
How can I generate a random human-readable colour from a seed? C#

Got a logfile, and it has all kinds of text in it. Currently it is just displayed as one colour, and each entry says something like: Log from section 1: Some text here Log from section 125: Some text here Log from section 17: Some text here Log from section 1: Some text here Log from section 125: Some text here Log from section 1: ...

Doing math with colors like SASS but in Ruby

In SASS I can do !pink = #ff43a7 !darker_pink = !pink - #333333 I'd like to the same in ruby. ...

How to determine pixel color of System.Windows.Controls.Image?

I have an Image from (System.Windows.Controls.Image). This image is positioned on a main canvas. I want to determine the alpha channel value of the mouse cursor when I click on any portion of this image. When doing something like the following, I'm getting an exception. {"Value does not fall within the expected range."} System.Except...

PHP - Possible to blend an image into a color? (Left, right, bottom)

Hello. Is it possible to blend the left, right and bottom sides of an image into a color? Lets say, I want the image to be blended into the color "#F0F0F0". I want the image to appear as an actual part of the background, so I thought it would look cool if it was blended in. Thanks. ...

Textmate is garbling Rails test output

Instead of colors I see this.. Anyone know what might be causing this? ...

Determine illuminance from RGB image

Is there a way to use camera (web camera or phone camera) as a light meter? Phone camera can grab image and get data in RGB format, but has anyone tried to determine illuminance value (in lux)? I am aware that there is no formula to do this (correct me if I am wrong), but is it possible to model it, and get an approximate value of illum...

HTML Select DropDown list with multiple colours

Hi, Is it possible to have different colours for different items in the dropdown list? Eg: Option 1 = green Option 2 = blue etc ...

Why does my JButton look differently of different computers?

I use JButtons in my application. They need to have different colors. First I used that btn.setBackground(col);. It works on my computer and on another computer my button just gray (not red, as it's supposed to be). Trying to solve this problem I decided to use images. I do it in the following way: tmp = new JButton(newIcon); Again, it...

Multi color Edit Field (Win32)

I want to create a program that will parse text for key words and make these words a certain color. What type of control supports many different colors? Would I have to create my own, or override the OnPaint() of a basic control or something? (Id like to avoid making my own control from scratch) Thanks ...

Is there a common color file including all common colors for Android application development?

It is a common thing to add a color name and a color RGB value in a config xml file for developing an Android application. It is boring sometimes for example, when I want to add color pink, I had to find some tool to show me what the exact RGB value for it and then fill it in that xml file. I am wondering is there any predefined color f...


how I can create a filter in HEADER with SIZE and COLOR using ATTRIBUTES? ...

Use jQuery to find and add an image tooltip

Hey people Okay, what I'm trying to accomplish is a simple tool tip that, when you hover over the name of a color, shows a little image of that color. The html markup looks like this: <label class="colorPicker"> <input type="radio" checked="" id="20" value="20" name="id[2]"> <img width="16" height="16" title=" DinoBlack Mat " a...

Is it possible to write to the console in colour in .NET?

Writing a small command line tool, it would be nice to output in different colours. Is this possible? ...

how to change color of text following function in javascript

Ok before i make spaghetti of this code i thought id ask around here. ive made a quiz for an online site. The answers are stored in an array, and ive a function that checks the answers array to what youve clicked. then it counts them and gives you your score. but i want to change the clor of the right answer wen the user clicks the s...

How can I import color schemes into Visual Studio 2010?

I recently came across this website:, which contains a list of color schemes that people have already created. However, I can't find instructions on how to import them into Visual Studio 2010, does anyone know how? PS: I am sorry, if this question has been asked but I cannot find an answer, through search. T...

html input cursor color

Hi everyone How to change the color of content in html input type text while entering some value. And also the cursor color when it has focus. ...

Color Comparison of two images using matlab

Is it possible to compare the color of two images using Matlab if the two images are of different sizes?The problem that am facing is that, i want to detect the presence of a colored patch in an image? ...

how to change UIPickerView style

how to change UIPickerView style i want to user image ...

Changing label color based on current label color in iPhone dev

I am having trouble figuring out the if statement code for changing the color of a UI label based on the current color of the label. For instance, if the label color is currently red and the correct button is pressed, I want the label color to change to black. If the label color is black I want the label color to change to blue. Many ...

Adding nice colors to events in FullCalendar (jquery)

In my calendar I want to colour each event in a different colour. Is there currently a way to send to the full calendar, in the JSON it expects a value for a colour? FullCalendar ...