
Change color of the iPhone screen

Hi, I need to change the color of the iPhone screen when i touch on it. The only thing i need to do is to change the color of the area where i am touching. if i am placing a star on the screen as touch then only that area color will be changed. Any idea about this? Thanks in advance, SMAK ...

Reset TextBox.Background to default in WPF so it still gets updated when system settings change

I have a TextBox that I wish to reset its Background property to its default value after changing it to a different colour. I have tried setting it to SystemColors.WindowBrush, but then, if the Display Settings are updated to change this value, it doesn't get dynamically reflected in the TextBox (it does normally if TextBox.Background h...

ActionScript 3.0 Color Output Error?

I'm employing color in a current AS3 project, and have come across what appears to be an error in the Flash Player (version 10). it might also be an error with Apple's DigitalColor Meter (version 3.7.2), which is what i'm using to sample the displayed colors on Mac OS X Snow Leopard (version 10.6.3). //Primary, secondary, and tertiary ...

How to define colors in XCodes' Interface Builder?

Hi, I would like to copy colors between elements in the interface builder or define them using RGB values. I.e. copy the background color of a button to another button without duplicating the button. Or: Enter an exact RGB code using the interface builder. Currently I can do this only programmatically but the interface builder is mea...

opengl es transparent fog in android

I was wondering why the fog i use in opengl es on my android phone isn't transparent when i set the colors alpha to 0. I set the background to transparent and it works fine and the Color class or the toFloatBuffer() method are working fine for my meshes but when i set the fog color to transparent then this fact is ignored. here is the ba...

How do I change colors for the Java Docs Hover Over in Eclipse

If you hover over a standard library Java method in Eclipse, you get a hover over dialog. How can you change the color of the text in that hover over dialog ? Thanks, Ankur ...

vs 2010 colors are darker than i set

I have "Selected Text" color set to a default value in vs 2010 RGB 51,153,253. But really in text editor it is RGB 173,214,255 that is slightly darker. The same things are with some other colors, e.g. Resharper Dead Code. What can it be a problem and how should I solve it? ...

compare a brush and color

if (backBrush == SystemColors.ActiveCaption) This fails. Says you can't compare a brush and a color. How do I find the color of the brush? ...

Does style="color: #FFF;" render as #F0F0F0 or #FFFFFF?

When defining colors using "shorthand hexidecimal" (style="color: #FFF;"), is there a defined method for expanding the shorthand? (style="color: #F0F0F0;" or style="color: #FFFFFF;") Do all browsers use the same expansion method? Is this behavior by specification (if so, where is it defined)? Does the expansion method perhaps vary betwe...

Does the .NET Framework 3.5 have an HsbToRgb converter or do I need to roll my own?

I did a search for an HsbToRgb converter in the docs but didn't find anything containing "hsb" or "hsl", so I'm guessing it just doesn't exist. Just to make sure, though, are there any classes that support this conversion? Update I ended up going with this, which is slightly different than 0xA3's. I also added an AhsbToArgb so I can co...

SolidBrush Color only returning in grayscale

The following code snippet only returns in grayscale. I have been troubled by this for the majority of the day. Any thoughts on the reason why? using System.Drawing; private Graphics _g; public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); _g = pictureBox1.CreateGraphics(); } private void x() { System.Draw...

Flex Chart Colors

When creating a flex Chart, the list of colors is always the same, something like (orange, green, blue, ... ) I imagine that the Flex Charts use any array of default colors, Is there a way to get this array ? ...

Fixing color in scatter plots in matplotlib

I want to fix the color range on multiple scatter plots and add in a colorbar to each plot (which will be the same in each figure). Essentially, I'm fixing all aspects of the axes and colorspace etc. so that the plots are directly comparable by eye. For the life of me, I can't seem to figure out all the various ways of fixing the color...

Can IDL create a contour plot colorbar like this?

At the bottom of this image, you'll see a nice colorbar that matches the colors of the graph correctly: I couldn't find anything that created a color bar with exactly the colors I wanted, it always seemed to involve a spectrum that included colors I didn't use. I have a vector of ... Color one part of text -- Listbox

In is there anyway to make a certain part of the string to have a different color to make it stand out? This doesn't work but if I could something like this string = ("How".ForeColor(red) & "are".FontColor(green)) Would it be possible to make anything similar to this in a ListBox? If this is not possible is there a way to hav...

Color generation based on random number

I would like to create a color generator based on random numbers, which might differ just slightly, but I need colors to be easily recognizable from each other. I was thinking about generation then in a rgb format which would be probably easiest. I'm afraid simply multiplying given arguments wouldn't do very well. What algorithm do you s...

Proper color names from colordialog

Whenever I run this, and open the color dialog, there are many colors that do not having a proper name, the listbox will show something like "ffff8000"(Orange-Yellow). Is there another way of pushing the proper name? Is there a proper Color Name library I can reference in code? colorDialog1.ShowDialog(); cl.Add(colorDialog1.Color...

Stable random color algorithm

Here we have an interesting real-world algorithm requirement involving colors. 1) Nice random colors: In ordeeing to draw a beautifull chart (i.e: pie chart) we need to pick a random set of Colors that: a) are different enought b) Play nicely Doesnt Look hard. For example u fix bright and saturation and divide hue in steps of 360/N...

Flex: How to change text color of component label/selected item in ComboBox?

When I set style color it changes both the text color for the selected item/component label and the text in the dropdown menu. color Type: uint Format: Color CSS Inheritance: yes Color of text in the component, including the component label. The default value is 0x0B333C. I would really like the label to be white and the text t...

How can I give a color to imagecolorallocate?

I have a PHP variable which contains information about color. For example $text_color = "ff90f3". Now I want to give this color to imagecolorallocate. The imagecolorallocate works like that: imagecolorallocate($im, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF); So, I am trying to do the following: $r_bg = bin2hex("0x".substr($text_color,0,2)); $g_bg = bin2hex("0...