033[0m'; The problem is not the color, however, it's how the script it interpretting the output. So the output I'm getting is: $x: I need the output to obvious...

Canvas background for retrieving color

Hi, I have a canvas with a background set to be do I then extract the color from this background at a particular mouse point (x,y)? I can do this with a BitmappedImage this deals with pixels, not sure about a canvas though... Thanks greatly in advance, U. ...

Text characteristics identifier

I need an app where I can just copy a block of text and have it identify the typeface, color, size, etc. Is there such a thing? ...

OpenGL, how to set a monochrome texture to a colored shape?

I'm developing on Android with OpenGL ES, I draw some cubes and I change their colors with glColor4f. Now, what I want is to give a more realistic effect on the cubes, so I create a monochromatic 8bit depth, 64x64 pixel size PNG file. I loaded on a texture, and here is my problem, which is the way to combine the color and the texture to ...

There was a function in C to adjust background color? (It was actually a Dos Command)

Hi, I am looking for the system function to adjust background color. It was like system("color",somecolorcodes); Does anyone know about it? On Windows Xp or 7! ...

Fill 2D area bound by vertices in XNA

I'm learning XNA by doing and, as the title states, I'm trying to see if there's a way to fill a 2D area that is defined by a collection of vertices on a plane. I want to fill with a color, not a file-based texture. For an example, take a rounded rectangle whose vertices are defined by four quarter-circle triangle fans. The vertices a...

CSS::Website Design::GLASSES:: Colors for GLASSES website.

Hi I doing Glasses(optica) store website. I thinking about colors that should be in glasses website. I think about colors that connected to glasses, like in other fields that i doing websites, but the problem is that glasses can be in different colors. I will be grateful for colors suggestions for glasses store and pretty glasses website...

Can't set background colour for UIView from ViewController

I have the following code in the view controller: - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; ThemeManager *themer = [ThemeManager sharedInstance]; UIView *theView = self.view; UIColor *forBackground = [themer backgroundColour]; [theView setBackgroundColor:forBackground]; } but when execution gets to the setBackgroundColor line...

GetDeviceGammaRamp to adjust colors

Hi, I overlay an OpenGL application (c++), this openGL application uses SetDeviceGammaRamp to set the brightness of the desktop to very high (dont know why). This application is fullscreen and looks good, but my overlay is very bright. Instead of the orange color with normal brightness, I get yellow because of the high gamma. What I wa...

Converting a String to Color in Java

In .NET you can achieve something like this: Color yellowColor = Color.FromName("yellow"); Is there a way of doing this in Java without having to resort to reflection? PS: I am not asking for alternative ways of storing/loading colors. I just want to know wherever it is possible to do this or not. ...

Is there a way to measure skin tone of an object from an iphone app

Hi - Im trying to find a way to programme/buy an app to use the iphone to detect someones skin tone against an objective scale using RGB froma phot they take of themselves. Anyone got any pointers? ...

Formatting Text in C# with XNA

Hello, I'm currently trying to make a TextBox for my GUI with XNA, and I was wondering how could I find tagged text in a string. For instanceI have this kind of text: Hey there, I was <r>going to</r> the <b>Mall</b> today! So the <r> tag would represent red text and the <b> tag would represent blue text. And I want to know exactly whe...

Is there an easy way to give a MediaWiki wiki page a specific background colour?

We're looking to give pages in a specific category a specific background colour. Since every page in this category makes use of a specific template, we're ideally looking for a template change. Can this be done? ...

QTextEdit with different text colors (Qt / C++)

I have a QTextEdit box that displays text, and I'd like to be able to set the text color for different lines of text in the same QTextEditBox. (i.e. line 1 might be red, line 2 might be black, etc.) Is this possible in a QTextEdit box? If not, what's the easiest way to get this behavior? Thanks ...

How do I set the text color of a Cocoa tooltip?

I am using BGHUDAppKit for an outline view within a HUD-style (black) NSPanel. As such the text in my outline view cells is light gray or white. Unfortunately this means that when I hover to bring up a tooltip for a cell's value, it shows up as light gray text on yellow, which is illegible. How can I set the text color for the toolt...