
Opencv: Converting hue image to RGB image

I am trying to show the hue component of the image from my webcam. I have split apart the image into the hue component but I can't figure out how to show the hue component as the pure colors. For example if one pixel of the image was B=189 G=60 R=60 then in HSV, H=0. I don't want the draw image to be the the gray values of hue but the...

Set A Transparent Color

I have a Color, and I have a method that should return a more "transparent" version of that color. I tried the following method: public static Color SetTransparency(int A, Color color) { return Color.FromArgb(A, color.R, color.G, color.B); } but for some reason, no matter what the A is, the returned Color's transparency level just ...

Is there a tool out there that lets you print a colour chart / palette of colours used on a web page?

I want to print a table of the colours used in a web page that my graphic designer has produced - I have .png files at present and use Fireworks to view them. It would be great if there was a tool that lets you print a table with the colour and hex value so I can easily reference when programming. Anyone come across such a thing? Sounds...

Converting RGB values to CMYK

Hi all, I have RGB values that I need to convert into CMYK values. I'm using the iPhone SDK to try and do this. I have tried a couple of things, but cannot either get the values to be anything other than 0 or 1, or the K element is completely wrong (showing up as a negative number). Any help would be a life saver! Thanks in advance! ...

Four-color theorem in Prolog (using a dynamic predicate)

Hi, I'm working on coloring a map according to the four-color theorem ( with SWI-Prolog. So far my program looks like this: colour(red). colour(blue). map_color(A,B,C) :- colour(A), colour(B), colour(C), C \= B, C \= A. (the actual progam would be mo...

Jquery Too Much Recursion Error

Hi There. I hope someone could help me. I have this code: <script> $(document).ready(function() { spectrum(); function spectrum(){ $('#bottom-menu ul li.colored a').animate( { color: '#E7294F' }, 16000); spectrum2(); } function spectrum2(){ $('#bottom-menu ul li.colored a').animate( { color: '#3D423C' }, 16000); spe...

Changing color of the NSWindow titlebar

Hi, I am developing a desktop application in which I want to change the color of the title bar of the NSWindow. How exactly can I do it? Could someone help me out? Thanks and regards, Deepa ...

How do I use javascript to render blue gradient color

hi, I need to display text on a blue gradient color background within a table. How could I render this using Javascript? Thanks a lot! ...

Does XAML design mode support more color than code view?

While working with SilverLight using Visual Studio 10, I found that in design mode XAML allows a wide plethora of colors. For ex. Lime is a valid color in XAML. <LinearGradientBrush EndPoint="1,0.5" StartPoint="0,0.5"> <GradientStop Color="Yellow" Offset="0" /> <GradientStop Color="Lime" Offset="1" /> While working with code th...

How can I further optimize this color difference function?

I have made this function to calculate color differences in the CIE Lab colorspace, but it lacks speed. Since I'm not a Java expert, I wonder if any Java guru around has some tips that can improve the speed here. The code is based on the matlab function mentioned in the comment block. /** * Compute the CIEDE2000 color-difference betwe...

Programmatically find complement of colors?

Is there a way to find the complement of a color given its RGB values? Or can it only be found for certain colors? How would someone go about doing this in Java? ...

Color the top 15% of a LaTeX background in a particular color?

I have seen documentation on how to use the wallpaper package to put an image on the background, but I am looking for a simple solution to color the top 15% (or so) of a page in some color. How can I give part of the background of an output page a color with LaTeX? ...

Java - Set Color by switch case function

I want to set the color of the TextView by the function getcolorss. I tried a lot of different ways but i cant get in it. Please help me i think the solution is easy. import java.awt.*; import; public class test extends Activity { TextView text1 = (TextView) findViewById(; text1.setTextColor(getcolor...

How to make selection color be "on top" when background color for any text element is set in Visual Studio 2010 editor

Faced problem while setting background color for any element in Visual Studio 2010 editor. Selection color doesn't override this background color. So then it's very inconvenient to work with selections in editor. Case when only string literal is selected it's almost impossible to distinguish colors and see what part of string is select...

Android ListView with alternate color and on focus color

I need to set alternate color in list view rows but when i do that it removes/ disables the on focus default yellow background I tried with backgroundColor rowView.setBackgroundColor(SOME COLOR); also with backgrounddrwable. rowView.setBackgroundColor(R.drawable.view_odd_row_bg); <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <selector ...

Latex font color

I'm trying to typeset a document I'm working on. Currently I'm trying to format a piece of text such that the text consists of two colors: a fill color and a line color. In this way the header should pop out more. I found \psset with options such as linecolor and fillcolor, but I can't get it to work. Can someone provide an example of h...

color codes in textarea using jquery

Hello, Is it possible to color the user entering code (inside a textarea) using jquery. Specific texts like <h1>, <b> etc should be colored or highlighted. this helps to distinguish the opening closing tags. Please help ...

What is the best way to detect white color?

I'm trying to detect white objects in a video. The first step is to filter the image so that it leaves only white-color pixels. My first approach was using HSV color space and then checking for high level of VAL channel. Here is the code: //convert image to hsv cvCvtColor( src, hsv, CV_BGR2HSV ); cvCvtPixToPlane( hsv, h_plane, s_plane...

Qt, How do I change the text color of one item of a QComboBox? (C++)

Hi, I cannot figure out how to change the text color of one particular item of a QComboBox. I was able to change the Background color of an item: comboBox->setItemData(i, Qt::green, Qt::BackgroundRole); (Qt::ForegroundRole had no effect at all, Qt 4.6, Ubuntu 10.04) and I was able to change the text color of all items with a styleshee...

(J2ME) How do you retrieve device color depth in a midlet?

how can i determine the color depth of the display device during runtime. is this even possible? ...